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[Heyyyy guys...I'm genuinely sorry for this chapter. But there will be more to the story after this so keep reading to find out what happens]

A few weeks have passed and everything is still going great, they have a date night, movie night, cooking/baking night, and whatever else you could possibly imagine. Today Alhaitham was out at work and Kaveh figured he should clean up their room and the house for that matter. He sat up from the couch and made his way to their room where he started cleaning up, as he cleaned he saw Alhaitham's book on his desk. Alhaitham's book was practically his entire life, it had information and notes of everything. It was his life project you could say, he protected it with his entire being. The desk was looking rather messy and unorganized so Kaveh started moving some things around...As he was finishing up he slid his hand across the desk Accidently knocking over a glass of ink..He had no idea the lid wasn't on..

The ink spilled all over the desk and even seeped into Alhaitham's book...Ink absorbing into the pages..The worst part was that the book was open..So it bled through every little page. Kaveh fell silent, he swore his heart fell down to the bottom of his stomach "...oh my—" he felt his hand shake, and his body for that matter... what the FUCK have I done!? Kaveh tried to wipe the ink off with a towel but that was no use..Nobody knows ink better then Kaveh and that stuff is permanent. Oh my god what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do! Kaveh panicked, he paced around the room biting the edge of his finger while going through millions of different scenarios. He's gonna kill me, he's gonna kill me, he's gonna kill me. Guilt flooded through Kaveh, he knew this would crush Alhaitham and there was no way to make up for this.


Shit. Alhaitham was home..Kaveh slowly walked out of there bedroom, his head tilted down as he leaned against the wall

Alhaitham looked over and tilted his head, he knew something was wrong. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" He walked over, grabbing Kaveh lightly by his shoulders "You can tell me hun"

Kaveh bit his lip to stop it from shaking, how was he possibly able to apologize for this!? He couldn't hide it though either...he just had to face it... "...I was cleaning our room..then I went to clean your desk..I didn't know you left the lid off of the ink and I.. accidentally spilled it on your book" he spoke hesitantly without looking at Alhaitham once..Alhaitham didn't speak either. Instead he just rushed off into their room.

Immediately after Kaveh confessed the events of what happened Alhaitham rushed into their room and over to his desk to see the book..It was absolutely fucked. Fucked beyond repair. He turned around to see Kaveh leaning against the doorway. Mistake or not..He didn't care. Not anymore. Not again. "All that hard work just for it to be messed up by a fucking blonde little bitch that causes NOTHING but problems for me! What the hell were you thinking Kaveh!"

"I didn't mean to! I swear I would nev—"

"Mistake or not, all you do is cause all these problems and I'm left fixing them for you! It's fucking tiring. Why do you have to be so stupid! So problematic! Iv tried being patient with you, and everything that's been going on in the past few months is all for you, everything is about YOU! And I'm fucking fed up with your bullshit. I'm not dealing with this anymore. Fuck you and get your shit and get the hell out of here." Alhaitham threw the book at Kaveh then walked into their closet, grabbing a box then walking out to place it on the floor "Come on now. Get to it."

Kaveh remained silent the whole time, his body shook but he couldn't manage a word. Nothing other than a stutter. Tears began falling down his face..ones he couldn't stop. 'Dumb blonde.' 'Problematic' 'Stupid' 'Draining' there was probably more..Alhaitham was most definitely holding back...So this was it hm? They broke up...And he's getting kicked out. Haha...That's great..Funny how 1 thing can go right in his life then the next he knows how to totally fuck it up and hurt the 1 person he wouldn't dare think of. Everything was Kaveh's fault. His fathers death...His mothers pain..Alhaitham's problems..He was just a pain to Sumeru. He hadn't accomplished a goddamn THING..Ha..That's ok! He knew how to fix this.

"..That's ok..You can burn it. I don't need it" Kaveh managed to say, his head still down. He hugged himself tightly then turned around to walk out

"I swear to god if I see your pathetic, disgusting self anywhere near me or even in my sight there will be a problem." Alhaitham walked forward after Kaveh then managed to get a look at his face "Oh don't go feeling sorry for yourself now. Take my advice. Learn to fucking fix yourself and stop relying on people to do it for you. I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't. You've never accomplished anything on your own." As soon as Kaveh walked out Alhaitham slammed the door behind him then turned around to see Mehrak "I will fucking kill you." He took Mehrak then threw him out the door.

(I dunno about you guys but I think he likes throwing Mehrak)

As Alhaitham's words started to kick in, Kaveh fell to his knees as he cried. The pain in his chest that never seemed to go away since this whole thing started..Alhaitham absolutely hated him..And during all those months they spent together Kaveh was still a problem? Did Alhaitham genuinely love him?..Or did he just pity him.

Mehrak came up to Kaveh, nudging his back while making small noises.

Kaveh turned to look at Mehrak..He threw Mehrak into his arms as he cried. That was the one thing that went right in his life..Mehrak..Maybe it was because he couldn't talk- but Mehrak was the only one who never left him or hated him...Yet. Kaveh cried till his body was numb and he couldn't cry anymore..And suddenly he was a child again. In his room wondering when his dad would return..oh but he did return. Through the news of his death. He was back as a child watching his mother cry of her loves death and having to raise a child on her own. Kaveh knew his fathers death was his fault...and now his Mother's pain..He was a child of misery and death..Death by emotion and death by a person. All those nights crying himself to sleep..and here he was years later repeating those same habits he had as a kid...What would him as a child say to Kaveh now?.."Do things get better?" He would ask..."No my sweet boy..No things don't" is how Kaveh would respond. How would he ever catch a break?.. "Are we finally loved?" He would ask. "No, we're an issue baby boy.." Kaveh would answer. "Do we finally follow our dream to be an architect!" He asked. "Yes, but we still failed," Kaveh would say..How could he comfort his childhood self now?..If only he could save him..from this disgusting world..oh..Maybe there was a way..It wasn't so hard.

"Hello Sumeru! And welcome to the morning Sumeru News! A young architect, Sumeru's Kshahrewar Kaveh was found dead. It is unknown if it was a suicide or a murder. Possibly even an accident..The case is unknown..."

Kaveh x Alhaitham|| Angst+Fluff ||The Blood Spilt FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now