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Kaveh slowly stuck his middle finger up at Alhaitham before getting up "Youuuu suck."

Alhaitham sat up then laughed "2 grown men fighting. I wonder what people think" he teased


"No. You be quiet. Your yelling-" Alhaitham stood up as everybody was told to be quiet..

A gentle wind blew through everyone, dandelions flowed in with the wind, twirling around. It was a quick and gentle breeze that looked beautiful with the flowers that the wind carried

Klee jumped up and down excitedly as she signaled Kaveh to pick her up

Kaveh smiled then picked up Klee, placing her on his shoulders as she reached up to feel the air "Woahhhh! This is so cool!" She squealed.

"It is isn't it?" Kaveh watched as Diona came over to stand by him. Her real dad was to drunk to spend this moment with her..If that man ever wonders why his daughter never talks to him in the future he should know damn well why...And if he doesn't then it's because he drank too damn much. Such a thought was upsetting for Kaveh.. "Come here sweetie.." he picked her up and held her with both hands since Klee was on his shoulders, he smiled at Diona as they returned to looking up at the sky where the wind slowly started to die down..And a small flower that carried in the wind gently landed right on Diona's face..

"Hey! What's this!" Diona shook her head to get it off but Kaveh got it for her "It's a flower silly"

"Oh. I knew that!" Diona watched as Kaveh handed it to her..She had always thought that all adults were stupid drunks. Yes Kaveh drank and yes Kaveh got drunk at times..But he wasn't like the others. He didn't touch her or do stupid shit..Instead he was a little silly when he was drunk- he had a habit of getting Diona to draw on him when he was drunk. Or he just leaned against people and said random stuff that made no sense whatsoever. Last time he was drunk he got a sugar glider-

"Awwww...It's over.." Klee whined

Kaveh smiled at the two before setting them down "Did everybody have a good time?"

"Yea!" The two girls said together..Even Kaveh swore he saw Diona's tail wag..He was glad she was happy. That's all he wanted for her..

"Alhaitham? What about you? Any thoughts on Mondstadt?" Kaveh placed his hands on his hips, waiting for Alhaitham's response

"It's certainly different. The people are much livelier then the people of Sumeru..I think it's a fun nation" Alhaitham looked around and figured this place wasn't so bad. Sumeru was way different. Jeez now Sumeru felt boring to him.

Kaveh nodded his head and smiled "I'm glad"


It got later into the night as the festival took place all day. Tighnari and Cyno finally caught up with Kaveh, as Kaveh and Alhaitham were already together with the kids. Kaveh told Diona's dad that she'll be staying with him that night due to him being drunk and the fact he'll probably be late coming home..Again. As for Klee, she was the one that asked to stay with Kaveh. Jean allowed it yet wanted Klee back in the morning. That was understandable.

They were all walking together and talking, for who knows what reason Kaveh was walking backwards so he could face everybody

"So! Kaveh, how'd you fake your death anyway? Iv been trying to figure it out" Tighnari asked

"Oh, well that's a fun story. Awhile ago I was practicing a realism project, so I tried making my own fake human body. It turned out very well actually but then I gave up on it. I had it put in my storage unit out in the storage house and so that night when I got the idea I went and got it. I dressed it up with Mehraks help, Mehrak did most of the work. With a simple scan he moved my features to the doll. And besides it didn't matter since I burned it. Nobody could tell the different about what was off or not" Kaveh smiled then remembered Klee and Diona was there "uh..Were talking about a movie!..Aha..."

Diona and Klee both were giving Kaveh an odd look, Klee mostly looked weirded out but upon hearing Kaveh say that she pushed it off "Oh! Ok! What a scary movie.."

Tighnari looked quite surprised really, he didn't expect Kaveh to know how to do such a thing

"I didn't think you were smart." Cyno had his arms crossed and since he was a cop nothing got by him..Yet he couldn't figure out Kaveh's death. No one could. It was marked as unknown.

"Hey! I'm very smart!" Kaveh rolled his eyes seeming a bit annoyed

"Ehhh..." Alhaitham mumbled


"Damn! Ok ok-"

Kaveh tsk'd then went to turn around but just as he did he ran into a rather rough body, completely catching him off guard and putting him into a daze for a moment

A pair of hands rubbed down to Kaveh's waist until 1 let go and placed itself under Kaveh's chin, tilting it up "Oh?..There you are sweetheart, Iv been looking all over for you" ..Said Diluc..With Venti not far behind with a smile on his face

Kaveh x Alhaitham|| Angst+Fluff ||The Blood Spilt FlowerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora