Double date

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I have landed in Belgium and am conducted by an employee of The Masked Singer to the studio. In the car I have to change clothes so no one will recognize me. I actually wonder if anyone will recognize me because I live in Spain. I may have played on Belgium's women's team and won The Voice but still.

'This is your costume' a friendly woman says to me. I walk around the corner and see a very nice costume standing there. 'Omg so beautiful, do I have to sing in that?' 'Yes' she laughs. I get stressed already, singing in a costume with a mask on your head. 'Will you put the mask on?' I nod. 2 women pick it up and put it on my head. 'Everything okay?" asks 1 of the women. 'Yes just getting used to not seeing much' I thought I was going to have a whole panic attack like this but I didn't mind too much. The 2 women take it off again and escort me to the woman who will give me singing lessons.

*Time skip*

Hey Y/n, today starts the new season of The Masked Singer. Do you feel like coming off with Pablo and watching it together?

I explain to Pablo what kind of program it is and he nods. I do stress to my family, who knows they might recognize me right away. We get in the car and leave in the direction of my parents' house.

'Come in' Leyla says to us. Pablo walks into the living room first causing Leyla to quickly pull my arm. 'Which costume are you in?" she whispers. 'You have to guess,' I whisper back. We walk into the living room and plop down on the couch. Mom brings out chips and drinks because it's her favorite program.

I pretend I really like it and I haven't seen it yet because actually I've seen all the songs and all the performances. 'Here is Mispoes' I hear the presenter say.

'That's a singer you can hear that' says my mother. 'I recognize that voice' says my father. I try so hard to hold back my laughter, they don't realize that i am Mispoes. I put my head on Pablo's shoulder and pretend nothing is wrong. Leyla looks my way; I think she knows that's me. After all, she is the one who has already heard me sing the most.

Pablo and I have returned home by now. We have agreed that every Friday we will go to my parents' house to watch it together, we used to do the same. 'Y/n' Pablo then suddenly says when we are watching a movie. 'Yes?' 'I know you are Mispoes' Shocked I look at him. 'What do you mean? I was here all the time' 'Not true, you were traveling' 'Yes you say it yourself, I was traveling' 'Y/n stop lying, I know your voice out of a thousand' he laughs. 'Okok, I'm Mispoes but shut up to everyone okay?' 'Yeah sure, I just wanted to mention it' 'Pretty cool that you know right away and my parents don't' He shrugs and continues watching the movie.

Camila:Hey Y/n, sad that the double date didn't happen. Do you have plans tomorrow after practice? We could maybe go to the fair afterwards x

I show the message to Pablo and he nods.

Me:Hey Camila, we're free tomorrow 😊

Camila:Okay, we'll pick you up tomorrow around 6 p.m. x

I put down my phone and crawl a little closer to Pablo. He puts his arm on my back and starts playing with my hair, secretly I really like that.

'This was the training for today. Guys, a game tomorrow. Make sure you are well rested' Xavi says to us. We nod and walk off the field. Camila and Pedri are coming to pick us up later for the double date but Pedri and Pablo must have enough rest for next match. 'What would I wear?" I ask Pablo in the car. 'Something you don't show too much in' 'Why not?' 'I don't want other guys to start wanting you, you're mine' 'I don't care if they want me, I want you and only you' I see he's blushing a little, it's kind of cute that he's so protective of me. 'I'll just wear jeans I guess' I say. 'That's perfect' 'You're cute' He looks at me funny. 'Cute?' I nod, 'You're cuter' I feel my cheeks turn red and quickly look the other way.

'Get in quickly, soon we will run out of parking' Pedri calls out to us. We quickly get in and Pedri drives off. 'We're here' I get out of the car and immediately see an attraction I want to go in. 'Look Camila, that's where we're going in' I point to an attraction that spins around and is very high. 'Forget it' Pedri and Pablo say at the same time. 'And why not?" I ask. 'Too dangerous' he replies. 'Still we'll do it' I take Camila's hand and walk with her towards the attraction. Pablo and Pedri walk behind us sighing. We immediately see people who want their picture taken with them but Pablo and Pedri walk past them and only give us attention, somewhere sweet but also stupid for those people.

"Will you guys go along with it?" I ask Pablo and Pedri. I see the fear in their eyes but then nod yes anyway. 'I don't want anything to happen to you guys' says Pedri. He walks over to Camila and has a kiss for her. All the girls around him start screaming and taking pictures. Without even realizing it, Pablo presses his lips to mine as well. I feel a lot of pictures being taken and I feel really uncomfortable. Why can't we just have our private lives? We pay and get into the attraction. (This is the attraction we go in)

'I'll never do that again in my life' says Pablo as we exit the attraction. 'It was fucking nice anyway' I exclaim. Camila nods but I can see from Pedri's eyes that he didn't like it at all. 'The boys are a little scared I think' I whisper to Camila. We giggle and walk on. 'You know what I'd still like to get into?" says Camila "No?" replies Pedri. 'In that' She points to an attraction that goes over head. The fear in Pablo's and Pedri's eyes returns. 'You'll never get me in that in my life' says Pablo. 'Then we'll go alone' I give Pablo a kiss and walk behind Camila towards the attraction. (This is the attraction we go in)

Pablo's pov:

'Come Pedri, I have an idea' I walk towards a Luna Park together with Pedri. 'We are going to try to win a bear for our girls' We exchange a little money for coins and go to the grab machine. I manage to grab a pink teddy bear after the 7th time and Pedri after the 9th time for a blue teddy bear. I hope they are going to be happy with it.

Y/n's pov:

'That was intense' I laugh at Camila. We walk towards the place where we last saw Pedri and Pablo but they were no longer there. 'Where are they' 'No idea' 'Surprise!" yell Pedri and Pablo from behind us. 'Dude you scared me to death' I yell at them. 'This is for you guys' says Pablo. They give us each a very cute little bear. 'Thank you, it's really beautiful' I say. We give each other a kiss and then walk back through.

'I think we better go on then, it's already 10pm' says Pedri. We nod and follow him towards the car. 'It was really nice today, thank you for wanting to do this with us' says Camila, 'No problem' I laugh. Pedri drops us off at Pablo's house and then drives on with Camila, 'I think I best go to sleep' mumbles Pablo. Sadly I look at him. 'Not so sad Y/n' After he said that I looked even sadder. He came to me and gave me a hug but it didn't stay that way for long. He picked me up and took me upstairs. In the bedroom he threw me on the bed. 'If you don't want me to sleep you come with me' he laughed. He takes off his t-shirt and changes shorts. He is so attractive, not normal. 'Do you want to stare some more?" he asks smiling. I nod. Laughing he pushes me back then crawls under the sheets. I quickly put on another pair of shorts and crawl close to him. 'I love you Y/n' 'I love you too' 'My love' This was the best feeling ever, I close my eyes and try to sleep. He makes me feel so safe.

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