Dungeon dive

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"We're here."

Jasmine announced as she and Arthur dismounted from their horses and made their way towards the shadowy figures at the entrance of the expansive cave. They removed their saddles and walked towards the group of individuals.

"Finally, we thought you'd never show up." A bulky man with ashen coloured hair, dressed in a gleaming silver armour, exclaimed while carrying a friendly smile.

"Our apologies, we were residing in one of the guilds northern outposts so it was quite the journey here." Arthur explained, while the man shrugged it off with easy going look.

Arthur nodded, taking a closer look at the group of individuals. They all seemed to be well-equipped for combat, wearing various types of armour and carrying weapons. They all looked rather well experienced so nothing harmful should come about.

"Allow me to introduce ourselves," the ashen-haired man said, gesturing to his comrades. "I am Garret - S rank augmenter - Dark silver core - specialist in earth magic." The man introduced himself.

Next came forward a much smaller yet well chiselled individual, with identical colour hair to Garret. "My name is Richard, Garrets brother. Similarly I am an S rank augmenter but I specialise more into fire magic - my stage is solid silver." He introduced.

Following the men, a young woman appeared, not older than 21, with a fit physique. Her hair was a vibrant shade of blonde, and her eyes were a warm honey brown hue. "A pleasure to meet you, my name is Eva. AA rank emitter." She introduced with a modest smile.

"And lastly-"

Garret was eager to introduce the last member of the group, but Arthur interrupted him with a gesture. He walked towards a girl with navy hair and a mischievous look in her ruby eyes. They stood face to face, their proximity becoming rather close. "We need to stop meeting like this, Arthur. Are you sure you're not following me?" she teased. Arthur shot back, "If I recall correctly, weren't you the one who found me originally - Caera?" Their conversation resumed both seemed unbothered by their closeness.

"Are you sure you're just friends." Jasmine's voice cut in, dissuading them from their reunion- with a hint of mockery.

Ceara looked at Arthur questioningly but he simply shrugged his shoulders. Arthur's nonchalant shrug in response to Ceara's questioning gaze was mirrored by the young woman herself. Straightening her posture, she allowed a smile to spread across her face as she addressed the group. "As some of you may already know, my name is Ceara Crestless. I hold an AA rank as an augmenter, and I specialize in wind magic and swordplay - I am at the bottleneck of dark yellow ."

The group, except for Arthur, expressed disbelief as they heard about Ceara's remarkable achievements at such a young age. Nervously turning around not sure what to expect Garret spoke to Jasmine and Arthur, "wh-what about you two?"

"The names Jasmine, AA rank and at the light yellow stage. I also specialize in wind magic, but I favor dual daggers as my primary weapon," Jasmine explained, finishing off with a court nod. Soon enough, everyone's eyes were on Arthur - a dying curiosity burning deep into the pit of their being. "And you, Arthur?"Ceara playfully prompted.

"As Ceara here mentioned, my name is Arthur," he said, his eyes scanning the group. "S rank augmenter, and my proficiency lies with lightning and ice magic. If it's okay with everyone, I would rather keep my core stage to myself."

Several members of the group appeared poised to inquire further, but an intangible energy seemed to dissuade them. There was no outward expression of intent from Arthur, yet it was as if a personification of chaos had descended upon their shoulders. Gulping a dry lump of saliva Garret shrugged it off. 

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