On a Ferris Wheel

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Name of person giving birth: Heather
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Didn't know they were pregnant with: 1 baby
Relationship status: Girlfriend of Noah
Species: Human
Story: Heather was a College Student who loved Noah who was her boyfriend very much. One day they decide to have unprotected Sex. 6 weeks later and Heather is throwing up however she's had her period so leaves it down to a bad stomach bug. The fun fair comes to town 9 months later so Heather and Noah visit the fun fair they go on rides even rollercoasters and they go on the Ferris wheel.
Ocean, Tyler and Arie were all so jealous that I got to go to the fun fair before them. It was only because I was going with Noah though he said he had a suprise for our 4 year anniversary since we have been together since we were 13. Our 4th anniversary was today and he wanted to take me to the fun fair to do it since it was in town and that's where me and Noah had our first kiss at 14. I love Noah so much and if he walked out I would practically cry for him.

I grabbed my purse looking at my 3 siblings and I said "Enjoy family movie night!" I saw Noah's car pull up and I went out and Noah was there smiling beautifully and his brown hair was really messy. He also had the most beautiful green eyes I'd ever seen. Noah opened the passenger door on his car. He didn't drive a fancy car but I don't care because it's not about money in a relationship it's about love. I started getting bad belly cramps though as Noah climbed into the passenger seat. I knew my period was due tomorrow.

It was probably just before my period cramps. I buckled myself up and Noah buckled himself up. 20 minutes later we arrived at the funfair and as I stepped out of the car another stomach cramp hit me. Okay I could do this I had done it every month. I was after all a girl and they had there times of the months. Ocean and I didn't share a period since mine started as hers ended but it was still a nightmare in my house. Thank god mum will get menopause soon so the boys didn't have to worry much.

I felt sorry for Dad, Tyler and Arie since they had to go through having 3 emotional women at different times of the month and I was surprised they hadn't run off to Amsterdam. We queued up at the freak-out entrance which had a long queue so we just talked. 20 minutes later we were near the front of the queue when a cramp hit me I winced in pain as the gate opened letting me and Noah on. The cramp subsided as I sat in my seat next to Noah. After our ride we got ice cream. Yum.

I got strawberry and raspberry ice-cream and Noah got a Raspberry ripple ice-cream. We ate our ice-cream and let it settle but 20 minutes after my last one another cramp hit me I winced and Noah smirked "Almost that time of the month, eh?" He said playfully nudging me and I rolled my eyes. We went on the Twister next and enjoyed it so much. Then we saw the cage and we both decided to do it. There was a 5 minute waiting time so not long. Me and Noah were secured by the ride operator. Okay.

5 minutes late the ride ended. It had been 10 minutes since my last cramp so I thought they were just regularly occuring period cramps. Until 5 minutes later another cramp hit me I ran into the bathroom and when I didn't see blood I knew that these could be preparing me for my period. Noah looked worried but I reassured him everything was fine as we went to the rollercoaster. We sat in our seats after waiting 10 minutes to ride and 3 minutes later the rollercoaster ended. 15 minutes after my last one another cramp hit me. Ugh.

Noah grabbed my hand and led me towards the Ferris wheel where my suprise was waiting. We sat in our pod and Noah smiled at me as we went up. We reached the top and stopped then Noah got down on one knee and said "Heather I can't imagine my life without you, you are so perfect and funny and I'm so happy with you. Will you marry me?" and I said "Yes!" He put the ring on my finger. We didn't move. 15 minutes after my last one another cramp hit me. Why weren't we moving? Come on seriously.

15 minutes later another cramp hit me but we still hadn't moved. Oh no we were stuck. Noah grabbed my hand tightly knowing I didn't like heights. We had been stuck 25 minutes. I couldn't believe how stuck we were. Why was no one here to rescue us? 10 minutes later another cramp hit me like a truck and I groaned "Ughhh" and Noah grabbed my hand gently. I had no idea why we were stuck up here and I didn't see a queue do people at the bottom must have known we were stuck. Ugh this was a nightmare.

10 minutes after my last one another cramp hit me and I said "Something is happening, Noah! I don't why but my period cramps are getting closer!" Panicked. Noah himself looked panicked too but reassured me "Maybe it's just your lining shredding at different rates".  He could be right. 10 minutes later another cramp hit me. We  heard an announcement "Greetings all Ferris wheel riders you will be stuck on the Ferris wheel for another 6 hours due to a mechanical fault! Our mechanic is about 5 hours away from the site but could take him an hour to fix.

Oh no. 6 whole hours stuck on the Ferris wheel. Please no god please save us sooner. 10 minutes after my last one another cramp hit me and I winced in pain. Oh shit this was painful. I clutched my lower abdomen and Noah looked at me and held my hand. "It's okay well get you off this ride and get you home so you can have some medicine" he said reassuringly. I definitely needed it. An hour passed and my cramps stayed at every 10 minutes. Until 5 minutes later another cramp hit me and I groaned. So painful.

They kept coming every 5 minutes for 30 minutes so I just kept groaning. This was my most painful period ever. I screamed at the pain. It was 4 hours till the mechanic arrived and it might be a very painful 4 hours. 3 and a half minutes later a strong cramp hit me as I groaned in pain this was to much so I searched through my bag to see if I had any paracetamol. But unfortunately I didn't and nor did Noah do I was going to have to tough this out like the girl I was unfortunately.

The cramps hit at every 3 and minutes for another hour and it was 3 hours until the mechanic arrived I hoped he or she could get here sooner though. 2 minutes after my last one another cramp hit me these were period cramps now. They hit me at every 2 minutes for an hour until I felt so much pressure. I felt something bulging out of me like a balloon and suddenly I felt a pop and fluids gushed down my legs. I took my wet leggings off and wet knickers thinking I had peed myself like a child.

Only I felt an urge to push. Suddenly I realised what an earth was actually happening. I was giving birth... Those cramps weren't period cramps they were contractions. I looked at Noah and said "I'm about to have your baby, I need you to help me!" and Noah said "WHAT!" and I replied "I didn't know I was pregnant Noah!" When I started pushing I felt the head crowning then I got the baby's head into a teardrop and with one last painful push I got the babies head out. I suddenly gave another push and the shoulders came out. Omg.

The baby came out finally. I was so shocked that I had just given birth to a baby I didn't even know that I was pregnant with. Noah wrapped his jacket around the baby as it cried. I checked the private part and saw a girl private part. "You have a daughter!" I exclaimed suddenly the ride moved and we got off with our daughter in our arms. We walked to the register office and registered our daughter's birth. We named her Macy Lucas. We got home and when we walked in my house with a baby everyone was shocked.

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