Chapter 13

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Billie's mind was consumed with difficult decisions, leaving her unsure of what to say or do.

Thoughts swirled relentlessly, refusing to release their grip on her consciousness. Just as she was lost in her own world, a sudden text notification broke through the chaos.

It was Jupiter, the mere mention of whom brought a smile to Billie's face and made her heart flutter with excitement.

Jupiter's text read, "Billlllliiee, I haven't seen you all week. Come over." Billie couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness and warmth at the knowledge that Jupiter missed her.

Without hesitation, she typed a quick response, her fingers moving swiftly across the screen. She grabbed her car keys, slipped on her shoes, and threw on a cozy sweatshirt, eager to see Jupiter.

As Billie hopped into her car and started driving, she cranked up the volume of her favorite songs, unleashing her voice and pouring her heart into the lyrics. It was in these carefree moments that life reached its peak, where she could let go and find solace in music that didn't always relate to her own experiences.

Arriving at Jupiter's apartment, Billie's anticipation grew. The wooden door swung open, revealing the woman who brought her peace and tranquility. "Junie!" Billie exclaimed, wrapping her hands around Jupiter, feeling all her worries dissipate. Looking into Jupiter's eyes, she couldn't resist leaning in to peck her lips affectionately.

The two of them entered the apartment, and Billie plopped down on the sofa, seeking comfort in its familiar embrace. "What do you want to do?" Billie asked, her gaze shifting from the ceiling to Jupiter. A mischievous smile danced across Jupiter's face as she replied, "I have a great idea, but it's in a public place. You'll have to wear a hat." With a playful toss, she threw a cap toward Billie.

Curiosity piqued, Billie inquired, "Where are we going?" Jupiter, with a hint of mystery in her voice, simply replied, "You'll find out when we get there." Taking the car keys from Billie's hand, Jupiter assumed the role of the driver. As they embarked on their journey, Billie glanced at the rearview mirror, spotting the paper bag filled with Jupiter's books, a reminder of the thoughts plaguing her mind. To divert her attention, Billie decided to vocalize her discovery. "I've read a bit of your book," she confessed, gazing out of the window at the passing trees, whose carefree descent mirrored her own desire for release.

Jupiter's eyes widened momentarily before relaxing, as if a realization had dawned upon her. "Yeah," she cleared her throat, "the book is essentially about you." Billie's eyes widened in surprise, stunned by Jupiter's admission. "I mean," Jupiter continued, "it's about a woman who is perfect, and that's how I see you." Billie couldn't help but smirk, her response filled with playful banter. "Okay," she said, "I'm fine with that. Just let me know the next time you decide to write a book about me."

Eventually, they arrived at a bustling carnival, replete with vibrant attractions, roller coasters, and a towering Ferris wheel. Billie's excitement overflowed as she exclaimed, "You brought me to a carnival! Bro, I love you so much!" In that moment, she realized the weight of her words and anxiously awaited Jupiter's response. "I mean... I—" Billie quickly corrected herself, her fear of rejection lurking in the shadows.

Jupiter chuckled, her hands gently cradling Billie's face. "Bils, I love you," Jupiter confessed, leaning in to plant a tender kiss on Billie's lips. The words "I love you" may seem simple, but the emotions behind them carried profound meaning—a rare opportunity for happiness that shouldn't be missed, even if only for a fleeting moment.

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