Fateful clash ~ (Season 3 Finale)

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"I'm just going to get some elixirs," Arthur waved, separating himself from the group. He glanced back to see Sylvia tying a scarf around Jin Woo's neck, causing him to chuckle. Making his way into the corner alley where the renowned elixir shop was supposed to be, he was instead greeted by a shabby and rundown entrance. "This doesn't look shady at all," Regis commented, voicing his skepticism. However, before Arthur could respond, his senses tingled, and he swiftly twisted his body to face an old man who appeared rather bewildered.

"Who are you?" Arthur said, his tone cold as he began to draw mana from his core. "Hey, hey, calm down. I'm just an old man," the stranger tried to settle him, but Arthur remained unconvinced. "Then why couldn't I sense your presence?" Arthur demanded, his suspicion evident. The old man seemed at a loss for words.

"You've misunderstood. I am the owner of this shop. How about I show you inside to see if there's anything you like?" the old man offered, attempting to diffuse the tension. Arthur let out a sigh, retracting his mana, and gestured for the old man to lead the way. Despite a lingering sense of caution, Arthur followed.

"Find anything you like." the old man gestured, his voice slightly nervous.

"Fine," Arthur responded, beginning to peruse the disheveled store. Initially, it seemed like there was nothing of interest, just a collection of useless trinkets. However, Regis alerted Arthur mentally, causing him to turn back and notice the old man nervously looking up and engaging in conversation with someone.

"Hey, old man," Arthur snapped, capturing the old man's attention.

"Sorry, did you find—" the old man's voice trailed off as a white fox leaped onto Arthur's shoulder. "Sylvie, what are you doing here?" Arthur questioned, his confusion evident. The white fox smiled gleefully, explaining, "Papa told me to come and find you. He said that the space between us and you seemed to have widened." Realization washed over Arthur and Regis.


"Old man," Arthur snarled, his voice dripping with a mixture of frustration and defiance, only to find that his target had vanished before his attention could fully grasp him. In a bewildering twist, the once-familiar surroundings transformed into a swirling maelstrom of liquefied matter, stretching endlessly into a pristine expanse of white oblivion.

"Sylvie, Regis," Arthur called out, his words infused with a commanding authority. Responding to his summons, Regis gracefully leaped from his perch, shedding his animal form to assume his human guise, while Sylvie burst forth in a dazzling burst of golden radiance, transforming into her human form as well.

"How interesting."

The air grew heavy with an eerie ambiance as an ominous and detached voice reverberated through the space, imposing its malevolence upon the trio. They felt the weight of a colossal presence bearing down upon them, overwhelming even Arthur, who stumbled to his knees. The very essence of Aether and mana seemed to swirl chaotically in response, as Arthur raised his gaze to behold a figure standing before them.

The being possessed hair as white as the abyss that engulfed them, cascading down in an ethereal cascade. His countenance appeared eternally youthful, flawlessly untouched by the passage of time. Clad in resplendent robes of gold and white, he exuded an aura of regal prestige. His earlobes adorned with earrings of the same majestic hues, yet it was his eyes that held Arthur's attention captive.

Those orbs, brimming with vitality, were twin pools of resplendent amethyst, mirroring the hue of Sylvia's own eyes, yet strikingly more severe and bereft of warmth.

"Shit," Regis muttered under his breath, the weight of the situation reflected in his pained expression. Arthur couldn't help but mirror his companion's sentiment, a surge of apprehension coursing through his veins. "He looks like mother," Sylvie whispered, her voice barely above a trembling whisper, her very being quivering in the face of the overwhelming presence emanating from the man.

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