Chapter 4

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Your P.O.V.

For the past two weeks, I got to know the girls even more. Ally makes the best cupcakes. Normani is awesome in dancing. Dinah is the best prank buddy in the whole entire world. Camila may seem too childish but she has the deepest understanding about books. And Lauren...., Oh my Beyoncé...

She's so perfect. She loves sushi. We have the same music taste. She is a great listener. She laughs at my jokes even though it is too corny that you want to slap my face. Oh my God... Her laugh... It is the most angelic thing I have ever heard... I just want to hear her laugh all day long.

I was supposed to be practicing today but here I am, laying on floor in the dance studio. "Y/N! You are supposed to be dancing your ass off not make it stick to the ground!" Kevin, my dance instructor, screamed. The girls asked if I could dance on stage, and now look what I have. A dance instructor. I could just do freestyle or dance randomly. Whatever. Me and Kevin clicked the very first day we met. "But I'm TIRED!" I whined at him. "Come on! Last one!" He encouraged me. There is no encouraging happening here. "I will take a nap!" I screamed using my bag as a pillow. "Y/N!"

Then suddenly, the door opened. I lift up my head with the last ounce of strength I got. I'm just kidding. But I'm still tired. "Hey, Y/N!" Steven, 5H's manager, greeted. I put up my hand to acknowledge him then put it back down quickly causing me to say 'Ow!' I stared up the ceiling to gather back my energy, when I hear, "So, that's how you greet us? How rude!"

"Shut up Dmac. Is the world supposed to be spinning?" I asked. "I thought you're smart? The world is spinning." Normani smirked, crossing her arms. "I'm serious, Mancé. I can't feel my legs. They're jelly..." I groaned.

"How can legs be jealous? Like. What the fuck?" Dinar whispered to Camila causing her to be hit by Mila at the side. "Idiot." Camila said, rubbing her temples with an expression that clearly says that 'WTF man? You stupid? Imma gonna slap your face that your blonde hair would disappear.'

"I KNOW A SOLUTION!" Lauren screamed, raising her hand up. "What?" Everyone but me asked. Lauren took a deep breath and screamed,

"DOG PILE!!!" Laying on top me, squishing me to death and the others thought that it was a good idea to follow her. After them squishing the life out of me and me screaming bloody murder, they decided to stop. Everyone got up except... Guess who it is? Lauren Jauregui.

"Ummm... Lauren? Can't breathe here?" I asked squirming under her. She sat up and I expected her to get up and help me but nooooo! She decided to straddle me. I know that I'm dying here but OMG it's too hot here!

"Whoa, Lauren! Take me on a date first! I know we're engaged but damn girl!" I said as I sat up resulting to our faces close to each other. Lauren pouted and me being me, I looked at her lips and can't help but bite mine. Is her lips soft? It looks soft. "And you said that I need to take you out on a date and here you are dying to kiss me." Lauren whispered huskily, making me die. "Well, don't you want to?" I asked at the same tone. Lauren nodded and as I was about to move closer, I wrapped my arms around her making her squeal in the process. I must remind you, I just practiced and I am sweating all over.

"Y/N!" She exclaimed, trying to get off my grip. I held on tighter and I kissed her cheeks repeatedly. "Y/N!!!" She laughed, slapping my face away. "LOVE YOU TOO, RENSTER!!!" I screamed, nuzzling my face to her neck. I left soft kisses and she giggled. "Stop it, princesa. I'm mad at you." She continue to giggle. "IM SOWWY!!" I said in my best baby voice and looked at her with my best puppy dog eyes. "Stop it!" She yelled, covering my eyes. "Baaaabbbeeee!!!" I whined, pouting even more.

"Are you sure that you're not dating cause you both look like one of those crazy ass, in love teenagers?" Normani asked, receiving a high five from Dinah. "We're just friends." Lauren stated and my heart fell. What the hell just happened? Why did my heart do that? YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO PUMP BLOOD!!! NOT GO TO MY STOMACH!!! STAY IN YO LANE!!!

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