Chapter 20: You Left Me

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The next day I spent the whole day with Legend living live to the fullest.

Legend dropped me off at home, I went straight up to my room to shower and change my clothes.

After that I watched TikTok videos on my phone until I kept hearing a phone ring and it wasn't mine.

"Dad" I called out from my bed

No answer.

I really don't feel like getting up but the phone kept ringing. I followed the noise into my parents room. I stumbled back against the wall.

"No daddy" I sobbed covering my mouth

I felt like I was going to faint.

There was so much blood I got down on my knees checking for a heart beat.

I was too late.

Why would someone do this?

Then it clicked in my head.

Ares's family.

I quickly called the police telling them what I saw, they told me to stay where I am but I don't want to be here when they take him away.

I ran outside to my car getting in driving somewhere far away I don't even know where I'm going.

Don't cry. Don't cry... I keep telling myself in my head, yet the pressure in my eyes keeps building, and I know I won't be able to hold back much longer.

I can't cry. If I cry I won't be able to see where I'm going.

I tighten my hands on my steering wheel as I make my way through the city. My car makes a pinging sound, reminding me that I'm driving on E.

My tank is empty. I have no money.

My stomach picks that exact moment to growl. Yeah, I know, I haven't eaten today either.

The car beeps again.

The flashing E light was below the actual E now. I need to find somewhere to park.

Somewhere I can sleep...I refuse to go back home there's too much pain there.


My whole body jolts forward. My forehead hits the upper part of the steering wheel as my seat belt cuts into my shoulder and stomach. Groaning, I sit up straight and try to regain my bearings.

No, no, no!

I didn't see the traffic light turning red, and I didn't see the car in front of me stopping. A car that I hit. I hit a car! Even worse, it's a nice car... a really nice car.

There is nothing I can do now to stop the tears. I stop fighting. I don't even try. I simply give up and let the tears come.

One, then two, and before I know it, I'm sobbing uncontrollably.

I look up when I hear a car door being slammed shut, and I find a man has gotten out of the car I just hit.

My were blurry but not enough for me to miss how handsome he is.

Great. Of course, he has to be good-looking.
Even with the angry frown on his face, he looks like he just stepped out of a Billionaire magazine.

Dark jeans mold to his thick legs, and a black half button-up shirt stretches over his muscular chest with his sleeves rolled up, revealing tattoos on his forearms.

He starts walking in my direction, and I lower my head. I let my curls fall into my face.

Closing my eyes, I wish I was somewhere else.

𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚋𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now