Death of A Sovereign

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Jin Woo sank wearily onto his bed, the softness enveloping him as he sighed with resignation. The past month had felt like an eternity on the distant shores of the Asuran continent.

Meanwhile, Arthur's growth was not just impressive; it was downright alarming. His progress was so swift that it bordered on concerning. Surprisingly, his new mentor was far from subpar. Jin Woo had contemplated turning him into a shadow, but the Pantheon Asura possessed a surprisingly decent personality, leaving Jin Woo with no motivation to end his life.

In the conversation of training Sylvie, the disparity between Jin Woo and Kezess became glaringly obvious. Their lack of cooperation became an insurmountable hurdle. The solution emerged through a mutual agreement: they would train separately. Kezess would impart his knowledge of aether arts for the next three months, and only after that period would Jin Woo step in to continue her training.

With Dicathein smoothly fending off the Alacrya invasion, thanks to the relentless purge of dungeons by the shadow army, Jin Woo found himself with an unusual surplus of free time.

Alacrya, having not received any recent reports, remained unperturbed. He had delegated the task of supervising Beast and Tusk to another Monarch, believing it would resolve the issue. Yet, Jin woo found himself torn between the uncertainty of whether it was a brilliant decision or a disastrous one.

Will that certain future would soon be told. 


Arthur's throat tightened, his breath catching in his chest as he stared up at the imposing form of Kordri. The sheer might of the asura had instilled a deep sense of fear within him, forcing him to confront the true extent of his adversary's strength.

In that moment, a peculiar transformation overcame him. His anxieties and uncertainties seemed to evaporate, leaving behind an eerie calmness. The world around him blurred and faded, replaced by an overwhelming surge of instinct and hunger. With newfound determination, he unshackled himself from the constraints that had bound his limbs, surrendering to the primal force that enveloped him completely.

As the instinct took hold, Arthur felt himself consumed by it, embracing its power without reservation. It guided his every move, compelling him to yield to its demands and revealing a clear purpose. The path forward became unmistakable, illuminated by the raw, unbridled energy that surged through his veins.

A torrent of crimson fire erupted from every pore in Arthur's skin. The flames swirled around him like a colossal vortex, obliterating everything in their path. The release of this annihilating inferno roared into the heavens, its intensity creating a shockwave that uprooted the very ground beneath him. Kordri, caught off guard, had to leap to avoid being engulfed by the destructive force.

Simultaneously, a torrents of wind tore through the surroundings, as the overwhelming strength continued to surge through Arthur like a raging tsunami. Along with this power came an intense heat, spreading from his chest upwards. This heat was not painful but rather invigorating, a fiery sensation that energized him to his core. In this moment, his vision became clearer than it had ever been before, allowing him to perceive his surroundings with unparalleled clarity.

A subtle smirk tugged at the corners of Kordri's lips within his avatar, a flicker of surprise and disbelief in his eyes.

This child was supposed to be a lesser being?

He knew it was a blatant lie to feel any shame for underestimating Arthur, but he couldn't afford to let his student show him up, could he?

In an instant, with monstrous speed, Arthur rocketed from his position, leaving a trail of crimson fire behind him, creating a mirage-like effect. His flaming fist collided with Kordri's avatar, shattering the air with a deafening impact. The surprise widened Kordri's eyes as the crimson flames obliterated his mana avatar, which erupted into scarlet shards resembling shattered glass, scattered into the void.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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