Home water birth

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Name: AJ
Gender: Female
Relationship status: Girlfriend of Levi
Pregnant with: 1 baby
Story: AJ and Levi met in high school as science partners. They spent a reckless night together which led to AJ finding out she was pregnant forcing them both to drop out of college. AJ is a student midwife and Levi is the most supportive boyfriend anyone could wish for. AJ and Levi didn't want to go to the hospital fearing judgement from the doctors which is why they have planned a home water birth and they can't believe they're going to be parents soon.
Birth story
AJ woke up that morning and smiled at Levi tentatively. She got out of bed and looked in the mirror at her bulging bump. Levi came behind her and put his hand on her bump saying "Can you believe in 2 weeks time we'll be having our baby. AJ said "I can't wait". She walked downstairs making breakfast and she ate but suddenly a light contraction hit AJ but she thought it was a Braxton Hick contraction. AJ rubbed her belly and the baby kicked. AJ smiled as her baby kicked reminding her of the life she carried.

20 minutes later another contraction hit AJ and she realised that she was in labour do she calmly said "Levi I am in labour" and Levi looked at her "Looks like our little ones going to make its appearance early " and AJ nodded her head as she went to sit in the living room. She sat on the couch watching the daytime TV when 20 minutes after her last one another contraction hit her and AJ calmly breathed through it. Levi grabbed her hand and smiled at his girlfriend. He supported her through the contraction and helped her remain calm.

AJ and Levi stayed in the living room and 20 minutes after her last one another contraction hit AJ and she calmly moaned "ooh" as the pain hit her. She fingered herself and she said "I'm about 2 centimeters so this should take a couple of hours" and Levi smiled "Alright babe" and they shared a kiss. 20 minutes after her last contraction another one hot her and she calmly breathed through the contraction. Levi said in astonishment "How are you keeping so calm despite being in pain?" and AJ said "Being a student midwife, I have to stay calm"

"Why?" Levi asked curiously and AJ said "If we keep calm we are reassuring the mother that we are there for her" and Levi said "It's a good job you are a student midwife and are able to keep so calm, I know if I was in pain I couldn't stay calm". 15 minutes after her last one another contraction hit her and she calmly moaned "ooh" she was reassuring herself she would be fine. Levi grabbed her hand and AJ calmly said "They're getting closer" and Levi replied "That means we get to meet our little one, doesn't it?"

"Soon" AJ replied knowing that these things take time to do. Her mother Liza took 14 hours to have AJ so she knew her birthing process was long too. AJ felt another contraction 15 minutes later and she calmly breathed through the contraction. Levi was calm too helping to keep his girlfriend calm and then AJ said "Can I go labour in the kitchen for a while" and Levi replied "Whatever you need to keep you calm baby" and he took her to the kitchen. AJ started preparing dinner when 15 minutes after her last contraction another contraction hit her.

She took a deep breath calmly and Levi could see she was in pain and smiled to reassure her this was normal. Levi put his hand on her baby bump and said "Our baby is gonna take its time isn't it?" and AJ said "Of course my love" and she went back to prepping dinner she finished and 10 minutes later another contraction hit her and she moaned calmly "Ooh" as she felt her baby moving downward. She fingered herself and she calmly said "5 centimeter progressing slowly and steadily" it had been only 7 hours since labour had started.

Being only 5cm dilated after 7 hours in labour was slow progress but she would rather have a slow birth then a fast birth. 10 minutes later another contraction hit her and she realised her water's hadn't broken yet. She knew they usually broke at the start of labour but she knew every labour was different. AJ calmly breathed through the contraction and she moved into her bedroom. She lit a scented candle it's aroma relaxing her and she felt her baby moving further downward. 10 minutes later another contraction hit her which was painful. She calmly breathed through it.

AJ laod down popping a towel on the bed and a towel behind her. 10 minutes later another painful contraction hit her and she grabbed the headboard and calmly breathed through the contraction. She didn't want to scream once.  AJ felt her baby moving more down as her bump started sagging. 5 minutes later another painful contraction gripped her and she grabbed the headboard and calmly moaned "ooh ooh" and Levi grabbed her hand gently kissing it reassuring his wife that he was there. 3 slow hours passed and not much happened as the contractions had stayed every 5 minutes.

She had officially started her 12th hour of labour at 19:10 and she was having a painful contraction as she moaned "Ooh aah ooh ahh" calmly. 3 and half minutes later another contraction hit her and she fingered herself and she said "8 centimetres dilated" as she felt pressure building up.  3 and a half minutes later another painful contraction gripped her and she decided to move into the birthing pool. Levi had filled it up ready for her birth. AJ felt another contraction hit her and she gently screamed "aargh" and Levi grabbed her hand gently reassuring her.

As she got up however, she felt something bulging out of her vagina. She felt her amniotic sac sticking out of her vagina as she was at 9 centimetre. 2 minutes after her last one another contraction hit her and she gently screamed "aargh nghhhh" and she put her feet in the birthing pool when suddenly the sac burst like a balloon and she felt fluid gushing down her legs and she sat in the birthing position in the birthing pool fingering herself she realised it was finally time to meet their little one. She was ready to push now.

However as she started pushing nothing happened. She didn't feel her baby crowning, she knew she was small and the baby was big. She tried pushing again screaming "Nghhh" as she pushed with all her might. Levi got into the water and fingered AJ and said the head was coming soon. AJ started pushing again screaming "Nghhhhh" but the head didn't drop at all. She decided to let it naturally get ready and felt her baby dropping until finally she felt something at her cervix entrance. She gave an almighty push screaming loudly "NGHHHH" but she finally felt her baby.

The head was crowning and her cervix entrance was stretched around the massive head. AJ Pushed gripping the birthing pool sides as she screamed "NGHHHHHHH" and the head started peeking out more and she felt burning as she stretched she panted "Hoo ha hoo ha hoo ha" and the head slipped out as she pushed again and Levi said "Almost there time for the shoulders" and AJ screamed "Nghhhh" and the first broad shoulder came out of her then she pushed again and the second broad shoulder came out of she felt her baby slip into the nice clean water.

Levi brought the baby up from under the water and the baby let out a high pitched cry signaling that it was okay. AJ safely delivered her placenta and cut the cord carefully. Then her husband said "So what's the gender" and she checked the baby's sex between its legs "It's a boy" and she took her bra off and let her baby boy latch onto her nipple as they shared intimate skin to skin contact. The baby fed. Levi said "What should we name him, AJ?" and AJ said "Arlo" and Levi said "That's a beautiful name, hello Arlo"

"It was my grandfather's name and I want something to remember him by now he's gone" AJ said and Levi said "I'm glad to know our baby has a name that helps you remember a family member " and AJ passed Arlo to Levi. Levi was reluctant but he gave in eventually and he took Arlo. He held him close strengthening the bond between Father and son and he said "You're beautiful Arlo, like your mother". Arlo had Levi's blue eyes but AJs cute button nose. He was a perfect mix of the pair and their family was complete with Arlo.
Story suggested by: StoriesxTeenWolf.


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