Mitch Marner

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Summary: Y/N and Mitch babysit for Y/N's sister, and Y/N realizes she wants to have kids with Mitch.

!Warnings!: Unprotected sex, praising.

Requested: kennedil0l

Word count: 2220

Word count: 2220

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Y/N's Pov:

Mitch and I conversed as my phone buzzed. "Oh. My sister's calling." I said slightly shocked. I answered the phone and she frantically asked, "Y/N are you busy?" "Calm down, no I'm not busy. What's wrong?" My sister sighed and replied, "Well. Auston and I are supposed to visit his parents, and our flight leaves in a few hours. I spaced and forgot to ask if someone could babysit the kids for a couple of days." I knew where she was going with this. I looked at Mitch and he nodded his head. "Yeah, Mitch and I can babysit." She let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Thank you guys so much, I'll see you guys later." She said her goodbyes as she hung up. Mitch stood up and grabbed 2 suitcases and we began packing our things. "Thanks for doing this with me," I told him as I packed my toiletries. "Of course baby. I'd do anything for you." Mitch whispered into my neck, pulling me in for a loving embrace. I kissed his cheek and we finished packing our things. He carried our luggage out into his car and hopped in the driver's seat. "You wanna play some music?" Mitch smiled waving the aux cord around. "Always," I grinned back.

Putting my playlist on shuffle, the first song that played was "All Of The Girls You Loved Before" by Taylor Swift. "Oh my god I love this song," Mitch muttered as he turned up the volume. I laughed as he held my hand and sang along with Taylor.

He looked at me as we sang along with the lyrics. My heart swooned as I got lost in the music with him. He was hardly aware that we were still in the car until he turned down the music with a small sad smile. "We're here, angel." Mitch brought my hand up to his lips and placed a small kiss on it, one of the many things he does that makes me blush. Hopping out of the car we grabbed our luggage and walked to my sister's front door.

Knocking on the door, Mitch wrapped an arm around my waist-pulling me closer to his side.

"What's up dude," Auston grinned dapping Mitch up. "Hey, man." Mitch returned the cheesy grin. "Hey, Y/N. Thank's for doing this." He said pulling me in for a hug.

"Of course! I've been missing the little ones." I smiled reassuringly. "Let me help you with those," Auston reached for our luggage and brought them inside and up the stairs. "Hi, Y/N. Oh my god, you have no idea how much I needed you to do this. You're saving my ass here-" My sister exclaimed pulling me in for a tight hug. "Don't mention it. Mitch and I love Milo and Maia." I spoke referring to my niece and nephew, Mitch walked back into the hall with Milo and Maia clinging to his legs.

"Speaking of the little devils!" I laughed as I kneeled to their level, the two giggling as Mitch waddled around the hallway. "Auntie, Y/N!" Milo cheered as he unlatched himself from Mitch's leg. "Milo baby! How are you doing, sweetie?" I opened my arms wide and brought Milo in for a hug. "I doing good." Picking him up I twirled him around in my arms-giggles and laughs leaving his mouth as I spun. Finally stopping I put him down, and he smiled.

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