Elves, Brats and Exploding Wolves

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"Stay low, huh?" Caera questioned, a hint of sarcasm lacing her voice, her eyebrow arching inquisitively as they exited the classroom together. Arthur responded with an exaggerated eye roll, his annoyance evident as he glanced down at his schedule.

"It appears we're parting ways for now. I'll see you in my training room," Arthur waved, a playful tone in his voice. Caera quipped back with a jest, her words dripping with humor, "Just make sure you don't accidentally kill anyone while I'm not around." Arthur replied in kind, his response laced with sarcasm, "Yeah, yeah."

With their paths diverging, Arthur ventured towards the more advanced classes, ones that Cynthia had graciously granted him access to. As he traversed the corridors, he couldn't help but notice the gazes of the students around him. Some retreated instinctively, their fear openly displayed, while others simply observed him with a mix of curiosity and caution.

Continuing his stride, he arrived at a colossal wooden door, standing as a gateway to his destination. Placing his hand on the handle, he exerted a steady pull, causing the door to swing open with a resounding creak.

A breathtaking sight unfolded before him, revealing a vast open field bathed in sunlight. Students occupied the benches encircling the field, while some gathered in the center, engrossed in various activities. In the midst of this vibrant scene, Arthur's gaze fell upon Tessia. She stood there, her posture weighed down by a palpable veil of gloom, casting a somber shadow over her countenance.

A pang of guilt pierced through Arthur's heart, a sharp reminder that he had not made any effort to engage in a conversation with Tessia. However, he justified his lack of initiative by acknowledging the difficulty of approaching her given her position within the social hierarchy.

With a mischievous smile gracing his lips, he quietly maneuvered his way towards her, his voice barely above a murmur as he whispered, "Surprise." His warm breath brushed against the nape of her neck, causing Tessia to startle in her spot. Her emerald eyes widened with astonishment as they locked onto his gaze.

Before she could utter a single word, a human boy in the student council uniform charged toward them, seemingly intent on intervening. However, his intentions were swiftly halted as Tessia silenced him with a withering glare, taking hold of Arthur's hand and leading him away to a more secluded spot. The moment they were shielded from prying eyes, Arthur spoke, his voice filled with a touch of playfulness, "Did you miss me, princess?" But his words were interrupted as Tessia pressed herself against him, burying her face into his chest.

"Why?" she whispered, her voice laden with confusion and longing.

Arthur's gaze softened, his heart brimming with affection, as he reciprocated Tessia's embrace, gently stroking her hair and patting her head. "It was pretty difficult to approach you, considering I didn't hold a position that would have made things simpler," Arthur explained, a warm chuckle escaping his lips. Tessia pouted in response, her expression taking on a comical quality.

"How have you been?" Arthur inquired, genuinely curious about Tessia's well-being.

"Pretty well, actually. You've become the center of attention after what you pulled off with the professor," Tessia chuckled, finding amusement in Arthur's disbelief. "That was fifteen minutes ago" he groaned in response, still processing the sudden surge of attention he had garnered.

"And how are Brother Jin Woo and Sylvia?" Tessia asked, her curiosity piqued. Arthur's reply brought a spark of excitement to her eyes. "Would you believe me if I told you they got together?" he revealed, causing Tessia's eyes to widen in pleasant surprise. A victorious smirk spread across her face as she eagerly inquired, "When can we see them?" Memories of Jin Woo's words echoed in Arthur's mind— "You'll be seeing me plenty."

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