Dragon kings

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Shutting the door behind him, Arthur's shoulders slumped as he leaned against the wall, releasing a weighty sigh. His mother's disapproval of his extended training stint had been evident, but it appeared that Reynolds and Ellie had managed to grasp his reasons.

Following Regis's counsel, Arthur had maintained the discretion of keeping his past concealed from his parents, but speaking of that lunatic.

"Regis, get ready," Arthur's voice rang out.

The response was laced with sarcasm, "Ah, skipping our meeting with the horned goddess, are we? I'm actually with her right now. Drop by if you'd like."

Though Regis's attempt at teasing was bright as day, Arthur harbored a sincere intention to inform Caera about the ongoing situation. He recognized the debt he owed her for her unwavering loyalty. Trapped within enemy walls, she was oblivious to the turmoil unfolding back in her own home. Arthur couldn't allow her isolation to persist.

Moreover, he knew that revealing her presence might not be well-received in these unfamiliar surroundings, despite her valiant defense of students during the assault.

"Be there shortly," Arthur replied, but before Regis could fashion a comeback, radiant and intricate runes etched themselves across Arthur's form. Bending the ethereal passageways, he tore through the fabric of space itself. In a blaze of amethyst lightning, he materialized in a new room, leaving behind his previous location.

With a molten intensity in his gaze, Arthur surveyed the room, his attention settling on the sight of Regis, who appeared to be caught off guard by Arthur's unceremonious arrival.

Amidst the scene, Caera occupied a sofa, her posture curled inward as she clung to her knees. The ruby depths of her eyes betrayed traces of puffiness, hinting at unspoken tears. The facade of strength was clear, but Arthur recognized the limits even someone of her resilience could bear at her tender age.

"Leave," Arthur's mental command prompted Regis to exit the room with surprising reluctance, his departure shrouded in silence.

Unfazed by Regis's exit, Arthur approached Caera, settling down beside her. Her reaction was a mix of surprise and recognition as she murmured his name in disbelief, "Arthur?"

Responding with a reassuring smile, Arthur's concern was clearly plastered on his face, "How have you been holding up?" As she eased into the cushion, her posture relaxing, she replied somberly, "As well as can be expected."

Frustration clenched at Arthur's fists at the notion of her having to endure this situation. Caera leaned into him, her head finding a resting place on his shoulder. Her navy locks cascaded over them, enveloping them both in a cocoon of blue. Amidst it all, the fragrance of roses wafted through the air, a reminder of her comforting presence.

Breaking the comfortable silence, Arthur disclosed, "I might be leaving for a while." Caera's response was nonchalant as she shrugged, "Figured as much. Where to?"

"To Epheotus, for further training. I need to become stronger," Arthur clarified. Caera's reaction was a mixture of disbelief and astonishment as she shook her head.

"You, stronger? Are you attempting to challenge Agrona himself?" Caera exclaimed incredulously. However, Arthur met her gaze with a calm neutrality, prompting her to sigh in resignation.

"Alright, no need for me to hold you back then. But..." Caera hesitated, her grip on the hem of Arthur's shirt tightened before she drew him closer, her lips meeting his in a surprising kiss. Panic surged within Arthur, his mind racing, attempting to react, yet his body failed him. Sensations dulled as he tried to break free, but his physical form remained unresponsive, yielding to the unexpected embrace.

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