I think I have feelings for her Pablo

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We have been training for a few weeks now. Tomorrow Leyla has her first game with the junior team. Me and Pablo are going to watch with my family. Since she joined the junior team she has been much happier, either because she likes the team or because she likes someone, I don't know. I haven't been home much in these weeks either, I'm with Pablo more. I'm busy cooking in the kitchen until the doorbell rings. "I'll get it," I hear Pablo yell from the living room. I look over and see Pedri and Camila walking into the living room. 'What brings you here?' I ask. 'We had a proposal' says Camila, 'And that is?' 'We, Pedri and I, would like to go on a double date with you guys' Happy I turn around. 'So that means it's now for real between you guys' They nod yes. I walk towards Camila to give her a hug while Pedri and Pablo also give each other a hug. 'Well done brother' I hear Pablo say to Pedri. 'Are you guys staying for dinner?' 'Please,' Pedri replies. I walk back to the kitchen and continue cooking.

'It's really good Y/n' says Camila. I smile, I used to cook at home too when my parents had gone to work. Leyla and Liam always liked it too. 'What did you guys have in mind for the double date?' I then ask. 'I don't really know but I heard there is a fair soon, maybe that would be fun' says Pedri. 'Top idea' says Pablo. 'Aren't we going to run into too many people then?' 'Yes probably but that doesn't matter' replies Pedri. I nod and continue eating.

'I'll send you another message about the double date' says Camila as she walks out the door. I nod and close the door as I watch the car drive away. 'Kind of a nice idea right? That double date' I nod, 'I think I'm going to sleep' I say. 'Okay, goodnight love' 'Goodnight' I give him another kiss and then walk upstairs towards the bedroom.

"Are you ready?" I yell to Pablo from the living room. I can already hear him walking down the stairs. 'Yes I'm ready, we can leave' We get into the car and drive in the direction of the stadium.

'Good luck Leyla' I give her another hug before she walks onto the field. I walk to where Pablo and my family are sitting. 'And?" asks my mother. 'She says she is not stressed but I still think so' The whistle blows and the game begins. Leyla's team is good, they pass a lot and dribble well past the other team. So they will make a lot of points. In the 7th minute, one of Leyla's teammates scores a goal, I think her name is Jana. Pff, the others really don't stand a chance, it's already 4-0 for Barcelona and it hasn't been a break yet. I am very proud of Leyla and her team, who knows, maybe in a few years I will get to play with them. It is break and I see from Leyla's face that she is not so happy, it looks like she wants to say something but she doesn't dare. I walk up to her. 'Well played Leyla, everything okay?' 'Thank you and yes everything okay' I see how she puts a forced smile on her face, I know and feel that something is going on.

The 2nd half has started and Leyla goes on the attack. She dribbles past the other team like I used to teach her and as a result she scores. I stand up and start cheering, her first game and she has already scored an instant goal. She looks in my direction, already looking a little happier.

The game is over with final score 7-0. I am so proud of her, it will be nice if I get to play with her in a few years. We walk towards the exit and wait for Leyla there. 'Well done Leyla' says my father as she walks towards us. We give them all a hug, even Pablo. 'Is it okay if I go to another party with my team?' My parents hesitate for a moment but then nod yes. 'Shall I take you?' Pablo then asks Leyla. Gladly she nods, together they walk towards his car.

Leyla's pov:

My parents allowed me to stay at the party until midnight because I'm only 13 years old. We were already dancing on the dance floor for a while. 'Are you coming? I'm going out for a bit' Jana asks me. I nod and follow her. I thought we were alone but apparently there were all her friends outside, even her boyfriend. We were talking for a while until I did something I should never have done....

Y/n's pov:

I was just about to go to sleep until my mom called me. That late? 'Hey mom, what's up? I was just about to sleep' 'Your sister got beat up at the party' 'What, and where is she now' 'At the hospital' 'I'm coming right now!' I put my phone down and quickly run upstairs to change my clothes. 'What are you doing?" mutters Pablo already half asleep. 'Leyla has been beaten up' 'What!?' He jumps right out of bed and quickly puts on other clothes too.

I walk the hospital in looking for Leyla's room. 'Omg Leyla, what happened?' I see her lying on the bed, on her face there is still some blood. Leyla is silent and looks ahead. 'She won't tell anyone what happened' I walk towards the bed and sit down next to her. 'Leyla? Will you please tell me what happened?' She remains silent. 'Can I try?" asks Pablo then. My parents and I nod and walk out of the room.

Pablo's pov:

I walk toward Leyla and sit down next to her. 'Do you want to tell me?' She slowly nods yes. 'Take your time, I'll stay here' 'I have...' Tears come into her eyes. I grab her hand and look at her. 'I kissed Jana' she then says suddenly. Shocked I look at her. 'What do you mean you kissed her' 'I think I have feelings for her Pablo but I can't, I'm a girl. Is there something wrong with me? With tears in her eyes she looks at me. ''Of course there is nothing wrong with you, you are who you are and there is nothing you can do about it. You shouldn't change for others, stay who you are because there I nothing wrong with you!' 'Really?' 'Yes of course, there's nothing wrong with that at all' I can see that she is already a little bit happier. 'But who beat you up' 'Her boyfriend and his friends, they saw it and started hitting me everywhere' If I see those guys even 1 time, it won't be their best day! 'Come here' I grab Leyla in a hug.

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