Chapter 7

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The melodic chimes of an alarm disrupted their peaceful slumber, rousing them from deep sleep. As Jupiter awakened, the soothing warmth of Billie's body next to her on the bed brought a sense of tranquility. However, one thing startled her from her drowsiness.

"Billie, could you please turn off the alarm?" Jupiter gently shook Billie, who clung onto her like a koala, unwilling to let go. Jupiter sighed and reached for Billie's phone, conveniently tucked away in her pocket.

"Mmm, Mama, what are you trying to do?" Billie's groggy voice resonated, sending vibrations through Jupiter's neck.

"I'm trying to silence that annoying alarm. Do you have somewhere important to be?" Jupiter pressed the off button on Billie's phone.

"Nah, it's just an automatic setting. We can stay in bed all day," Billie mumbled, snuggling closer to Jupiter.

"Sounds perfect," Jupiter replied, holding Billie's touch-starved body as if her life depended on it.


The couple luxuriated in the comfort of their bed for a few more hours until hunger finally nudged them awake.

"Dude, spread the avocado out nicely," Jupiter overheard Billie mutter.

"I am, it's an artistic presentation," Jupiter playfully retorted.

"Okay, but I'm making my own. I ain't eating that mess," Billie pointed at the avocado tomato sandwich that Jupiter had haphazardly assembled.

Jupiter rolled her eyes, playfully teasing her partner.

The two settled at the table, facing each other.

"Oh, fuck!" Jupiter exclaimed, looking down at her phone.

"What's wrong?" Billie asked, her mouth full of sandwich.

"First of all, don't talk with your mouth full. And secondly, I have to go into work today," Jupiter replied, her comment catching Billie off guard. Why would Jupiter still need to work when she was already a popular author with a best-selling romance book in the lesbian community?

"Junie, why haven't you quit already? I mean, I get it, but at the same time, you're a renowned author now," Billie queried, her confusion evident.

"I think it's about stability. I like the fact that I'll always have a steady income. I understand that one of my books has gained fame or something, but it doesn't guarantee the same success for all my future books," Jupiter explained, shrugging nonchalantly.

"Junie, baby, you do realize that so many people read your book for a reason. They love your writing style, so they'll continue to read your new books. And by the way, you have to get me a copy so that I can read it," Billie said reassuringly. Jupiter pondered the idea of sharing with Billie the book that was essentially a love letter dedicated to her. The captivating woman in the book was none other than Billie herself.

"Yeah, I'll consider that," Jupiter chuckled softly, appreciating Billie's unwavering support.

"Anyways, the bar only opens at 8 PM, so we have plenty of time," Jupiter said, diverting the conversation.

The rest of the day slipped away quickly as the two women indulged in laziness, lounging around, watching TV, and relishing in junk food.

"Baby, please don't go," Billie pleaded, her voice filled with a mix of longing and reluctance.

"Come on, Bils, you know I have to. Who else will serve the drinks if not me?" Jupiter replied, gazing into Billie's eyes.

"Okay, but can I come with you?" Billie offered, hoping for a chance

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