Hello Council

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Jin woo and Sylvia embarked upon a leisurely behind the Leywin and Helstea family, away from the colossal colosseum, their footsteps measured and unhurried. Having dedicated this moment to relish the evening in the company of the Leywins and Helsteas, they indulged in the luxury of taking their time. Jin woo released a contented sigh, feeling a refreshing breath of air caress his cheeks as a gentle breeze whispered through the surroundings.

Although moments of tranquility like these might be deemed monotonous by some, Jin woo recognised their inherent value. They served as a respite from the turbulence of life, allowing for a reprieve and an opportunity to appreciate the simple joys of existence: after all...you might never know how long one could maintain them for.

"It's refreshing to see you soo... relaxed. It's rather relieving after what you showed me in the Relictombs." Beside him, Sylvia murmured softly, her hair fluttering like an ethereal cascade in response to the gentle breeze.

"Still having trouble coming to terms with it?" Jin woo questioned.

"No, not really," Sylvia responded, her words carrying a hint of contemplation. "Realizing that I had fallen in love with the Death itself wasn't an easy realisation to process. However, what worries me more is how you have managed to keep your sanity intact through it all." Sylvia concluded her thoughts, expressing her concern for Jin woo's well-being. In response, Jin woo emitted a soft chuckle, gently pulling her into a side hug, offering reassurance through his embrace.

"I don't want you to dwell too much on it," Jin woo spoke tenderly, his voice filled with reassurance. "With the passage of time, the pain gradually lessens. Though it was undoubtedly challenging initially, I found a way to navigate through it and transform the experience." His words aimed to alleviate Sylvia's worries as she nestled closer to him, seeking solace in their shared embrace.

"Are you sure that revealing yourself to the council is a wise decision?" Sylvia queried, her voice tinged with concern. In response, Jin woo shook his head in affirmation.

"I cannot afford to bring you along and risk the Asura discovering your existence. Besides, it is high time that Dicathein becomes more aware of its own circumstances," Jin woo explained, his words carrying a sense of determination. Sylvia nodded in agreement, recognizing the rationale behind his decision.

Granting her a gentle peck on the cheek, Jin woo's form became shrouded in his own shadow, swiftly disappearing from sight without leaving a trace. Sylvia's gaze lingered, marked with a mix of affection and concern, as she watched him vanish, an air of uncertainty settling in her thoughts.


"I must say, that went quite smoothly," Blaine, the esteemed king of the human domain, voiced with satisfaction as he settled into a seat beside his wife at the council table. The other members of the council nodded in unanimous agreement, affirming the positive outcome of the recent announcement.

A smile of fulfillment graced Blaine's countenance as he realized that his grand vision of using the Council as a strategic leverage to ascend as the supreme ruler of Dicathein was gradually materializing. The notion of uniting their once fragmented continent, which had seemed like an unattainable dream mere years ago, now surged forward with remarkable swiftness. This swift progress owed itself to the cooperative efforts of the three races, harmoniously working together towards a shared destiny.

Blaine's thoughts were momentarily interrupted as Alduin's remark brought his attention back to the present. "Indeed, much of this progress can be attributed to the dedication of our esteemed lances," Alduin's words resonated in the room, acknowledging the instrumental role played by these elite warriors.

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