Chapter 18: Acceptance

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Kiya's POV

February 12th

"Before we end class what's more important forgiveness or acceptance?" Ms. Smith said

A girl in a pink sweater raises her hand. "I think acceptance is more important forgiveness then follows out of love"

Ms.Smith nods "Anymore answers?"

"Mr.Gonzalez since you aren't paying attention please answer the question for us" she said

"Uh..." Ares started looking up from his phone

He looks at me and doesn't take his eyes off of me "Forgiveness. Bitterness is like drinking poison and waiting for the person you hate to die. To forgive and forget is to find peace. You don't have to accept that person back in your life, but to forgive gives you peace"

I raise my hand looking back at Ares "I disagree, its acceptance. We tend to accept reality as it is and not just accept it but appreciate it. In the long run with this mindset we just understand that whatever a person did was due to their thinking and mental state. There is no need to forgive in a sense."

"You can't have acceptance without forgiveness they tie together" Ares said

"No forgiveness does not mean acceptance. It never means saying it is ok what happened to you, or it was acceptable that someone hurt you. You forgive someone for you, not for the other person but for you. Everyone should accept everyone but not everyone should forgive everything, some people don't deserve to be forgiven over and over again till it breaks the person. Which really shows the other person's true colors if they keep making mistakes over again so I stand on what I say" I follow up on the question

"Forgiveness is a personal choice that can help individuals let go of negative emotions and find peace within themselves. Forgiveness allows a certain person to release any anger or resentment they may hold towards whoever."  Ares said

"Forgiveness should never be forced or rushed. It is a process that takes time and requires the person to genuinely heal and move forward at their own pace. Acceptance involves acknowledging and embracing the reality of the situation. Acceptance allows the person to focus on their own healing and personal growth, rather than dwelling on what they cannot change" I said

The bell rings for the next class, as people get up and leave Ares and I remained in our seat looking at each other trying to figure out which one of us won the debate.

I grab my notebook book and head towards the door, a hand gently grab my arm. I look back to see Ares, he didn't say anything he looked like he was lost for words.

"I accept it but I don't forgive you, I gave you too many chances to tell me why you led me on. I'm done searching for the answers I accepted you for who you really are a cold heartless man for a split second I thought what we had was real but it was all a game to you." I snatch my arm out of his grasp and walk out of the classroom.

After class I went straight to lunch sitting with my group.

"He's staring at you again" Diamond said

I glance back at Ares with his siblings at a table, he looked like I broke his heart.

"Let him stare" I said

"Girl you two need to have a heart to heart, with no yelling and no walking away" she said

"We tried I either end up crying or cursing him out" I said

"Damn sis" she said

"Ayo what's up Ledge" Jayden slaps Legend on his back

𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚋𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now