Chapter 9

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Billie woke up, feeling the immediate discomfort of a sore throat and aching muscles. Jupiter's head was resting on her breasts, serving as their makeshift pillows. The presence of someone in the same bed brought her comfort, but her congested nose made it difficult to breathe.

"Jupiter," Billie shook Jupiter's shoulder gently. "Hmm," Jupiter hummed in response. "Junie, lift your head. You're crushing me," Billie said, realizing the hoarseness of her own voice. Jupiter lifted herself and looked up at Billie.

"Are you feeling okay, baby?" Jupiter asked, touching her hand to Billie's cheek to check her temperature.

"Maybe a bit under the weather," Billie mumbled, closing her eyes to alleviate the pain.

"It's all my fault. I should have been more attentive," Jupiter lamented.

"Don't worry, it's just a cold. Can you get me an Advil?" Billie asked.

"Yes, of course. Would you like anything else? Maybe some soup, food, or tea?" Jupiter offered.

"You can make soup?" Billie asked, impressed.

"Oh yeah, I wanted to become a chef when I was younger because I loved making food with my grandma," Jupiter explained.

"Huh, really? I mean, you do make a mean burrito," Billie laughed, clutching her head in pain.

Jupiter realized the severity of the situation and rushed to the bathroom cabinet. She scanned the contents and found toothpaste, toothbrushes, and even condoms. Finally, she located the Advil, the one thing she was looking for.

Carrying the Advil and a glass of water, Jupiter made her way back to the bedroom.

"You should have laid on the floor with me," Jupiter teased as she handed the water and medicine to Billie.

Billie took out five Advil tablets from the box and grabbed the water from Jupiter's hand.

"Are you going to take all five of those?" Jupiter asked, concerned.

"Yeah, what's the big deal? Did you want to be a doctor too?" Billie playfully retorted.

"No, but I did watch ten seasons of Grey's Anatomy. But that's beside the point, and you're not supposed to take five pills at once," Jupiter said, taking four pills out of Billie's hand and placing them back in the container.

"I'll be right back. I'll make the soup and maybe cut up some fruits," Jupiter said, walking to the kitchen, leaving Billie alone in bed.

"Thanks, Junie!" Billie shouted after her.

Billie picked up her phone and started scrolling through Instagram, liking a few of her friends' posts and checking out the recommended content and stories. She decided to check her schedule for the day. She was supposed to have a meeting with her manager about the 'boyfriend' situation. Billie quickly canceled, citing illness.

After the meeting, she was supposed to meet up with her family at a fancy restaurant. She called her mom, who answered promptly.

"Hey, Mom," Billie greeted, her voice cracking a bit.

"Hi, what's up with your voice?" Maggie asked.

"I'm sick. I can't make it to dinner tonight," Billie replied.

"Oh, do you want me to come over? I know how much you like my vegan soup," Maggie offered.

"No, it's okay. I have a... friend over. She's making me soup," Billie responded.

"Can Drew make soup?" Maggie asked curiously.

"It's not Drew, Mom. It's a new friend," Billie smiled.

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