Chapter 13

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Your P.O.V.

Let's do a little recap, shall we?

I was finding Lauren. I saw Lauren. Brad ignored Lauren and flirted with another girl. Brad shoved Lauren and I'm Ursula. So we good? We good.

Is this the moment that I will describe on how I whooped his ass? Leggo.

I directly marched to where he is and shoved him up against the wall. "WHAT THE FUCK DID I FUCKING TELL YOU ABOUT HURTING LAUREN?" I pressed my arm on his neck.

"Whoa, man. Chill!" He chocked out. Oh hell no. You just didn't say chill. WOOOOHHH BOY! Imma mess you up so bad. I throw him to the ground and even I was surprised I could do that. I gripped on his shirt and punched him straight on his face.

"All I asked is for you to treat her as the queen she is." I spat at him. "But I guess you are fucking stupid." I looked up to Lauren and saw her on the ground with a pained expression.

"Lay a fucking finger on her again and I swear I will bring the Brauren ship down along with your band mates with a motherfucking iceberg." I threatened and he just smirked, "You wouldn't."

"Oh, but I will." I sneered as I punched him again. "Let me remind you that I'm more powerful than you. Add all of your accounts with your band mates plus your band account. You won't even get to half of my level. So, DONT." I paused, my eyes trying to bore a hole in his head. "FUCKING. TEST. ME."

"Y/N!" I heard the girls at my back. Now you wanna notice me? I see how it is.

"Pl-please man." He begged but it just made me gripped on his shirt tighter. "You're hurting me."

"Well, good cause I was hoping for that." I glared at him. I heard someone whimper my name and I looked up, immediately running to Lauren, hoping she was safe. "Are you okay, babe?" I whispered as I helped her stand up, caressing her cheeks in the process. She nuzzled on my hand and hugged my waist, letting out a cute 'I'm fine.'

I looked back and saw Brad's band mates helping me up. "Who fucking gave you the permission to fucking help him up?" and with that, they quickly let him go causing him to fall directly on the floor. I slowly let go of Lauren's embrace saying, "I'll be right back." kissing her temple.

"Now. Bitchly Shitson." I lowered to one knee, letting my arm rest on that knee. "What would you want to say to Lauren?"

"I-i'm sorry." He stuttered but I brought my hand near my ear. "What? I can't hear you."

"I'm sorry." He said clearly while cowering in fear from me. I stood up and glared at him one last time. "You better be."

I bent closer to him. "I will be watching you and your british little lip and never— and I MEAN— never go near Lauren again." I nodded to his band mates after I kicked his legs. They quickly helped him up and dusted him off. I gave them a cold threatening glare and they ran away.


I looked at the girls innocently and muttered, "What?"


I'm in the girls' dressing room cuddling with Lauren because whenever I get up or be away from her, she constantly ask where I am because she's scared that I would kill someone. Not that I'm complaining or anything. I just want to protect my angel.

While we are here in the sofa, Ally over there is pacing back and forth with the phone on her ear while talking angrily at their manager.

"What do you fucking mean by publicity?!" She threw her hands up in the air. "I don't care if my fucking money is fucking above the roof."

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