Chapter 24

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In the familiar confines of their shared bed, Jupiter and Billie found themselves engaged in an intimate conversation.

"Have you had any girlfriends in the past?" Billie inquired, catching Jupiter off guard with her sudden query.

Jupiter furrowed her eyebrows, reflecting on her limited romantic experiences. Truth be told, she had only engaged in casual encounters with two women prior to Billie. And to make matters more complicated, one of them turned out to be a prostitute—though Jupiter had been oblivious to this fact at the time.

"Um, no," Jupiter replied, a lump forming in her throat as she confessed her truth.

Billie's eyes sparkled with delight. "Oh, thats so cute. We're each other's first girlfriends," she exclaimed, playfully bounding onto Jupiter and straddling her.

Jupiter emitted a low groan as Billie practically pounced on her. "We should probbaby get up," she suggested, her lips brushing against Jupiter's as she leaned in.

"Yes, you're right," Jupiter whispered, reciprocating the closeness. Billie planted a tender peck on Jupiter's lips before rising and making her way to the walk-in closet.

Jupiter extended her arm toward her phone, which seemed to be incessantly buzzing with notifications. Letting out an exasperated sigh, she rolled her eyes and reluctantly checked her messages. Among the multitude of texts from her manager and spam emails, she noticed an overwhelming flood of messages from Venus.

"Ugh, I can't stand her," Jupiter muttered under her breath, refusing to deal with Venus's incessant drama just yet.

Nonchalantly tossing her phone onto the bed, Jupiter strode toward the closet, where Billie stood clad only in her underwear. Her bra strained to contain her bosoms, while her panties clung tightly to her shapely derriere.

Jupiter gently placed her hands on Billie's waist, causing a momentary startle. Billie pivoted around, meeting Jupiter's gaze. Jupiter's eyes involuntarily drifted downward.

"If you don't put some clothes on this very instant, I won't be able to control myself and resist fucking you right here, right now," Jupiter whispered huskily, giving Billie's enticing rear a playful squeeze.

"In that case, I might as well strut around the house like this," Billie whispered back, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.

"Mmm, because you're absolutely delectable," Jupiter murmured, planting a series of seductive kisses on Billie's neck, indulging in a gentle nibble.

"Are you channeling your inner Edward Cullen, biting my neck like a vampire?" Billie chuckled, breaking the sensual tension.

"Who?" Jupiter inquired, releasing her grip on Billie's waist, her face etched with confusion.

"The Edward Cullen aka twilight, girl, I can't keep up with you sometimes," Billie teased, grabbing only a t-shirt and sauntering out of the closet.

Once again, Jupiter found herself left perplexed and tantalizingly aroused.

Jupiter slipped into a pair of shorts and a comfortable t-shirt before returning to the bedroom. As she perused her phone, sifting through the myriad of notifications, she noticed a considerable surge in Instagram followers.

"Jupiter!" Billie's voice rang out, puncturing her concentration.

"Huh?" Jupiter responded absentmindedly, her eyes still fixated on the glowing screen.

"I want a bean burrito!" Billie called out, her voice carrying across the room. Jupiter began making her way to the kitchen, her gaze intermittently darting between her phone and the surrounding environment.

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