Chapter 22

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Your P.O.V.

"Spaggy?" Alexia called out, tugging on the hems of my shirt. I hummed in response while mixing the batter to perfection.

"What are you making?" She asked as I licked the batter and I know I shouldn't do that but it's so good. I got a little spoon and scooped a tiny bit, letting Alexia taste it. "I'm going to bake a cake!"

"Hmmmm." She hummed in delight and smacked her lip. "Yum!"

"Why are you baking a cake?" She asked as she sucked her thumb. I looked down at her and shook my head in amusement. I lightly pulled her thumb away and carried her so that she could sit down on the counter beside.

"Do you remember Mama Ally?" I asked and she nodded her head in excitement.

"Uhuh! She's the short one and the one who always talk about Jesus!" She answered, raising her hands up in pure joy just talking about Ally while I laughed at her. Bless my soul.

"Cupcakes, Lex." I laughed lightly while she shrugged, "I'm sowwy."

Even though she could now speak clearly her 'sorry' cannot be undone. I tried to teach her not to do that anymore but my heart can't accept the fact that she's growing so I kept it that way.

I kissed her nose and she scrunched it in annoyance. "Stop!"

I acted like I was offended and said, "I will stop doing that until you are 50 so sit down and help me bake this cake."

She stuck her tongue out while I did the same.

I miss this.


Ummmmmm. Oops?

Alexia may or may not know that Ally is gay. Ummmmmm. I say it's a possibility, okay? Not a fact nor a fraud but I may or may not implied that Ally is gay.

She was unto me. As I baked the cake and design it, Alexia kept on asking me things about the cake and this happened.

"Why is it a rainbow colored cake?" She asked as she tilted her head in confusion and scratched her head.

"Because the person I'm making this for is so awesome, of course," I answered as I sprinkled the rainbow sprinkles everywhere. She nodded, telling me she understands and looked down, deep in thought and in a flash, she looked up and asked, "Isn't rainbow your people's color?"

"What do you mean?" (A/N: No.) I asked, looking at her while wiping the counter.

"The- ummmmm." She paused, thinking hard about the right word and her face lit up, "Happy people!? Is that it? I'm not really sure."

"You're right and yes, why?" I asked as I put everything back to the way it was.

"I just want to make sure." She said as she pointed at a spot that I missed which I smiled at her back as a sign of thank you.

"So you're making Mama Ally this cake?" She said suddenly after a few moments of silence.


"And it is in the color of your people."


"And Ally is going to receive it."


"Is Ally like you?"



"Yes- wait. What?" I'm so confused right now.

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