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'Good morning' I say softly to Pablo. 'Good morning' I still lay on his chest with my head. Carefully he plays with my hair. 'Don't you find it strange too? First you didn't like me and now see us laying here' I laugh. 'Yeah sorry, it was a really brutal start' 'Tell me about it' I get up and walk towards the bathroom to get ready for practice.

'Your turn' I say to Pablo who walks into the bathroom after me. 'Y/n, come for a moment' Hesitantly I walk back into the bathroom. 'Which hairbrush can I use?' Again he stands in his naked upper body. 'Do you like my abs that much?' with a grin he looks at me. I give him a little shoulder push and then hand him a brush. 'Dumbass and get on with it, you're going to make us late'

'See princess, we are on time' says Pablo as we walk into the building. 'Yes, in a minute the training will start' Together we walk through to the field. 'Ah, you guys are still coming' Xavi grins at us. 'Just run the 2 last revolutions with us so you are also a bit warmed up and then 20 push-ups' Angry I look at Pablo. 'What, I didn't know he had already started, did I?' Laughing, we run along with the others.

'Pff, I'm dead! In future I'll come earlier' I mumble to Pablo after we've done the 20 push-ups. 'Loser' he says as he holds out a hand to straighten me up. Without hesitation I grab his hand, he pulls me straight but without realizing it our faces were only inches apart. I'm not sure but I think our lips were not far from each other. 'Sorry' I mumble as I take a step back. 'I better go see Yasmine' Confused I walk towards Yasmine, not knowing what just happened. Pablo remains standing for a moment and then walks towards his friends who were playing a game. Would he have kissed me if I remained standing?

Pablo's pov:

Why was I doing this? Was I about to kiss her now? Confused, I walk towards Pedri who is standing with the other boys. "Everything okay? He asks. 'I almost kissed Y/n' I say honestly. Pedri immediately turns around and pulls me along a little further from the others. 'What do you mean almost kissed?' 'I don't know, suddenly our heads were only a few inches apart' 'Do you have feelings for her?' 'I don't know about it all for a moment Pedri' 'I understand, come, let's go and clear our minds for a while' He pulls me along to the group and start a game.

Y/n's pov:

Confused I walk towards Yasmine but I am stopped by Frenkie. 'Hey Y/n, everything okay?' 'Yeah everything okay, just a little tired' I lie, he doesn't need to know this. 'Xavi just said we should make groups of 2, want to go with me' 'Yeah sure' I smile. I didn't have much choice, Yasmine was probably already going with Aleix and I didn't feel like going with Pablo. Together we walked towards the group where Xavi was going to start explaining. 'Today we play in groups of 2. You 2 have to try to hit past another group towards the goal for scoring. Y/n and Frenkie, would you like to demonstrate?' We look at each other for a moment and then nod yes. 'Who wants to go up against them?' Immediately Yasmine and Aleix raise their hands. 'I'll knock you off' I whisper to her. 'Ready? And start' Xavi gives the starting signal and Frenkie and I go on the attack. After a few passes to each other and dribbling past the others, I try to score, and I succeed. Frenkie walks up to me and gives a kiss on my head.

Pablo's pov:

I look at Y/n who dribbles fantastically past Aleix and scores but my thoughts immediately shift when I see Frenkie who has a kiss on her head. I was so angry and jealous at the same time. I walked towards Sabrina "Hey wanna go with me? Curious she looks at me. 'Sure' she smiles. This might have been the dumbest choice ever but I don't care. After what happened just now Y/n is just letting this happen.

Y/n's pov:

I smile at Frenkie. 'Sabrina and Pablo, you can go against Y/n and Frenkie now' Xavi yells at them. 'Did I hear that right now? Pablo and Sabrina? I look at Pablo strangely but he refuses to look at me even once. What is his problem?

When Xavi gives the starting signal, Sabrina and Pablo attack. Like us, they pass to each other but I managed to take the ball from Sabrina. I tried to kick the ball out of the field because then Frenkie and I had won but Pablo tackles me making me fall to the ground. Shit that hurts, this doesn't feel good.

Pablo's pov:

I see Y/n take the ball away from Sabrina and run to her. I tackle her and she feels very hard on the ground. She is screaming out from the pain. Shocked, I remain standing, not doing anything.

' Pablo! This is not a game! Why are you doing that?" yells Xavi angrily at me. Angry, I walk off the field, leaving Y/n alone. I see all the nurses walking onto the field, this was not my intention....I walk into the locker room and angrily kick everything I come across. 'Pablo' someone yells behind me, I turn around and see Pedri. 'Why the fuck did you do that' 'I have no idea okay? I was angry I guess' 'Why? You don't have any reason!' 'Frenkie kissed her' 'On her head yes, Frenkie has a girlfriend Pablo. Stop this jealous behavior and pick yourself up. Because of you she went to the hospital' Shocked I look at him. 'Hospital?

Y/n's pov:

'Your knee is not broken but bruised' says a friendly doctor. 'You definitely won't be able to play soccer for at least 2 weeks, I'm sorry' Kindly I smile at the doctor but deep inside I really don't like it. Why did Pablo do that? This morning everything was going so good and now? He also just walked away towards the dressing rooms without saying anything to me, what an asshole.

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