Chapter 20

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Aigami sat swirling his drink before taking a sip. He looked to his coffee table picking up a peice of paper which read.

"Your Cordially Invited to the Yami Sennen memorial duel gathering."

Aigami smirked. " Ill make sure it will be a night to remember for the Motous and Atemu Sennen.

At the Kaiba mansion Atemu sat looking up some more information on Diva Aigami.


Meanwhile Yami had arrived back at the hospital. He stood gazing out at the storm outside.

His eyes gazed up to the sky as he placed his ghostly hand on the window. " Is it wrong that I want to stay with my loved ones... Is there a way I can get a second chance." He whispered solemnly.

He moved away towards his sleeping love. Yami smiled warming, gently brushing away her blonde bangs from her face. Yami carefully lay beside his lover.

Nixie snuggled close to him knowing he was near her. He smiled placing an arm around her. She slowly opened her eyes a little. " Y..Yami...."

Yami smiled at her stroking her cheek." I'm here, I'll protect you as best I can.. "

Nixie snuggled into him more falling peaceful back to sleep knowing she would be protected. The two lay lovingly together.

As Atemu continued working was busy just then his phone went off, he took it out of his pocket to see the caller ID it was Yugi. He answered. "Hey Yugi..."

Joey walked back Atemu's room, he overheard Atemu trying to calm Yugi down on the other side of the door

"Whoa Yugi slow down...., wait so Yami was right about Aigmai? The hotel room wait how? Yami came to you, its ok Yugi I was upset but were all hurting wait your coming over? "

Yugi had gotten ready to meet with his husband he was thankful that Anzu and Honda were still around. "I owe you guys a really big favour but I need to go to atemu. "

"Why are you in such a rush its lashing out "he questioned.

Anzu also shared her concerns she knew it had been a rocky few week for both of them but didn't question it. "You Go, Yugi we'll be fine. " Yugi didn't listen to his friends as he rushed out the house, he needed his beloved husband.

He ran throw the streets of Domino city as fast as he could go till, he got to the Kaiba mansion Yugi was soaked head to toe but he didn't care he ran to the door, ringing the bell and banging the door as loud as he could he hoped it would Atemu that answered.

Atemu spotted Yugi running from the gates as he walked down the stairs to the ground floor, he heard the door banging frantically his heart skipped a beat as he opened the door revealing a soaking wet Yugi...

" Yugi....." Atemu was cut off when Yugi jumped into his arms, kissed him with such longing he stumbled backwards but gained his balance as he kissed Yugi back.

"I'm so sorry Atemu I'm so sorry, I spoke to Yami and we both figured out it's Diva it's him all along. "he clinging onto his husband for dear life. Atemu was shocked but didn't ruin the moment he

just rested his chin on his husband's head. He was more shocked on been clung too.

"First thing is first, you better get dried off. I don't want you to catch a death and end up like brother dearest." Atemu said with a warm smile. " Then we can talk about thing's."

Yugi chuckled at Atemu's poor joke it didn't bother him if he got sick, Right now he was with Atemu.

Atemu left the returning few minutes later with a towel for his husband dry off, taking him to his room the two spoke as they walked up the grand stair case. "So you had an interesting conversation with my brother? "

He spoke calmly.

"Yeah, He was kind of pissed at me though, I don't blame him for the way I treated you."

Without warning Atemu leant down kissing Yugi softy on the lips. "What was that for? " Atemu smiled. "Because I missed you " Yugi blushed a little as they continued to on reaching his room which they entered.

"So, What did Yami actually tell you? And I hope you weren't to scared, I can say you're not going nuts his spirit is still around I had a talk with him too"

Yugi sighed in relief at that. "Well Cut long story short, he came to me in a dream he informed me he can communicate with you and my sister like a person but he's not visible to anyone else. "

Atemu sat down on the best next to Yugi, "We got talking about back in high school, he brought up the name Diva was, he said you were in danger still and I freaked and now I'm here. "

"I'm safe as you can see?" The only made Yugi's concerns grow more. " Atemu whatever research you're doing please don't do anything stupid, Our son needs you, I need you." he spoke clinging to husband's once more.

Atemu Sighed " I'm not going anywhere Yugi " Yugi wasn't so sure after what Yami had told him. He knew Diva could plan or do anything to harm them. He just stayed close to Atemu.

Just then Atemu's phone rang it was Seto. 

"Sennen I got some to look into the school records, and you where right, that little slim ball is Diva Agiami. He is also taking part in the memorial duel in 2 days time."

Atemu almost dropped his phone at that he growling loudly. "Seto you better be Fucking joking that he's invited!!!! "

Yugi looked up at him in worry " A-Atemu? " he Spoke softly getting his husband's attention.

Seto heard Yugi's voice from the other end of the phone, "Put me on loud speaker Atemu. "

Atemu done so that Yugi could hear the conversation as well. " Seto we just pieced the puzzle together just before you called actually, The fact you've confirmed it all I'm even more afraid for my husband and family if he's invited them. "

Yugi looking to his husband with fear in his eyes. "He's planning something and he is going to use this Duel event I just know it "

"We'll sort this stop worrying ok" Atemu said in a reasuring tone. "thank you Seto for confirming everything for us "

"I understand Yugi's concern Atemu, you better listen to him this time Cause I'm not taking your sorry ass into my home again...." He spoke down the phone. "I'll leave you high and soaking wet so you can sort your mistakes."

Atemu gulped knowing Seto wasn't joking. "We need to sort, Seto We will be attending memorial duel party, gives me a chance to comfort Diva he'll pay for what he done to my brother."

Atemu was angry that the manipulative conniving little slim ball was invited to take part with the other duellist, he knew this was his plan to get his ultimate revenge on the Mouto-Sennens, but there nothing he could do Atemu had to now try and confront him in one say, Atemu had to make sure it was a duel. 

"I'm gonna to make sure he suffers, we were stupid teenagers back then Yami just loved playing around he meant no harm to Diva in any way it was harmless bickering he went too far".

The sound of Seto's voice sighing "Look we've found out what happened.. you finally got your brother closure Sennen but Diva is dangerous think about what you're doing if you get caught up in that? "

Yugi agreed with what Seto said on this one looking into Atemu's eyes. " Seto's right".

Atemu sighed he needed a way seek a way in Finding diva his mind was made up "Sorry but until he's defeated my brother won't be at rest. "

Yugi and Seto knew Atemu too well they know he wasn't going to rest until Diva was brought to justice. The two gave him and where willing to show their support and stand by him.

Unknown to them things were about to come to a rather dangerous conclusion.

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