Chapter 3

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Six months had passed since Jupiter had released her book, and the whirlwind of success and mixed emotions continued to engulf her. As she spoke into her phone, her voice carried a tone of weariness and frustration.

"Look, I don't want to do it," Jupiter expressed, her words laced with reluctance.

"But Jupiter, think about the exposure and the potential for more financial gains," her manager, Wendy, reasoned.

"I couldn't care less about money, Wendy," Jupiter retorted before abruptly ending the call, overwhelmed by her inner turmoil.

Truth be told, Jupiter was in the midst of one of her depressive episodes, where she retreated into the confines of her home, battling the weight of her emotions. Despite her initial resistance, she knew deep down that she would eventually give in to the demands and expectations placed upon her. She couldn't bear the thought of disappointing those who supported her, perhaps because she intimately understood the pain of disappointment.

Having finally completed her book, which had become a sensational bestseller, Jupiter found herself facing criticism and backlash for its portrayal of a lesbian romance. However, she remained resolute and unfazed by the bigotry thrown her way. Homophobia was not an unfamiliar territory for her.

The next few days passed swiftly, and now it was Friday—a day that Jupiter despised. The energy surrounding Fridays always felt sluggish and unproductive.

"It's Friday, I'll finish this on Monday," she murmured to herself, aware that the world seemed to collectively yearn for an early release from responsibilities.

But what was the point? Staying home alone in her sparsely decorated apartment, where every corner echoed with her depression?

With limited time until the signing event at 6 PM, Jupiter quickly dressed in black straight jeans, a graphic tee proclaiming her disdain for Fridays, and a jacket to shield herself from the world. Her genuine hatred for Fridays ran deeper than mere laziness—it was a reminder of countless struggles and battles she had faced.

Before leaving, Jupiter double-checked that everything was switched off and attended to the needs of her beloved pet bacteria. Mounting her motorcycle, she accelerated, driven by both urgency and determination.

Arriving at the venue, she found herself greeted by a cozy yet grand bookstore, adorned with lush greenery and personal touches that evoked memories of the hometown bookstore she cherished. A wall filled with posters and a desk adorned with stacks of her books awaited her arrival.

Although exhaustion threatened to consume her, Jupiter knew she couldn't let her fans down. The signing event was still an hour away, and yet a long line had already formed outside, filled with eager faces and hearts brimming with anticipation.

Taking a deep breath, Jupiter prepared herself for the evening that lay ahead. With each step she took towards the entrance, she reminded herself that despite the weight she carried, she possessed the strength to touch lives and inspire others through her words.

Little did she know that within the confines of that bookstore, amidst the bustling energy and anticipation, awaited the potential for unexpected connections, profound moments, and a renewed sense of purpose that would shape the course of her journey in unforeseen ways."

Billie found herself lounging in the comfort of her own home, relishing in the swift passing of the day as she engaged in silly antics with her friend Drew. Amidst their casual banter, Drew mentioned having plans to attend a book signing later.

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