Chapter 6

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As Billie slowly woke up, a mixture of excitement and apprehension filled her. She found herself lying next to a stunning girl, their bodies intertwined in a gentle embrace. The alluring scent of coconuts emanated from her hair, and Billie couldn't resist stealing a taste of her cherry-flavored lips.

As the girl, named Jupiter, stirred in her arms, a soft groan escaped her lips. Turning her head towards Billie, she asked, "How did you sleep?"

"Truthfully, I slept warm and snugly, although my neck wasn't too happy with the upward position," Billie confessed, shifting her body to pull Jupiter closer. Nuzzling her face into Jupiter's neck, she mumbled, "What time is it?"

Jupiter replied, her voice still laced with drowsiness, "It's around 10 AM." Suddenly, Billie's eyes widened in panic.

"Shit! I'm late for a meeting. Could you... Can you drive me, please?" Billie pleaded, feeling the pressure of time weighing on her.

Jupiter quickly grabbed her phone and rushed to put on her Converse shoes, fetching a jacket for Billie, who didn't have one. In haste, they made their way towards Jupiter's motorcycle. Jupiter asked, still groggy from sleep, "Where are we going?"

"Umm, 123 Random Street," Billie responded, hopping onto the motorcycle, and without hesitation, they accelerated, surpassing the speed limit until they reached their destination.

Billie hopped off the motorcycle and began running towards the building. But before she disappeared inside, she turned around, saying, "Give me your phone."

"Huh?" Jupiter was taken aback by the sudden request.

"Just give it to me," Billie insisted. Jupiter reluctantly handed over her phone. Billie swiftly typed something into it and left, leaving Jupiter both confused and elated. As she departed, Billie planted a sweet kiss on Jupiter's cheek, adding to her bewilderment.

In the elevator, Billie stood alone, ascending to the eleventh floor. As she rushed into the office on the right, her brother and a few managers were already seated, awaiting her arrival.

"Sorry, I overslept. I'm late," Billie apologized, looking around the room as the conversation resumed. The meeting revolved around plans for her upcoming shows, most of which were scheduled in LA, as she had just returned from a tour.

They discussed album details and strategies for social media promotion. After a while, the meeting concluded, and people dispersed. As Billie was about to leave, her brother Finneas approached her.

"So, whose jacket is that? I know it ain't yours," Finneas inquired, a playful grin on his face.

"It's this girl... I don't know, man. I really like her," Billie confessed, a mixture of uncertainty and excitement in her voice.

"Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell, do you have a crush?" Finneas teased.

"You're dumb," Billie retorted, playfully rolling her eyes before walking away.

"You didn't deny it," Finneas muttered to himself, a smirk forming on his lips.

As Billie exited the office, she called for an Uber, pulling up the hood of the hoodie she wore beneath Jupiter's leather jacket. That small gesture from Jupiter brought a smile to her face. However, Billie still wondered if Jupiter knew who she really was. Dealing with fame was always a challenge, as it often complicated relationships.

Most people in Billie's life had treated her differently because of her fame, either trying to exploit it or hoping for her downfall. What if Jupiter decided to expose her?

Before she could think further. She had arrived home.

With a disdain for overly modern aesthetics, Billie preferred a cozy and comfortable style for her home. The sterile white furniture of contemporary design never resonated with her, as it lacked the warmth that truly made a house feel like a home.

Heading to the kitchen, Billie retrieved some leftovers from her refrigerator, preparing them in the microwave to warm up. While waiting, she glanced at her phone and noticed a new message from an unknown number.


Hey, it's meee. You know, you stole my jacket. Gonna have to give that back. :)

Billie couldn't help but smirk mischievously as she quickly replied.


I'll give you your jacket when you come oover. 😏


I have to announce that I'm coming over, later tonight.

Billie finished her meal hastily and hurriedly began tidying up her house. Although she had already cleaned over the weekend, she wanted to impress Jupiter, make her feel at home in every sense.

Several hours passed, and a knock on the door startled Billie. She practically ran towards it, a wide smile lighting up her face as she opened the door to reveal Jupiter's stunning visage.

"You came!" Billie exclaimed, embracing Jupiter tightly. The hug felt powerful, like two souls leaping off a cliff into the vast ocean below.

"Of course, I told you so... You left me on read," Jupiter mumbled playfully.

"Sorry, I was eating. Now, c'mon, I want to show you my home." Billie hurriedly removed Jupiter's shoes and jacket before leading her into the kitchen.

Pointing around the room, Billie said, "This is my kitchen, very simple, and that's the living room." She provided a quick overview of the most significant aspects of the space.

"Okay, now for the most important part of the house," Billie wiggled her eyebrows mischievously and took Jupiter's arm, leading her towards her bedroom.

"This is my bedroom. That's my bed, and that's my closet. It's a mess in there, so maybe don't go in. Oh, and I love my red LED lights," Billie shared proudly.

"Bils, you know I don't care if you're a little messy. Besides, I feel like the red lights really help calm you down," Jupiter reassured her.

"Exactly! I've been telling my friends the same thing, but they just don't understand," Billie agreed with a sigh of relief.

The two sat down on the bed, eventually lying down together. Billie mustered the courage to share her truth.

"I'm a singer and kind of famous," Billie blurted out nervously.

"Oh?" Jupiter responded, turning to face the girl beside her. Without uttering a word, Jupiter leaned in and kissed Billie, a passionate and profound connection that carried them into a serene space. The dim red lights masked the blush that adorned Billie's cheeks, and she was grateful for their comforting glow.

"I like that," Jupiter remarked, her voice filled with sincerity.

"Mhm," Billie responded, surrendering herself to the kiss, which felt so natural, like the final piece of a jigsaw puzzle clicking into place.

"C'mon, I want to go watch The Office," Billie pulled Jupiter up, her enthusiasm contagious.

Once again, they cuddled up together, finding solace in each other's presence. Eventually, exhaustion overtook them, and they drifted off to sleep.

Each night that followed became more special, their connection deepening as they embarked on a journey of love and shared moments, grateful to have found solace in each other's arms.

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