The water village and the earth village (Pt.2)

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Samira's POV:

,,So you're also the ones' who saved the fire village from the monsters and the beast that have destroyed so much in there?" Buroop asked. ,,Yes. That probably is what Hydrara tried to explain to you." Link said. ,,But now we're here to save your village from the monsters and the beast." I said. ,,But it will take us some time to fight all the monsters, and even get to the beast in the time and fight that one, too." I exp,ained in addition to my last sentence.

,,Alright. Well, I don't know where exactly the beast is, but maybe you just have to go where you see the most monsters." Buroop told us and showed us a place a bit further away, where many monsters stood. ,,Alright, then let's get going and save this village." Link ki d of yelled and looked at us with a smile on his face.

We said goodbye to Hydrara and Buroop and made our way to find the beast that should be fought.

Lenny's POV:

,,Oh well, we gotta keep going now. Good luck on your walk now." I said as a goodbye to Kaiya, who we just have saved from a monster. ,,Thank you! And good luck fighting the beast in the mountain!" Kaiya said and left with a smile. ,,Alright. Let's go now. We already wasted enough tome saving goblins from monsters. So let's just go save this whole village before wasting any more time just standing here." Bonny said. Like most of the time, she was annoyed. ,,Yeah, ok. I don't want you to be like the devil again." I said as a joke, walking with her.

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