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[Gasp, 3 parts in 1 day. Maybe 4 :)]

As it got later and everyone left, Kaveh walked up to his grave..his hand sliding against the stone as it started to rain. "you poor child..may you find peace" he dropped to his knees, bowing down to pay his respects.

Hm? What's going on you may ask?..Quite simple really..Kaveh faked his death..With the help of Mehrak he managed to copy his body to create a fake one, one that was realistic to a human. This was his final goodbye.

As Kaveh was bowed down, rain hitting his back lightly he heard a voice

"How interesting..." Wanderer walked over, standing behind Kaveh while crossing his arms "Quite smart for a mere human...leaving this tragic life behind for a new one I'd assume?"

Kaveh turned around to see a short blue-ish haired boy looking down on him "That would be correct"

"Hm...I know how you feel." Wanderer saw Kaveh as himself, he could highly relate..After all..He left behind his life as Kunikuzushi..Kabukimono..Scaramouche. And now he lives as Wanderer. As disgusting as it was and how much he hated people nor did he care for their feelings. He took an interest into Kaveh. He didn't understand his life at all, but it must have been enough to make the kid fake his own death. Wanderer understood that, he did the exact same thing.

"How strange that somebody could possibly know how I feel..Yet I believe you" Kaveh smiled

Wanderer held his hand out as he leaned over a bit "Come on. I'll help you" he sighed. As Kaveh took his hand he pulled him up then walked away, taking Kaveh to his house "So. What brought you to do it?"

"Ah..I really needed to start over. Life was shit repeatedly and.. I just had to get away. I wanted a re-do in life. I'm not going to change my identity but..Ugh. I really don't know what I'm doing." Kaveh groaned, walking side by side with the boy

"I see..Well..You want to leave Sumeru right?" Wanderer asked. He had an idea on how to help Kaveh. He just wanted to make the right decision for him.


"Hm.." Wanderer looked up upon seeing his doors, he pushed them open as he walked in with Kaveh. "Let's see here." He walked into his room and pulled out a map of Teyvat

"Hey, what's your story? Earlier you said you know how I feel. That must be painful for you..I get if you don't want to talk about it. But hey, like you said! We're the same" Kaveh smiled as a way of comfort for the boy. "I'll tell you mine, talking about these things help..especially when you can relate with somebody"

Wanderer looked over at Kaveh. No way in hell would he open up to a stranger. He left his life behind for a reason..But. Oddly..He didn't mind this blonde. Who knows, maybe he was right. Nahida told him that he should find somebody to talk to or socialize with. Besides, he was helping out Kaveh already. He never does that. Eh, whatever... "Mm.." he took in a deep breath, he sat down on his bed, signaling Kaveh to join him. As he told the entire story of his past, Kaveh would join in and tell his. They both talked about it and their feelings, they even shared their opinions and to which they agreed with eachother..Wanderer thought he'd HATE this conversation..But instead he felt a lot more relieved.

"Who knew we were similar in quite a few ways, right! I promise not to tell anyone. After all, they have no business knowing." Kaveh placed his hand on top of the boys head while promising

"Yea..Me to" Wanderer promised back "Oh, that reminds me. I won't tell anybody you're alive, that's no fun. You made things interesting for me here in Sumeru..heh, feeding off of people's misery brings me the best entertainment"

"Your welcome?" Kaveh tilted his head seeming unsure yet laughed

"Ok. Back on track." Wanderer went back to the map, Kaveh followed and looked to where the blue haired boy pointed "Here is Liyue, you probably know about the other nations but whatever. It's the nation of contracts. It's god is Morax and or Rex Lapis who passed. So I guess it's godless. But its still eventful. They host the lantern rite every year. There's not much to it but it's alright. They have kids there you might like and it has pretty good decoration, y'know. Since you're an architect. Unless you want a new hobby" he slid his finger over to Inazuma seeming disgusted "Inazuma. An isolated hell-hole you can't escape. There God, Raiden Ei. Well, mostly her idiotic puppet Raiden Shogun. There god tries to kill you over any minor inconvenience and have you heard about the vision hunt decree? Also the guards there suck. It's always storming and it's never ending war. Nothing but trauma..It's beautiful though."

