Part 1

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"Alhaitham..? I think I need to see a doctor" Kaveh said as he knocked on Alhaitham's door, he raised his hand up to his mouth and coughed, although it wasn't normal. No, not at all. The cough didn't feel right or normal to Kaveh, as if it was different. He felt something wet and something of texture on his hand. He looked to see his hand covered in blood splatters and bits of flowers cupped in his hand, he wasn't so affected as this has been happening recently but it still made him beyond anxious.

"Are you only sick? Stop trying to get attention, it's unnecessary. It's just a cough, you're fine."  Alhaitham called out from the other side of the door, irritation filled his voice.

"O..Oh..I see..But It feels really wrong I-..My head feels light and my chest hurts.. Ah–.."

"Kaveh! Quiet! You're fine, just go lay down. You're being dramatic again and simply throwing a fuss." Alhaitham yelled again, a slam was heard at the door as if he threw something against it.

Kaveh jumped a bit, he bit his lip to stop it from quivering then slowly walked to his room as he laid on his bed hugging his pillow and shaking. Without realizing it he closed his eyes..lightly drifting off to sleep...

    Suddenly in the middle of the night Kaveh jumped awake., immediately running to the bathroom. He slammed the door open then dropped to his knees in front of the toilet, throwing up and coughing. After each release he gasped for air then letting out another cough with a slight cry simply from struggling. After what felt like forever the throwing up finally stopped..Kaveh lifted his head up slightly while wiping his mouth with his sleeve. What just so happened to be his 'throw up' it was actually a flood of blood and flowers. Normally it wouldn't build up this bad but because Kaveh was holding it back, it turned into this.. And merely because of his feelings..It always depended on his feelings and how things left off with a certain someone. He tried his best to focus on breathing, he felt as if his whole stomach dropped. Not from him throwing up but he was as anxious as ever. This had always freaked him out. His whole body trembled as his breathing was hesitant. He backed himself against the wall, his hand over his mouth as very little blood dripped from the corners.

"Kaveh..?" A tired voice called out along with the bathroom door slowly opening "What happened? What did you do now?" he yawned, seeming mad that his sleep was disrupted. His vision wasn't very straight due to him behind half awake-half asleep. Mostly asleep.. And the lights to the bathroom gave him all the more reason to keep his eyes shut.

Kaveh panicked when he heard Alaitham's voice, sure he wanted Alhaitham to know but something told him no, a deep voice inside him saying to keep it hidden..To never be found out...

One problem Kaveh had was he constantly heard voices in his head, telling him what to do, what not to do, and even saying how worthless he is. He's always listened, so of course he would listen again.He hurried onto his knees and pushed Alhaitham out since he was only leaning against the doorway then slammed the door shut, locking it.

"!!!" Alhaitham forced his eyes open then looked at the closed door in front of him and attempted to open it but failed "Kaveh? Kaveh what's this about. Open the door." he had a demanding tone since he knew what different tones to use with Kaveh in certain situations, and if he wanted Kaveh to do something he had to give out an order.

"No!" Kaveh yelled yet it was slightly muffled, anytime he spoke it felt like another bloodied flower came up his throat then out of his mouth. "Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit..." Kaveh cursed repeatedly while backing himself into a corner, freaking out.

Alhaitham leaned against the door and only heard Kaveh mumbling which was quite unsettling, and he knew nothing of what was happening, all he heard was choking like sounds every now and then "Kaveh. Open the door. You're freaking me out." He lightly banged on the door while breaking into a cold sweat. He tried opening the door again but still nothing. "Kaveh if you dont open this door by the time I count to 10 we're going to have a serious issue"

"Well..Don't you hear that? You made him mad. Way to go, honestly it's what you do best! He's done so much for you and all you do is make things harder. Not just for him..For everyone. Pathetic. Sitting in the corner of a bathroom freaking out for yourself? How selfish. Kaveh..You did this to yourself. And you're not helping either. Maybe he would have liked you by now if you weren't such a problem. Everything you do only makes him mad. Then you get yourself deeper..and deeper into this situation. You're to blame for this. So come on now. Suck it up!..or there's always another option.."

Kaveh x Alhaitham|| Angst+Fluff ||The Blood Spilt FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now