Chapter 2: Unexpected Events

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Amari dropped me off at my house, and I went straight to my room to take a shower. After my shower I put on my pajamas and tied my hair up.

I laid down on my bed texting Diamond

Diamond: What are we wearing tomorrow?

Me: Um how about the pink and mint green outfit we got last week

Diamond: I was thinking black and white but we can do that

Diamond: How was the dinner

Me: It was good his family is a bit bold

Diamond: Why do you say that

Me: They told us we can have sex in the house but use protection and don't be too loud in front of Amari's siblings

Diamond: OMG

I heard a small knock on my window, I put my phone down and went over to open it. It was Xavier.

He climbed into my room.

"Hey Zay what are you-" I looked down at his bloody knuckles.

I automatically knew.

"Again?" I asked

"Yeah" he sit down on my bed

I walked into my bathroom bringing out the rubbing alcohol and my dark blue rag. I sat on the bed beside Zay, I poured a little bit of alcohol on the rag then pressed it against his knuckles he flinched.

"I'm so fucking tired of him Ki" he said

"I know Zay" I sighed

Xavier's dad is mentally, physically and emotionally abusive. Xavier has been watching his mom get beat for years as a child. Now that Xavier is a teenager it has only gotten worse he now beats on Xavier and his mom.

It's heartbreaking because there's nothing I can do. My parents tried helping but his mom doesn't want to leave him.

Xavier comes over to my house almost every night for years to sleep in my room to get away from his dad. My parents are okay with it as long as he sleeps on the opposite side of the bed where my feet are.

A lot of people think my friend group is so perfect because we're rich but behind closed doors we all have our own problems

"What happened Zay" I asks still applying pressure on his knuckles with a rag

"He was beating on my mom because she didn't put ice in his glass of sweet tea, then I pulled him off of her and he started hitting me so I hit him back and I got away so here I am" he said

"I'm glad you came over" I said

"I'm kind of tired Ki" he said kicking his shoes off

I removed the rag from his hand and put it and the alcohol back into my bathroom. I gave Xavier a pillow and turned off the light. I got under the blankets turning on my side. We drift off to sleep.

I woke up from my alarm going off at 7:30am.

I looked over to see Xavier peacefully sleeping, and I quietly got out of bed. I got my clothes out of my closet heading into the bathroom. I turned on the hot water watching as the bathroom got steamy.

I took off my clothes and got into the steamy shower. After my shower I dried off and blow dried my hair. After I finished with my hair I put on my mint green outfit. I stepped out of the bathroom Xavier was laying against the headboard watching me.

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