Chapter 2

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Lauren's P.O.V.

"Mila!!! Stop hurting me!!!"

"You ate the last banana, Mani. Of course I have the right to hurt you!!!"

"Can... *click*... you ... *click* ... stop ... *click*... moving ... *click* ... You two are ruining the lighting."

"Why am I not in the picture Dmac??"

"I'm seriously gonna sprinkle holy water to all of you. And Mila dear, please put down that measuring cup. I'm gonna use that."

*Ding *Ding

I looked down to my phone and screamed, "GUYS!!! SHUT UP!!!"

"What?!?!" They screamed. "Didn't I tell you to shut up." I stated. "Don't be sassy with us, L-Dawg... What do you want?" Dinah asked while taking a selfie.

I stared at her blankly for a couple of minutes. Dinah noticed the cold tension and looked up, still doing the duck lips. "What?" She squeaked out in a tiny little voice. I stood up and calmly walked to where she is. I moved my face near her's and said, "The time has come..." with an oracle like voice.

Her eyes widened and pushed my face aside. "GRAB THE LAPTOP!" She screamed, pointing at Camila, who has a confused expression. Camila turned to Normani who just shrugged and mouthed 'What's happening?'

"WHY ARE YOU NOT GRABBING THE LAPTOP?!?!" Dinah screamed, shaking Camila in the process. "AHHHHH! Stop hurting me!!!" Camila screamed in pain. "Mani, help me!!!" She said as she tried to reach out to Mani. "I won't. Serves you right. Karma has it's own ways." Normani said putting her tongue out in a childish manner.

"What happened?!?! Who broke inside the house?!?! Who's hurt?!?! MY BABIES!!!" Ally suddenly came who is holding a wooden spoon using it as a weapon, wearing an apron that has 'Kiss me... Lol.. Jk... I got things to bake...' She ran to Camila, checking for injuries and turned to us. "What happened?"

Dinah and I said seriously, "The time has come." Ally had the same expression as Dinah and ran to us chanting, "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!", Me and Dinah immediately joined and continuing the chant.

Mani and Mila had the expression that says, 'WTF is their problem?'.

"Guys, last time I remember, girls only sacrifice in sleepovers? I don't understand." Camila said, scratching her head. "Yeah... And we don't hate or know someone with a name of Y/N." Normani added.

Ally, Dinah and I turned to them and gasped,"Non-believers!!! Dispose of them!!!" Dinah added screaming, "With fire!!!" Laughing like a madman. "But seriously though... Get the laptop." She said seriously.

Camila quickly scrambled in fear to get her laptop. She tripped in going down the stairs and you could really hear a faint 'shit' coming out of her mouth. As she got back to us and gave her laptop to Dinah with shaking hands, Ally scolded her for saying a bad word.

We directly jumped to the couch and fought for the places then calmed down. Dinah directly went to Twitter and searched up 'Y/N Evans'.

@Y/N_Evans: Wassup peeps!!! Just put up my new video!!! CHECK IT OUT IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!!! #whowouldhavethought *Link of Video*

She excitedly clicked the link and then waited for it to load. 'I Just Got... :/'

"She just got what?" Ally started. We all shrugged and Dinah started the video.

"Wassup everyone! It's your girl Y/N Evans!! Live in my bedroom!!" She said doing the jazz hands. "AWWWW!!! She's so cute!!!" Normila exclaimed.

"Joining with me today is..." Please not someone pretty. Please not someone pretty. "NO ONE!!! Because I'm lonely as eff." She stated, running her fingers through her hair. CAN I BE THE ONE TO DO THAT TO YOU?!?! CAN I EVEN BE WITH YOU?!?! NOTICE ME!!!

Engaged to Whom?!?! (Lauren/You)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora