Chapter 8

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Perhaps she truly possessed an air of naivety, making her the embodiment of innocence. Word of last night's events spread like wildfire through the media.

Article after article, the question on everyone's lips was: Who was the enigmatic figure seen with the illustrious Billie Eilish? Was it a towering gentleman, or perhaps a mysterious biker, with Billie's arms wrapped around him?

Must people always meddle in the affairs of others?

Social media erupted, delivering tidbits of information about Billie Eilish's elusive partner. She had spent a remarkable evening with Jupiter, but as always, it was tarnished by intrusive photographs resembling a relentless snapping turtle.

Meanwhile, Jupiter was still half-asleep. The girl was exhausted after spending half the night writing and the other half with her cherished companion. Fatigue had taken its toll.

Billie couldn't even be sure if Jupiter understood much about her career. Sure, she knew Billie was a singer and famous, but that could be said of any artist. But this was Billie fucking Eilish. If someone didn't know at least a little about her, they had clearly been living under a rock, much like Jupiter.

Deciding to distance herself from social media for the day, Billie chose to visit her... friend? The two had been spending an extraordinary amount of time together. When they were apart, they couldn't help but think of each other, and when they were together, their thoughts never strayed far.

Like any creative souls, they expressed their emotions through writing, whether it was crafting songs or nearly penning an entire book in a single sitting.

Billie found herself in her car, plugging in her cord and singing along while driving. She was so engrossed in the music that she hadn't noticed how quickly time had passed. Before she knew it, she was standing at Jupiter's door, eagerly waiting for her to answer.

Opening the door, Jupiter appeared somewhat drowsy. Her disheveled hair added to her allure, and her beautiful eyes appeared tired and red.

She wore short shorts and a t-shirt ironically emblazoned with the words, "I'm Kelly."

"Who's Kelly?" Billie asked, entering the taller girl's apartment.

"Oh, umm, I got this from a thrift shop when I was broke," Jupiter explained, her deep voice sending shivers down Billie's spine.

"Come on," Jupiter said, taking Billie's hand and leading her into her bedroom.

The two locked eyes, a moment of confusion for Billie. Jupiter wrapped her arms around the smaller girl, embracing her as though her life depended on it. The tension between them was palpable.

Billie felt the soft breaths on her neck, sending delightful shivers through her body. Jupiter's firm grip held her close, leaving her breathless.

And she loved every moment of it.

A single kiss landed on Billie's neck before Jupiter disappeared into another room, leaving Billie bewildered, tense, and frustrated.

"Do you want breakfast?" Jupiter's voice resonated through the entire apartment.

"Yeah, that'd be great," Billie managed to utter, her voice hushed.

The two sat at the breakfast table, the tension between them still lingering. Something had happened, but what did it mean?

"Do you want to go on a date?" Jupiter's question caught Billie off guard. Could she go on a date with a woman? Would the paparazzi capture photos of her and her date?

"Yes," Billie replied, a sweet smile spreading across her lips as she savored the bean burrito that Jupiter had thoughtfully prepared.

"I googled you yesterday," Jupiter confessed, breaking the silence.

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