Bathroom at the mall

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Backstory of character
Name of person giving birth: Anya
Age: 23
Pregnant with: one baby (She doesn't know she's pregnant)
Relationship status:Taken by Kyle Wood
Species: Human
Story: Anya loved shopping and always dreamed of one day going shopping for baby clothes but then Kyle enlisted in the army and was away most of the time so her dreams were dashed. Kyle came home every 3 months on leave and they were always together. His last visit was in December and it's now exactly 9 months since he visited Anya believes he may have died but never received a letter saying he did. She then goes with her friends to the mall for a bit of shopping.

Birth story
Anya hopped on the bus to the mall with her 3 friends Hope, Olivia and Jada. She made it to the mall and looked at all the expensive stuff she couldn't afford and then found a stall about the army all her friends stopped to talk to the hunky army men asking about them being single and how her friends loved men in uniform. Anya did love a man in uniform but he hadn't been home for 9 months it was now coming towards the end of September and she wanted to see Kyle again. She missed him every day and hoped he would return to her someday on a longer leave than a week "Let's keep going" Anya said calling her friends over and they all rushed over from the army stall immediately. Anya felt a pain in her stomach the minute she started walking but brushed it off as period cramps as she was due soon. The pain got worse though and Anya finally had enough after an hour of shopping she said "Can we go to a drugstore so I can get some paracetamol?My period cramps are killing me!" All 3 friends immediately pointed to the boots (Drugstore not actual boots) on the map and walked towards it. 10 minutes later Anya reached the drugstore and went in she bought paracetamol and pads because she had forgotten hers and then Hope said "We are hungry so we'll go to the food court there's a bathroom there and you can take your paracetamol with your food and put your pad on in the bathroom! " that sounded like a good plan to Anya but when she got to the food court her cramps worsened and Olivia looked back "Are you okay Anya?do you just want us to pick so you can take your paracetamol?" Olivia said "Please my period cramps feel like my insides are being torn apart " Anya replied "OW" They walked into Jolibees and she ordered a small chicken meal and sat down then she took the box of paracetamol out and opened it after she had eaten her food and popped a paracetamol pill out and shoved it in her mouth and took a sip of coke and it went down her throat but it didn't help subside the cramps at all and they got quicker "How are you doing Anya?" Jada asked while they were still sitting at Jolibees "Im fine I'm just going to the bathroom keep an eye on my stuff" said Anya taking a pad out of the packet and running to the bathroom. The bathroom was empty and she ran into the stall and sat on the toilet as pain shot through her again and then another pain 3 and half minutes later she said"Why are my period cramps getting closer together?" Anya whispered to herself as she wiped herself before putting her pad on "That's weird I should be bleeding " Anya said to herself as she put the pad back in her bag she stood up and pondered what In god's name was going on but then another pain shot through her as she stood up "It's fine maybe it's my body's way of telling me to go home " she said to herself as she unlocked the stall and washed her hands but it wasn't long before she was with her friends again and shopping.The pains were unbearable and they were on top of each other as Anya shopped for another 30 minutes before stopping from the unbearable pain "Guys I need the bathroom again! Meet me at Victoria's Secret?" Anya said Hope Olivia and Jada took her to Victoria's secret and she left her stuff with them she sprinted to the bathroom despite the unbearable stomach pain "Ah shit body I can't go home yet" she mused to herself as she sprinted into another empty bathroom and she felt pressure building up so she sat on the toilet and looked down at her vagina but saw nothing unusual so she pulled her knickers up and then her trousers but more pains came the minute she stood up then Anya felt something Pop and something gush down her leg a clear fluid on the floor "I didn't pee myself I think I'm in labour and having this baby here" Anya whispered to herself as she pulled her pants down but no one was going to save her. She pulled her knickers down which were wet and threw the trousers and wet knickers outside the stall then she rested on the toilet opened her legs and fingered herself "Ah fuck you're crowning already" she said feeling the tip of her babies head and Anya looked down and saw the tip of the head poking out her vagina. She screamed hoping someone heard her "AWOUUUGH HELP IM HAVING A FUCKING BABY AND I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS PREGNANT WITH THE LITTLE SHIT" she yelled and heard footsteps "Anya you're having a baby?" Olivia's voice called "Y-es AWOUUUGH HELP" Anya cried "Unlock the door?" Olivia asked "W-HHYYYYY?" Anya screamed through another contraction "I'm Training to be a midwife and they told me how to deliver babies" Olivia said then with the last bit of strength she stood up and unlocked the door letting Olivia in then she collapsed back onto the floor resting her back on the toilet then she felt Olivia's fingers touch her babies head and her vagina "You're ready to push!" Olivia called "Put your legs on my shoulders " Anya obliged by putting her legs on Olivia's shoulders and Olivia rubbed her thighs "Give us a push then since your crowning" Olivia called Anya Pushed and looked down seeing now a bulge coming out of her vagina "AWOUUUGH" she moaned as she pushed "Again" Olivia said helping guide her Babies shoulders out as Anya pushed Again and the rest of her baby popped out "It's a girl " called Olivia. Kyle came home the day after the birth and was just as surprised as Anya to see a baby but he was happy they named their baby girl Tiana.

Tiana Wood- Weighing 8 pounds 6 ounces

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