Kaveh remembered Inazuma from Wanderer mentioning his past there..yea..he'll pass. "Yeaaa..No thank you."

Wanderer nodded his head then pointed to Mondstadt "Here is Mondstadt, the nation of freedom. Their god is absent but it's quite a peaceful city. They have some good people there, they host events quite a lot but the land instead is mostly just grass. Nothing attractive really." He shrugged then turned to face Kaveh "In my opinion I believe Mondstadt is the best pick for you. The people there are pretty excepting and I think you'll have a fine life there"

Kaveh listened carefully then looked down at the boy as he faced him. Kaveh smiled while giving a small head nod "..Thank you. Really..Thank you. I appreciate your help more than anything" he truly did..Nobody has ever helped him like this before. Well, 1 person has. But they had a price.. No, no more thinking about that. He rubbed Wanderer's head as his way of showing his appreciation. He didn't want to hug him or touch him too much since he had mentioned he didn't like being touched.

"No need to thank me, it's nothing. Besides, with an event like this..Everybody needs a little help. Even I got help, I'm forever in debt to Nahida.." Wanderer tilted his head down as Kaveh rubbed his head, he didn't seem to mind it yet didn't know how he should feel about it. "Anyway, I'll help you get there. You're ok with Mondstadt right?"

"Mhm" Kaveh nodded his head

"Then it's settled. Now, say we leave tonight? It's better to go at night then day"

"Sounds ok to me, but really. Thank you. I hope I get to see you again! I want to ask you to stay with me but you just started your life in Sumeru and it's going great! I wish you the best! Don't let anything get in your way, I know you can do this" Kaveh smiled then took a step back "After all! You're the bravest person I know!"

Wanderer fell silent..Kaveh's words of praise truly did have an effect on him..Words of comfort..he knew Kaveh was trying to comfort him based on his past..And goddamnit it worked. He wouldn't let that show of course "..Thank you" he kept a straight face yet it did soften quite a bit. "Oh, I have 1 more thing." He walked out then came back with Mehrak "He just followed, don't forget him while your in Mondstadt, your gonna need him"

"Mehrak!" Kaveh smiled, he kinda did forget because of everything that was going on. But at least he had him!

Kaveh and Wanderer's journey began once it turned completely dark out, and the people of Sumeru were fast asleep. They walked out together and chose to go through the forest. During their trip there the 2 boys opened up more, not just with angst stories but good memories too. They took their time visiting Liyue since they managed to pass through it, Wanderer asked if Kaveh wanted to stay but he stuck with Mondstadt. Finally after 3 amazing days..They arrived at Mondstadt. The gentle breeze...The dandelions that flowed with the wind..The grass following the direction in which it was blown..Kaveh was at Mondstadt. He turned to Wanderer with a smile as he pulled him in for a hug

"He—!" Wanderer was about to push him away yet stopped himself..This was him saying goodbye to Kaveh now. As much as he hated to admit it..He got rather attached.. Goddamnit well now he really had to come and visit Kaveh. He raised his arms to hug Kaveh back, the hug lasted a while but that was ok..Once they finally separated Wanderer faced back to Mondstadt "Goodbye Kaveh"

Kaveh excitedly took a step forward then turned around with a smile as a small laugh left his mouth "Cya Koa!"

Wanderer perked his head up at the name..Koa..That was the name Kaveh had given him..And now he'd hold onto it forever. He waved as Kaveh walked into Mondstadt, watching the blonde boy start his new life.. if they don't treat you right...I will turn this place into Khaenri'ah myself.

And with that..Kaveh's new life began in Mondstadt.

Kaveh x Alhaitham|| Angst+Fluff ||The Blood Spilt Flowerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें