Forest birth

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Name of person giving birth: Emily Lowe
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Pregnant with: 2 baby's
Relationship status: Married to Nick Lowe
Story: Emily and Nick had always wanted a baby since they got married. The couple decide to start trying to conceive a baby. The couple's first round of natural conception sadly leads to a negative test result. 4 rounds later and 4 negatives later Emily and Nick thought they were never going to get pregnant naturally. But then they try again to conceive naturally as they do not want to waste money on IVF. It comes back positive.
Finding out she's pregnant
8 month 2 weeks ago.

They had tried everything to get to this point, Emily was fed up of all the negatives all the tests telling her she wasn't having a baby. So she looked at the test she had just done with Nick and she suddenly squealed with utter joy in her heart. Finally, after so many negatives there was a glimmer of hope in Emily and Nick's lives and Nick hugged his wife in celebration. After so many, negatives there was finally a positive result on a pregnancy test. Emily was delighted by this.

After she found out she went to the doctor who conducted an ultrasound and revealed even more exciting news "You're expecting twins" and Nick and Emily looked at each other and hugged each other again not only were they pregnant but they were pregnant with twins. Emily and Nick went home from the doctors and revealed their happy news to their families both of whom had taken the news of the pregnancy really well with Emily's mother Hannah saying "These are blessings in disguise" and Emily and Nick couldn't agree more the twins were the sunshine in their cloudy lives.

 Emily and Nick went home from the doctors and revealed their happy news to their families both of whom had taken the news of the pregnancy really well with Emily's mother Hannah saying "These are blessings in disguise" and Emily and Nick couldn't...

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Birth Story
8 months 2 weeks later

Emily put her sandals on and set off out with Nick, today they were going for a picnic in the Forest

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Emily put her sandals on and set off out with Nick, today they were going for a picnic in the Forest. Emily's bump was large because of her twins and she wore a navy dress that showed her big baby bump off. She waddled up to Nick and they held hands as they started walking away from the house. Soon they reached the trail that led them to their picnic spot it was a 6 mile hike through the forest which wouldn't take long. They started walking when Emily started having a contraction.

She looked at Nick and rubbed her belly and they kept walking but 20 minutes later another contraction hit her and she said "Nick, I think our babies are coming" and Nick said "Babe we have to keep walking" but Emily wanted to turn back, why was Nick making her walk so much. Suddenly 20 minutes later another contraction hit her which made her wince in pain and Nick saw her wince and looked broken "I was really looking forward to our picnic but we're going to have to go back aren't we?" He said but then she said "No"

But Nick said "Babe we can put the picnic on hold, you're having contractions" and Emily said "They're only every 20 minutes I can do this, I promise"  so they kept walking and then 3 20 minute contractions later they finally arrived at their picnic spot and sat on the blanket and ate. 15 minutes later another contraction hit Emily and the birds chirped as Emily quietly screamed "Argh" and Nick said "Come on let's start going back" but Emily refused to go back until the picnic was finished. 15 minutes later another contraction hit Emily and she winced again.

Nick had enough of Emily refusing to go back and he said "We're going back ,now!" And it started Emily. 10 minutes later things were packed and they we're ready to go but Emily had another contraction and she said "Ohh wait babies, mummy and daddy are out" and Nick helped her up. They started walking away from the picnic spot along the trail. 10 minutes later another contraction hit Emily and she screamed "ARGHH" loudly which disrupted the peaceful woods. They kept walking along the trail and 10 minutes after her last one another painful contraction ripped through Emily.

They were 5 miles away from the house and Nick regretted not bringing the car as Emily screamed "ARGH oh Babies... please stoppp" and they kept walking 5 minutes later though another contraction wrapped around her abodemen and made her scream "ARGH". Emily was in so much pain but kept walking close to Nick. Another mile passed and 5 minutes after her last one another contraction gripped her rocking her to her core. She screamed "ARGHHHH OOOHHHH" and her pace started slowing "Baby we've only got 4 miles left, hold in" Nick said hoping that his wife could keep going.

Nick walked with Emily and 3 and half minutes after her last one another contraction gripped her and she said "Baby these little shits are impatient ARGHHHHH" she was in so much pain 3 and half minutes later another contraction hit Emily like two little kickboxers were fighting inside her baby bump. Another mile passed and the contractions got worse as 3 and a half minutes later a very painful contraction gripped her baby bump and Emily felt pressure building up she made this evidently clear to Nick when she said "Pressure there's pressure Nick". Nick gripped her hand tightly.

3 and a half minutes later another contraction hit her and the pressure built up and Emily started waddling even more then normal. Nick noticed this and they reached the 2 miles to go mark. 2 minutes after her last one another contraction hit Emily and the pressure kept on building and she screamed "ARGHHHHH" and moaned "Oooooh" Emily kept breathing. 2 minutes later another contraction hit Emily and the pressure grew. Emily kept persisting but her pace was like a snail until 2 minutes later another contraction came. Nick knew his wife was giving birth right in the forest.

2 minutes later another contraction wrapped around Emily's abodemen and the pressure built up even more then Emily felt an immense urge to push. Nick held her hand and 2 minutes later another contraction hit but the pressure suddenly released she heard a 'POP' and fluids gushed down her leg and Nick saw the puddle on the floor and Emily screamed "MY WATERSSSS HAVE BROKEEEN" and her contractions were on top of her as she felt something crowning against her panties "Nick I think our first baby is crowning" and Emily breathed as more contractions came and Emily couldn't push.

Nick decided to stop walking he didn't want a baby in his wife's knickers so he put the blanket down and told Emily "Lay here" and she did so she laid in the birthing position and she took her panties off and Nick saw the babies head crowning on the next contraction Emily pushed and the head came out and Nick helped it. Then Emily pushed Again and the right shoulder came out then the left shoulder then the rest of the body and Nick held the baby in his arms and said "Twin 1 is a boy. Emily smiled.

Suddenly Emily felt the same pressure and Nick saw his wife's waters bulging out of her and then they broke. Emily smiled knowing her second twin was on its way and she gave a push and the babies head half crowned then she pushed again and the baby fully crowned. Nick was there while the first twin was in Emily's arms Emily pushed and the head came out quickly then the left shoulder then the right then the rest of the baby. The baby cried and Nick said "Twin 2 is a girl" and they named them Allan and Alissa.

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