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Caera's feet pounded against the rugged terrain, each step echoing through the vast expanse. With determined resolve, she ventured deeper into the dimly lit cave, the mysterious hooded figures parting like a wave before her presence. The sight of her exposed obsidian horns commanded both fear and respect, carving a path for her to follow.

As she continued her relentless stride, Caera's attention was drawn to a figure ahead. Adorned with fiery orange hair and a disconcerting mask. Caera's fists clenched tightly, fueling her determination as she took a bold step forward. Standing in her way were two loyal cultists, positioning themselves defensively to protect their leader.

"Easy there," the masked figure spoke, annoyance lacing his words. "You wouldn't want me to send a message home. You know the consequences of disobeying me. So why the agitation?"

Caera's response was a mere click of her tongue, her eyes narrowing with a mix of irritation and determination. Stepping closer to confront the defiant duo, she refused to be swayed by their dismissive behavior. With a sinister smile, he provoked her further, his voice dripping with malice.

"Come on, let's go and witness the impending massacre together," He suggested, his tone oozing with malevolence.

In response, Caera regarded him with a mixture of disdain and sorrow, her face mirroring her disgust. Reluctantly, she followed him, her heart heavy with sorrow but her resolve unyielding.


Arthur's heart pounded within his chest as he stormed towards the imposing barrier that surrounded Xyrus. The shouts of Regis and Sylvie echoed in his ears, mingling with the desperate cries of his family, who bravely followed him through the chaos. The air crackled with tension as the Lances landed nearby, their presence causing Arthur's loved ones to freeze in their tracks, their eyes filled with a mix of fear and awe.

"Arthur, wait!!" Aya's voice pleaded, her words carried away by the tumultuous wind. She could see the determination etched upon his face, but she refused to let him face this alone.

Before he could take another step closer to the barrier, he abruptly turned to face her. The expression on his face was devoid of any emotion, as if his very soul had been replaced by an ancient abyss. Deep, dark symphonies reverberated around him, evoking a sense of foreboding that sent shivers down Aya's spine.

"Stay away" Arthur's voice resonated, but it was not the voice she knew. It sounded older, darker, and more eldritch than ever before. The familiarity of it sent a chill through her entire being. She stared at him, her eyes widening with a mixture of disbelief and terror, as his intent leaked from him, trickling out like a steady stream of malevolence. Hatred burned within him, erasing any trace of restraint or mercy.

Destruction mana, raw and potent, seeped away from Arthur, as if drawn to his very essence. It surged towards the barrier, tearing through it with an unstoppable force, as if the once impenetrable obstacle were nothing more than a flimsy sheet of paper. The crackling energy danced and twisted, a furious display of power and defiance against all that stood in Arthur's path.

With determined steps, Arthur followed the bloody path left by the attackers, his heart pounding in his chest. "Sylvie, heal the injured. Regis, kill the beasts," he coldly ordered, his words slicing through the chaos. The young boy and girl swiftly obeyed, their expressions steely as they moved to their designated tasks alongside the Lances.

It didn't take long for Arthur's eyes to land upon the students trapped within a barrier, their faces etched with terror and desperation. His gaze fell upon Theo's scorched body, a grim reminder of the brutality they had faced. And there, nearby, lay Doeidra's decapitated head, a sight that sent a shiver down Arthur's spine. The horror of it all made his blood run cold, fueling the inferno of rage that burned within him.

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