Prison birth

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Name of person giving birth:Amber
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Pregnant with: 1 baby
Relationship status:Single
Story: Amber was wrongfully convicted of a crime she didn't commit by her ex-boyfriend Kylan. But after she was convicted she found out that she was pregnant with her and Kylans baby but knew there was no point in appealing her sentence. The prison guards soon learned that Amber was pregnant and they noticed how Amber was quiet rather than gloating about being pregnant. Then they learned that Amber was wrongfully convicted of the crime and have launched an appeal for release.
Finding out she's pregnant
9 months ago

Amber sat in her cell looking outside of her barred window, she had been here for 3 weeks now and she was bored. Amber luckily got the cell to herself which she found out was the advantage of being wrongfully convicted and sentenced to 4 years in a women's prison. Amber had her head down the toilet spewing her guts up and she looked pale. A guard rushed to her side and immediately said "Come with me" and handcuffed Amber and took her to the infirmary and the guard waited  with her patiently.

The nurse then said "Amber, you're pregnant!" and Amber reacted in shock and she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was pregnant with Kylan's baby and she knew Kylan wouldn't hear how she has been wrongfully convicted since they had broken up because of him wrongfully reporting her. Amber was given pre natal vitamins and sent back to her cell. She put her hand on her abodemen and smiled as she said "I can't wait to meet you one day little one" and she took her pre-natal vitamin which tasted horrible but she knew it was worth it.
9 months later

Amber sat on her cell bed looking out as the sun rose. Amber had managed to clear her name after the judge found out she had wrongfully be convincted. Amber wasn't be released until her baby was born however which she found fair as she had only just found our her name wasn't on a criminal record list. Amber clutched her belly and whispered "Soon, you'll be here" and then a female guard came into Amber's cell "Good morning Amber, you release date is tomorrow" and Amber looked thrilled as the guard told her she'd be out.

Suddenly thought Amber felt a contraction which gripped her and Amber said "I'm having contractions the baby is coming today". Amber took a deep breath and the contraction went away and she sighed realising today was the day she finally got to meet her little one. Amber clutched her belly as her little one kicked her hard. Then 20 minutes after her first one another contraction hit her and she gripped her stomach still on the bed. The female guard had alerted the nurse but Amber wanted to be alone until after she gave birth. She gripped her thin sheets.

Amber then slid off the bed and onto the cold floor and she felt relaxed there. 20 minutes later another contraction rocked Amber to the core and she kept breathing through the pain as she knew this was how she was going to meet her little one. The contraction slowed down and Amber stripped her orange trousers off revealing her silver panties. 15 minutes later another contraction gripped Amber and she realised that her contractions were getting closer together as she took a deep breath and breathed through her contraction. It was painful despite her being on the cold floor.

Amber went and laboured on the toilet as 15 minutes later yet another painful contraction hit her and she gripped the closed seat tightly and Amber screamed "ARGHHHHH" and she knew that screaming would let her get out all the pent up frustration of being wrongfully convicted out. Amber's contraction stopped and she received a birthing ball which she went and put her head on rocking her hips gently as she did so. But things got worse as 10 minutes later another contraction hit her like a train and she knew things would be getting painful sooner rather than later.

The nurse stood outside Amber's room and Amber invited her in to check her dilation and as the nurse checked her dilation she felt another contraction and the nurse looked at her and said "You're around 6 cms dilated" and left the room. Amber sat on the floor and she felt something come out into her panties so she took it out and realised she had lost her mucus plug that definitely meant that her baby was on the way. 10 minutes later Amber felt another contraction and she breathed through her contraction which again was painful so she screamed.

5 minutes later though another contraction hit Amber and she screamed "ARGHHHHH" and she clutched her belly as her baby kicked again. Amber was still sitting on the cold floor of her cell 5 minutes later when another painful contraction gripped her and she screamed "ARGHHHHH"  as it hit her and she knew it wasn't long till she met the little one she had wanted 9 months ago. Oh how she wished to take those words back. But 5 minutes later as another contraction hit Amber she decided to strip off her accompanying orange top off so she could feed.

Now she was sat in a silver bra and knickers and suddenly 5 minutes later another contraction hit her like the force of 10 thousand bricks and she screamed "ARGHHHHH" Amber wanted to curse right now she was in so much pain and things were about to get way worser as 3 and a half minutes later another pain staking contraction hit her and got the first time she screamed a curse word as she screamed "ARGHHHHH FUCK!" she took a deep breath as the nurse came back to check her dilation. The nurse checked and said "You're 8cm Amber".

The nurse left the room as another contraction hit Amber and she screamed "ARGHHHHHH SHITTTT" and she started feeling an immense pressure building up. Then things got worse again as 2 minutes later another contraction hit her and she got back onto the cold floor and opened her legs in the birthing position. Then 2 minutes later another contraction hit her and she screamed "OHHH ARGHHHHHHHHHHH OOHHHH SHIT!" and then 2 minutes later she screamed again "ARGHHHHH OH OOHHHH FUCK" and the pressure built up and then they were on top of eachother. Her contractions didn't give her a break.

Suddenly, she heard a pop and felt her fluids gushing down her legs so she stripped her now soaked panties off and revealed her bare vagina. She felt immense pleasure now as her contractions kept coming on top of each other Suddenly she felt something crowning so she put her hand down near her entrance and felt a baby's head half crowning. She got the undeniable urge to push and so she pushed and screamed "AWOUGHHAAA" as she pushed. Then the baby's head was fully crowned so she pushed again and the baby's head was fully out she screamed "AWOUGHA"

Then she pushed the shoulders out and finally the legs and she heard a babies screams "WAAH" piercing through the cell. She swaddled her little one close to her chest and pulled her silver bra down and the baby latched onto her nipple and started feeding. The nurse came in and saw the cord still attached but Amber delivered the placenta then the nurse cut the cord and checked the babies private area "Looks like you have a healthy baby girl" and Amber thanked the nurse as she held her baby girl close. "Welcome, to the world my
baby Mara"

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