Chapter 27

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Today was going to be stressful. First Billie had to wake up. Her beauty team had to make her look good. Go to the Oscars and possibly make History.

So there she was laying in Bed. Jupiters side empty.
She had excused her, by saying that today is going to be long and she didn't want to make her day boring by Jupiter always just being by her side and doing nothing.

Of course Jupiter had offered to stay, because after all she didn't mind staying by Billie, even though it was boring.

But Billie insisted . The absence of Jupiter was making her regret this decision.

The empty bed got to her she missed cuddling Jupiter smelling the perfume she wore.

She still had about 10 minutes to lay in bed and do nothing. So she spent every moment just wanting to get a kiss from Jupiter, a hug, or maybe a quick fuck.

Fuck it-She thought

Getting her phone she texted her. Saying she changed her mind and asking her to come over.

In a moment of time she got a quick reply.

"Of course i'll come over. Bringing breakfast." Billie read the text and smiled.

This is great. Now she gets to spend almost the entire day with her.

It was a really sunny day. One where you'd just kill to go for a swim or lay in the sun.

She hoped to see Jupiter in a bikini. that woman is hot as hell. Her beauty is immoral. She doesn't need to put on makeup or dress in the best clothes to be beautiful.

Billie felt like her life was really good right now. She was working on a new album. She had a girlfriend.
She was about to go to the fucking oscars.

There was a knock on the door. She was expecting Jupiter but it was her beauty team and a bunch of other people that were going to get her ready.

They came in, got set up and she sat down in a chair that stared at a mirror.

There was another knock at the door. One of the many people in her house answered it.

"Hey i'm here, had to run, but anything for you" Jupiter entered the house immediately going up to Billie and kissing her cheek.

"Thanks for coming." Billie replied smiling up. Not really being able to see her due to The Woman doing her hair.

"Nonsense, you look really good right now" Jupiter whispered in her ear. And getting really close to her.

Over the next few hours Billie was getting ready Jupiter was either helping or reading some sort of book she had stashed in her messenger bag.

When Billie had finally gotten ready she looked fabulous. The type of beauty that cannot be explained on paper. The type of beauty that there's not enough words in the english language to describe it.

The make up didn't cover her up. But added a subtle smoothness of the skin and made her eyes darker that only brought out her, as she called them, ocean eyes.

Most people that looked at her didn't see the same Billie that Jupiter saw. They saw the famous, rich, friends in high places-Billie.

But her-Jupiter noticed her for who she truly was. The kind, gentle, gorgeous girl she fell for.

"Can i kiss you?" Jupiter asked.

"Yes but don't tell them they'll only think that you ruined my make up." Billie said gesturing to the people in the other room.

"Do you think they'd mind if I did more than kiss you?" Jupiter whispered

"Mmm they might, I won't, ever." Billie said.

Jupiter kissed Billies neck. Gently her exposed collarbone.

Jupiter turned back to Billie. "Do you think that they'd mind if i left a mark?" Jupiter once again asked for her permission

"They might, I don't" And Billie appreciated that.

And so Jupiter sucked and nibbled on her exposed shoulder that she knew people would see.

"Im sorry, was this a bad idea?" Jupiter apologised. Clearly a little stressed.

"Baby, calm down, im okay with it. And people will know that im yours, which i love" Billie convinced her.

Jupiter was prone to freak outs. In any sense. If she did anything wrong or even a little problematic she always immediately apologised. She didn't even have to be the person who did something wrong, yet she still apologised.

There was a knock at the door and a man shouting that its time to go.

"Come with me?" Billie asked

"I can't, you know that. As much as i'd like that im not prepared, and most importantly we can't because of the internet, you know that."

Billie knew this, of fucking course she knew this. She thought about this every night every morning.

How much she wants to show off her relationship with Jupiter but it's just not possible right now.

The world is just not ready yet.

"Okay new plan, you go till i have to get out of the car. You stay in the car." Billie created a new plan
This one far more useless.

"Okay, fine" Jupiter agreed

So they got in the car. And when the driver put up the barrier that kept him from seeing Billie and Jupiter making out.

Soon enough the driver stoped. Rolled a bit of the barrier down. Just enough for them to hear him.

"We have arrived miss Eilish."

"Thanks" Billie answered. Jupiter quickly cleaned up Billie with her fingers fixing a bit of smudged lipstick. And the bit of hair where her hands had resided.

She sat on the opposite seat that no one would see . And kissed Billie on the lips

"You can do this" Jupiter said.

The last words before Billie exited the vehicle.

And that was it she was once again cast aside. As she had absolutely expected to be.

But it still hurt.

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