Chapter 22

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Billie found herself once again seated in the luxurious confines of an airplane cabin, the third time in just a single week. However, this time, she wasn't distracted by her worried girlfriend or fueled by the exhilaration of creative inspiration. She was simply Billie, lost in her own thoughts. The passage of time seemed paradoxical as the ten-hour flight felt both fleeting and sluggish.

Yet, strangely, Billie found herself savoring these moments. The extended duration allowed her ample time to craft a heartfelt apology, reflecting on her actions and seeking to make amends. She murmured softly to herself, meticulously penning her thoughts onto paper, hoping to convey her remorse sincerely.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted her contemplation, permeating the cabin with a clear French accent. "God, shut up! People are trying to sleep," chastised a woman sitting beside her, her hands covering her ears in annoyance.

Billie looked up, surprised by the interruption. "Oh, sorry," she replied apologetically, glancing at the woman by her side.

The woman, named Nora, seemed visibly bothered by the noise. Billie couldn't help but notice her distress. "If the noise is bothering you so much, there are complimentary earplugs in that pocket," Billie suggested, pointing towards the chair pocket in front of them.

"I don't want to spend any more money, you American," Nora grumbled quietly, using "American" as an unintended insult. Billie found it peculiar but chose not to dwell on it.

Curiosity piqued, Nora inquired about Billie's activities at such an untimely hour. "What are you doing anyway? It's the middle of the night," she asked, showing a genuine interest in Billie's affairs.

Billie hesitated for a moment, considering the appropriateness of sharing personal details with a stranger. "I had a disagreement with my g- friend and I'm trying to figure out what to say," she explained, cautiously guarding the nature of their relationship.

Curiosity still aflame, Nora introduced herself, breaking the invisible barriers between them. "I'm Nora, by the way," she nodded politely.

With a warm smile, Billie reciprocated the introduction. "I'm Billie. Nice to meet you," she replied, secretly relieved to have engaged in a friendly conversation amidst her inner turmoil. Nora immediately sensed that Billie's written words held a deeper sentiment, unlike a typical friend's apology.

As Nora read over Billie's complex thoughts on the paper, she couldn't help but notice their emotional intensity. It was as if these heartfelt words were meant for someone far more significant than just a friend. However, Nora acknowledged that she knew very little about Billie's situation, and it was best to ignore any assumptions.

After the plane landed several hours later, Billie bid farewell to Nora and made a beeline for the airport exit. She hastily hopped into the first cab she spotted, instructing the driver to take her directly to François's house.

The cab driver exuded simplicity, with a slightly balding head and a cozy, hand-knitted sweater that screamed grandfatherly charm. His attire, coupled with fashionable jeans that would make teenagers envious, struck Billie as stylish. As they embarked on the journey, the driver shared anecdotes about his family, his pride brimming over his daughter's achievement as the first in their lineage to attend university.

As they finally arrived at François's house, Billie's eyes shimmered with anticipation. She implored the cab driver to wait for her, fearing the worst possible outcome: either Jupiter would reject her outright or refuse to open the door. Billie's heart raced as she knocked on the oak door, reminiscent of her first visit.

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