Chapter 6

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Your P.O.V.

So... Lauren has a boyfriend... It didn't hurt at all... I'm just kidding... It fucking hurts... To think that was the day where I'm gonna confess to her... I'm gonna have this interview where they are gonna focus with my love life. YAY!!! Just what I always wanted...

"Hey! My name's Christina and I'm with the awesome, Y/N Evans!" She said and I gave a fake smile and waved. "Sup!"

"So, you are gonna be on tour tomorrow with none other than Fifth Harmony!!! Tell me how you feel. Tell me anything." Seriously, Christina is my favourite interviewer. She makes it look like we are having a talk in the bedroom like best friends but in reality we're filming it.

"I was actually surprised that I get to be in their tour even. Who would have thought the girl filming herself in her bedroom can have the chance to be on tour with the hottest girl band in the whole-entire universe!" I said excitedly. "Well, let's get to the juicy stuff." She clapped her hands excitedly while I laughed.

"Have you ever been in love?" She asked. Oops. There it is. It took long for me to answer. "Yes. Twice actually."

"Can you tell me more with those two?" She asked. "Well, those two are completely different. The other one has known me for a long time and the other was just recent. One took long for me to fall in love with but the moment the other laughed, that's when I knew I love them." I took a shaky breath and said. "And the most important detail is... The other one is a boy, the other one is a girl. The only thing common about them is that... They broke my heart."

"Well, can you tell me about the boy first?" Christina rubbed my back. I gave her a small smile. "His name's James and I met him when I was 3. We have been inseparable ever since he dropped his milk bottle at me making me cry. One day, he confessed that he likes me and it took me days to take it all in. He courted me, doing one of the most sappiest things you could think of." I chuckled lightly.

"Serenading me, asking my father's permission to court me, chocolates and flowers everyday, you name it. He has done everything to make me fall for him. And I did..." I paused. "I did fall for him. I gave him a yes to the anniversary of our friendship. We were so happy. Actually we were called the 'Childhood Sweethearts'."

"But the thing is.... His father had a new job in Australia. I knew about this a month before they will go and each day, we are growing apart. We still socialise like best friends but it was like we were never lovers in the first place. The very moment he was about to go, he turned back running after me and kissed me one last time. He kissed me with all the love he could find within him. And then just like that... He's gone..."

"We still chat and all but one night I skype called him and then I knew he was crying. His eyes were puffy and his nose were so red but he still looked like an angel to me. I kept on asking why is he crying but he will never answer. After a couple of minutes, he let out a shaky breath and said..."

One year ago...

"Hey Buttmunch!" I excitedly greeted and waved frantically. He just gave a small smile and a little wave. But then I noticed something different about him. He is not his usual happy self. He's not smiling the smile he always gave me. "Hey, James. Are you okay?" I asked with a concerned tone in my voice. He just shook his head and gave me a small smile. "Are you sure? Cause why are you not doing something unbelievable like singing something, dancing randomly and some shit that you do. And you didn't call me Pipsqueak." I said sadly. "Well, we could have a staring contest if you like. You always win and I want to see your smile." I said excitedly but he shook his head making me frown. "Did you see my new cover in YouTube? Did you like it?" I said, desperate for him to talk. He let out a shaky breathe and said, "I can't do this."

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