Chapter 5

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Lauren's P.O.V.

A week before the last chapter


I looked up from my book and saw that Simon was calling me. I pressed the green button and answered,

L- Hello, Uncle Si!

S- Hello, Lauren. Meet me at my office in 20 minutes. It's important.

Then he hanged up. B*tch! You ain't doing that in my crib. I'm just kidding. I hurriedly changed my clothes and went to his office. "Hello, Mellisa! Simon's in his office or 'meeting place'?" I greeted the front desk lady. "Hello, Lauren! In his office." She answered. "Ok, Thanks!" I quickly went to his office and knocked. I heard a faint 'come in' and went inside. The moment I saw them I froze.

"Why is the F4 in here?" I asked as I gritted my teeth in anger. They looked at Simon questionably and Simon answered, "Pardon my language, Boys. F4 stands as Fuckboys 4. It's the term the 5H girls are using since Ally prevented them to say bad words." He turned to me and calmly commanded, "Lauren, please take a seat." He pointed to a chair but this chair is a meter close to them. I quickly went to the chair and saw their faces light up. I carried the chair so that I'm 5 meters farther than they are and their faces fell. B*tch, I won't even breathe in your direction. Bah Felicia! "So, you're probably wonder-" I cut him off.

"Cut the shit, Simon. Why are they in here?" I looked at them. "Good thing Dinah is not here cause she is gonna kick your ass that you would totally forget what happened last night." They visibly gulped and almost hid from each other. "Lauren." Simon scolded me. I crossed my arms and I made sure that they could see green flames coming out of my emerald eyes. "I'm just gonna go straight to the point, love. They need you." Simon finally said. I laughed and said, "For what even? So that they all could have a go?"

"He didn't mean that, Lauren-" Simon tried to explain. "So he didn't mean to slut shame me." I pointed to Brad. "He didn't mean to break my heart. And he didn't mean to hit me? Is it that what you're trying to imply?" I said as I stood up in anger. "If that is what you want to imply then good day to you, Simon." I turned to the Vamps. "And I hope you will step on a Lego, trip, and fall straight to hell."

I turned to the door and as I was about to open the door Simon said something that made me hate him. "If you even step out from this office, I will disband Fifth Harmony."

I looked at him with so much anger in my eyes. "Why would you do that?! So that I could save their sorry excuse of a band? I don't think so!" I angrily said. B*tch! I love Simon but he's crossing a line. "We need you to 'date' Brad..." Simon calmly said. If you already saw Crimson Curse then get ready for Emerald Curse with fangs and claws. "WHAT?!?! WHY ME!?!? YOU COULD HAVE JUST HIRED A SLUT!!! AT LEAST ALL OF THEM COULD HAVE A BIT OF A GO!!!!" I screamed. I'm seriously gonna cry. I need Y/N cuddles.

"We can't!" Simon said, standing up because of anger. He may look intimidating but I ain't backing down. "Ever since the interview, Vampettes and Harmonizers have been fighting. Lovers are breaking up, Friendships are broken, even siblings don't talk to each other because of it."

"Well, we wouldn't have a problem if you haven't slap me right, Brad?" I said bitterly. He turned away and said, "I'm so-"

"I swear, if the word you will say is sorry, I will totally break your bones and laugh while you scream in pain." I said with an angry tone. He shut up and looked everywhere but me. "That's what I thought."

"Lauren, please. It's just two months. I already put them on your tour-" Simon begged but I cut him off once again. "YOU FUCKING WHAT????!?!??!? " I screamed, almost throwing the chair when I stood up. "Think about the fans, the girls-" I cut him off again. "Oh... Im thinking about the girls alright." I laughed bitterly. "I'm thinking the girls will kill them if they saw them. Ally will sprinkle holy water to them and slap them with the Bible so that they could even have some common sense in them. Normani will fry them and turn them into chicken wings with hot sauce. Dinah will use their heads as bowling ball at least their heads has some use. And Camila.... Don't even let me start with her... She will slap them so hard with her banana and she will go all hulk to them and throw them to a river making it look like an accident." I said as I put on a straight face. They visibly gulped and looked at Simon.

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