Chapter 1

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Billie often found herself harboring a disdain for the public due to the hurtful words they wielded without thought or consideration. In such moments, she sought solace in walking, using it as a coping mechanism to escape the harsh reality.

And so, we arrive at today.

The rhythmic sound of raindrops hitting the pavement created a symphony that accompanied Billie's every step. Her shoes, soaked and almost frozen to her feet, made each movement feel heavier, as if buckets of water were being splashed against her body. The chill in the air seeped into her bones, foretelling an impending illness. She knew she needed to find respite, a haven from the downpour.

A dimly lit bar caught her attention, offering the promise of warmth and shelter. Billie, now twenty-one, possessed the freedom to enter such establishments and indulge in the fizzy drinks they served. As she pushed open the door, the ringing chime resonated through the empty room, capturing her gaze.

"Sorry, we're closed," a man emerged, mop in hand, his Hispanic heritage evident in his slight accent.

"Oh, sorry," Billie's voice sounded hoarse, a result of the biting cold.

Billie turned to leave, but another voice interjected, "Milo, look at the poor girl. Have you seen the weather outside? It's freezing. Let her stay."

A woman, also with a similar accent, stood at the counter, her gaze filled with empathy. "Come here, honey. Sit down. Can I get something for you?" she beckoned, patting the counter invitingly.

"Do you have something warm, like tea or maybe coffee?" Billie asked, a glimmer of hope in her smile.

"Oh, yes. I have a special drink in mind," the woman replied, her smile lighting up the room.

"Milo, did Jupiter leave already?" she asked, glancing at the man.

"No, I think she's getting ready to leave, though," Milo answered.

"JUPITER!" the woman called out, her tone non-aggressive, a familiar camaraderie evident in her voice.

"Yeah?" a melodic voice responded.

"Come here, hun!"

A tall figure emerged, her hair begging to be touched, and her plump lips exuding a certain allure.

"Yeah, Sofia?"

"Honey, would you be lovely enough to make hot chocolate for this lovely lady?" Sofia pleaded.

"But we're closed," Jupiter hesitated.

Sofia looked at her with pleading eyes, winking mischievously.


"Also, hun, please lock up," Sofia smiled and hurried away, leaving the two girls alone.

Jupiter cleared her throat and made eye contact with Billie. "So, you'd like a hot chocolate?" she asked.

Billie simply nodded.

"Are you a bartender?" Billie inquired, noticing Jupiter's white blouse.

"Sadly, yes," Jupiter replied with a hint of resignation.

"Then what do you want to be if not a bartender?" Billie's curiosity sparked.

"A writer," Jupiter answered, her gaze fixed on making the hot chocolate.

"Really? I don't think I've ever met a writer," Billie remarked, intrigued.

Jupiter glanced at Billie, who appeared soaked in a less than pleasant way. The two shared an awkward silence until Jupiter spoke up, "It's pouring outside."

"Yeah," Billie responded, her thoughts lingering on the discomfort she felt.

Jupiter's eyes fell upon Billie's drenched jacket. "Oh, you're soaked," she exclaimed, a pang of sympathy in her voice.

Jupiter handed Billie the steaming hot chocolate and hurried into the backroom, leaving Billie sitting at the counter, momentarily puzzled and cold, observed as Jupiter disappeared into the backroom. She couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and curiosity about this stranger's unexpected kindness.

Moments later, Jupiter reemerged, holding a hoodie and sweatpants. "Here you go," she said, offering them to Billie. "I have these in my locker, you know, just in case. Never know what's going to happen."

"Thanks," Billie blushed, realizing the extent of Jupiter's thoughtfulness.

Jupiter pointed toward the bathroom, indicating for Billie to change into the dry clothes. She patiently waited, leaning against the counter, until Billie returned.

"Would you like a ride home?" Jupiter asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

"Oh, I don't want to impose," Billie replied, hesitant to inconvenience her further.

"Please, I don't like to leave pretty girls out in the cold," Jupiter insisted, a rush of confidence shining through her words.

Billie blushed, feeling a flutter of excitement deep within. She had known for a long time that she liked both women and men, and the connection she felt with Jupiter intrigued her.

"Okay, then," Billie agreed, a smile forming on her face.

The two of them ventured through the back door of the bar, where Billie's eyes fell upon a sleek motorcycle parked nearby. Doubts and apprehension crept into her mind.

"There's no way I'm getting on that," Billie declared, her voice laced with trepidation.

"Come on, be a little adventurous," Jupiter encouraged, retrieving a helmet and securing it onto her head.

Billie sighed, realizing that her impromptu visit to the bar had already taken her on an unexpected journey. She reluctantly put on the helmet, finally relenting to Jupiter's persuasion.

As they set off, Billie's stomach somersaulted with a mix of nervousness and exhilaration. Gradually, though, she began to acclimate to the sensation, finding comfort in the closeness she felt as she held onto Jupiter's waist for dear life.

The empty streets seemed to amplify the intensity of their adventure as they rode through the illuminated darkness. Billie shouted her directions to Jupiter through the wind and rain, guiding her toward Highland Parks, where she called home.

Eventually, the motorcycle came to a halt in front of Billie's house. She removed the helmet, handing it back to Jupiter. "Thanks," she expressed, a hint of reluctance to end the night's unexpected excitement.

"I'll walk you to your door," Jupiter offered, her demeanor suddenly reminiscent of high school courtship.

The two girls walked together, their footsteps echoing in the silence, until they reached the front door of Billie's home. A brief pause hung between them, charged with unspoken desires.

"Okay, I'll get going now," Jupiter said, beginning to turn in the opposite direction.

In a surge of boldness and emotion, Billie grabbed Jupiter's face and pressed her lips against hers. They shared a fleeting yet electrifying kiss before Billie released her grip.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me," Billie stammered, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"It's okay," Jupiter reassured her, a gentle smile spreading across her face.

"It would be nice if you didn't tell anyone, you know," Billie pleaded, her request slightly confusing to Jupiter, but she brushed it off.

Jupiter slowly walked back to her motorcycle, her thoughts swirling. Would she ever see the black-haired girl again? The night had been filled with unexpected twists and connections, leaving her with a mix of curiosity and anticipation for what the future might hold

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