Chapter 16

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Your P.O.V.

"DUDDDDEEEEEE!" Dinah whined, "Why are you glowing with your happiness? It's 9 A.M.. Stop that!"

"You can't really blame me when I'm happy." I stuck my tongue out at her.

"You see this?" She raised her fist. "I will punch you. With my fist. On the throat."

"I dare you, Dinah Jane." I taunted, showing her my neck. "I double dog dare you."

"You did not just say that." She backed up and put a hand on top of her chest.

"But I did, Dinah Jane. I did." I stepped closer.

"You. Make. Me. Want. To. Slap. You." She clapped between pauses and that's when I know that things are getting down.

"You. Mad. Bro." I did the same. I just love making people all worked up because they just do their thing which just amuses me.

"GIRLS!" Ally rubbed her temples. "Please stop that. I'm getting a headache."

We are in Ally and Camila's hotel room because we want to eat together without people staring at us. After our 'fight', Dinah now is sitting on the dresser, Camila and Ally are both on the bed, Normani took a quick nap on the other bed, and I'm sitting on the floor while eating my breakfast. Ally may be the most organized girl in the group but when you're with Camila, even the chair has clothes on it.

Lauren is still in our room because she won't get up because I was 'too comfy' to let go. Her and my boobs, I swear. I think she likes it more than she likes me.

We were all rainbows and happiness when suddenly someone barged in our room.

"GIRLS AND LESBIAN!" Stephanie screamed making us jump slightly.

"Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm not a girl. I have a vagina for Christ's sake." I muttered while stabbing my food.

"Whatever." She dismissed me. She a beauty.

"STEPHYYYYYY!" Camila screamed while running at Stephanie. Stephanie opened her arms and the impact of Camila's embrace made them fall on the ground. After a couple of seconds, they stood up and Stephanie carried Camila to the bed.

"Y'all are going to have a photo shoot and before you will ask, your manager is apparently sick- but I know he's not. You girls need a better manager. He just like his pay and he doesn't -"

"Steph?" I cut her off. "Topic."

"Oh yeah. Sorry." She rubbed the back of her neck with her face flushed with embarrassment. "A photo shoot and video shoot with the girls at 1:00 PM and an interview at 4:00 PM and a dinner party with your homegirl Lilly who is apparently here in Texas for her own tour and yeah, I think that's it."

"LILLY'S HERE!?!??!" I screeched, jumping up in glee.

"Yup." Stephanie shrugged like it's not a big deal.

"DUDE!!!!" I jumped around the room. "THIS IS GOING TO BE LITTTTTTT!"

"Did she just say 'lit'?" Ally whispered to Camila while Normani stirred awake and muttered, "I heard someone say lit."

"LILY 1 AND LILLY 2 ARE COMING BACK LADIES!!!!" I jumped on Mani's bed, making her bounce in the process.

"Girl, I will smack you with my fist and all that shit." Normani mumbled while smothering her face on the pillow.

Engaged to Whom?!?! (Lauren/You)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin