Chapter 25

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"I don't particularly care for this," Billie confessed, standing in front of the door, her hand linked with Jupiter's.

"I promise it won't be as bad as you think. They might just film you and occasionally exhibit some homophobic tendencies. And since they are still in denial, they'll refer to you as my friend, even though I came out five years ago," Jupiter confessed.

As they gazed at the white front porch door, memories flooded back of entering it every day after the school bus dropped Jupiter off.

Finally succumbing to the situation, Billie knocked on the door, the sound echoing loudly. The heavy, resounding footsteps that followed were unmistakably her father's.

"Oh, you're here. I didn't know you were coming," Jupiter's father said, peering into Billie's eyes.

"Yes dad, I brought my girlfriend with me. This is Billie," Jupiter introduced, her father's gaze shifting towards the shorter girl.

"It's great to meet some of Jupiter's... friends," Jack-Jupiter's father, stumbled over his words.

"She's my girlfriend," Jupiter corrected him.

"Right," Jack choked out.

"Babe, Jupiter's here!" Jack shouted, and Billie's eyes drifted towards the woman practically sprinting towards them.

"Oh, Jupiter, why haven't you introduced me?" Jupiter's mother began speaking, panting from her hurried approach.

"You just ran here—never mind. This is Billie, my girlfriend," Jupiter finally clarified, still confused as to why they hadn't been invited inside.

"Oh, Billie, it's absolutely lovely to meet you. You're so beautiful and talented. You must come from a wealthy background," Jupiter's mother was interrupted by Jupiter coughing.

"Yes, it's very nice to meet you too, Mrs. Jones," Billie replied, embracing the woman through whose womb Jupiter had entered the world.

"Come in, come in. Venus is absolutely ecstatic to meet you," Jupiter's mother gestured, welcoming them inside.

Billie walked beside Jupiter, making sure not to let go of her hand. They were immediately approached by Venus, who exclaimed, "Oh my God... It's like you're my best friend!" Venus rushed forward, enveloping Billie in a tight hug.

"That's nice... Who are you?" Jupiter chuckled, amused by her sister's exuberance.

"Jupiter is my dear sister. The moment I saw your Instagram story with Jupiter, I almost died. We're like besties," Venus confessed, gazing at Billie in awe.

"You could be my maid of honor, although I did promise the position to my cousin. But if you really want to, you could be a bridesmaid," Venus tried to convince Billie, who looked to Jupiter for guidance.

"Okay, I'm going to show Billie around the house," Jupiter interjected, pulling Billie away from her enthusiastic sister.

"You weren't kidding," Billie sighed, glancing back at the eager woman who continued to stare.

"No, I wasn't. I'm surprised she didn't call my cousin to cancel her as the maid of honor," Jupiter laughed, leading Billie through the hallway of the house.

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