You're an asshole

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It's the next morning and I honestly don't feel like going to train. The thought of seeing Pablo again just isn't fun. I'm glad I've already made friends like Yasmine and Frenkie. Yesterday after training I didn't speak to Yasmine anymore, I think she was busy with Aleix. She was paired with it yesterday for that game and I haven't seen her since. I get ready for training and leave for Carlos again. "Good morning Y/n! How was your training yesterday?' "It was pretty fun, already made a few friends." "Good to hear, the same as always?" 'Please' Carlos picks up a chocolate cake and a bottle of fruit juice. I pay and leave for training. I arrived a little earlier than yesterday, there was no one there yet. I decided to warm up a bit so that I don't have to run 5 tours. 'Amai Y/n, you're already doing well' I turn around and see Xavi standing there. "I was very admired yesterday by your skills and how you handled Pablo. Lluis gives happiness to someone like you on her team!' he says with praise. "Thank you, that means a lot to me. In my previous team, no one ever said anything like that to me, I was more the bad one.' "They're blind when they call you bad!" Smiling, he turns around and walks away to get the gear for training.

When almost everyone is there, Yasmine arrives along with Aleix; "Wellwell, who we have here, the 2 lovebirds!" I whisper to Yasmine so Aleix doesn't hear it. "Stt, it's not what it seems! We're just good friends.' She replies. 'Yes, that's what everyone says these days when they're in love' Blushing she looks away. You can clearly see how they look at each other. It was love at first sight I guess. "Today we are going to help a bit with the goalkeeper training for Marc. We're all going to shoot at the goal, you have to work as many balls in as possible and you Marc, as much out as possible' Marc walks up to the goal and prepares for all the balls he has to stop. Rapinha was first, he stopped him. He's pretty good! He left almost all of them apart from those of Lewandowski, Jordi Alba and Christensen. Now it's my turn, I get ready, take a small run-up, shoot and... it's in! 'Congratulations Y/n, first girl so far!'Frenkie walks up to me and has me a hug, in the corner of my eye I see Pablo looking at us.

It's now a break, I grab a sandwich from the table and walk towards Frenkie. I didn't want to disturb Yasmine because she was talking to Aleix. "Hey Frenkie, can I sit with you?" 'Sure, next time don't ask but just sit down' I sit next to him laughing. Actually, he's still pretty funny, especially that one story he told about shooting next to the ball during a corner kick. I almost choked on my sandwich.It was quiet for a moment and I stared ahead until I noticed someone. Pablo. He looked very angrily in our direction, it seemed as if he was watching us. "Frenkie?" "Yes?" "Do you know what's going on with Pablo? Since yesterday, he's been looking at us angrily all the time.' "Mhm, I don't know. Maybe still angry because you beat him.' "Yes probably" I mumble back.

"Okay boys and girls. Go back into your groups of 2 and then form a group of 4 with another duo.' I walked up to Pablo and just wanted to ask him who we were going to work with until he walked away to Pedri. Because I didn't know what to do, I chased him. Pedri was in a group with Sabrina, she looked at me very bitchie. Out of that hair I will stay away I thought to myself. "Now that you have a group of 4, I want 1 of you to be in the middle and try to take the ball away from the other 3. Go, let's get started!' shouts Xavi in front of the entire field.

Pedri walks to the middle and tries to take the ball away from us. It doesn't work immediately but then takes the ball away from Sabrina. I feel Pablo's eyes burning on my body but I don't care, he acts like an asshole. I tried to pass the ball to Pablo but Sabrina took it away. "Loser" she whispers to me as she walks by. I look at her strangely and then try to take the ball away from Pedri. I had been in the middle for a while and got a bit dizzy. I didn't eat much today. I tried to walk to Pablo where the ball was but collided with Sabrina. 'Hey wtf! Keep your dirty paws off me!' she yells at me. She makes me fall to the ground and lose consciousness.

When I regained consciousness, I was still in the same place but with other people around me. I think someone was measuring my blood. 'I'm okay' I say and try to straighten up but the strange people stop me. "You don't have enough sugar in your blood Y/n, here, drink some coke." Says a woman with black hair. I grab the bottle of Coke and take a few sips, immediately I feel better again. "From now on, try to take some sugar every day so that this doesn't happen again." Says the same woman. "Okay, thank you." With the help of the woman, I stand up again. Xavi comes running up to me. "Y/n, you scared us!" "Sorry, wasn't meant to be." "It's okay, just go rest on the couch." When I walk to the bank I meet Pablo. He doesn't show any emotion, he doesn't look 1 time. Why does he act like this?

"Hey Xavi, maybe I can train again? I already feel much better" I ask. 'If you really feel better you can join again, but just be careful okay?' 'Yes sure' I get up from the couch and walk back to the group. "Finally, we'll do another game. Y/n and Yasmine you get to choose the groups today.' I chose Frenkie first and Yasmine for Aleix. Pablo looked at me angrily again as always. When I didn't choose him I saw emotion in his eyes for the first time, I don't know but it seemed like he was disappointed and sad together. The match started and this time Pablo stayed away from me. I went up against Yasmine and beat her just like Pablo the previous day. I was free again and scored again. Then Ansu Fati scored and it was 1-1 and that's how it stayed. 

'Boys, tomorrow you have an important match against Real Madrid! Go to bed early so you'll be fit tomorrow! Girls, if you want you can feel free to come watch, I'll provide seats.' The boys leave the field towards the dressing rooms. Pablo walks past me and looks at me for the first time this day. I stopped him. "Pablo?" "What?" he looked straight into my eyes. I froze for a moment but then managed to let a few words come out of my mouth. 'What's the matter? You haven't dared to look at me all day.' 'Nothing' he turns to walk away but I stop him. 'You're an asshole you know?' He looked at me sadly and then walked away towards the locker rooms.

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