Part 10

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[IM ALIVE- totallyyyy didn't speed write this just now]

The next morning Kaveh woke up from feeling the sun in his eyes..He didn't feel any weight on the bed so that must have meant Alhaitham got up already...He stretched his arms above his head as he threw his legs over the side of the bed, sitting up. Shortly after he fully stood up and walked into the bathroom where he brushed his hair and teeth yet decided to stay in his comfy clothes. He heard a rather familiar noise and turned around to see Mehrak "Oh! Come here!" He smiled since he was rather happy to see them, he knew he'd been neglecting Mehrak for a while now. "Well Good Morning buddy...Come now!". Mehrak looked excited and followed Kaveh as he walked into the living room where Alhaitham peeked out from the kitchen

"Oh, you're awake?"

Kaveh stared at him and crossed his arms "Nooooo I'm dead."  He rolled his eyes as he spoke with a sarcastic tone to rub in Alhaitham's so called stupidity "what does it look like?"

"Hm..Rude now are we? I'll deal with that later." Alhaitham went back into the kitchen where he was cooking breakfast for the both of them..Though..That got him thinking..He was changing for Kaveh..But was Kaveh changing? He knew better than anyone that wouldn't happen. It's not like he wanted Kaveh to change. He just wanted...To be in control of Kaveh. Dominate you could say. And he knew just what to do..Only a few 'lessons' is all it would take. Maybe even some 'small' discipline. Upon finishing he grabbed both there plates and set them down at the table "Kaveh, please come here"

Kaveh sat on the couch with Mehrak before looking over after hearing his name "yea?" He leaned in to see what Alhaitham wanted and saw the food and stuck his tongue out "Pass"

"Hm. I suppose I wasn't clear.." he placed his hand on the table, leaning against it while giving Kaveh a cold stare "Kaveh. Come here." He demanded

"No-" Kaveh looked away crossing his arms, seeming highly uninterested.

"Seriously..?" Alhaitham sighed and decided to try another method. He walked over and picked up Kaveh, only for Mehrak to bump into him as an 'attempt' to make Alhaitham let Kaveh go "Uhm..." Another problem? What a drag... he re-positioned Kaveh by throwing him over his shoulder then grabbed Mehrak and threw him into a near by closet "Hm."

"Hey! What are you—- MY BABY!!!" Kaveh kicked his legs, hitting Alhaitham lightly on his back "Let him out!!!"

...I feel like a dad.. "Uh, no. Let's call it a timeout for him. As for you.." He walked back over to the table and sat Kaveh down, standing right in front of him "Well?"

Kaveh pushed the plate away and scoffed "I don't want it!"

"Oh come on! When's the last time you ate!"

"Last ni—-"

"Wine doesn't count."


"Not to me" Alhaitham grabbed the fork and stabbed into the waffle, shoving it into Kaveh's mouth "Don't doubt me Mr. When I said I was going to take care of you I meant it. And that means eating too."

Kaveh jerked his head back as he squirmed around in his chair making muffled noises

"Don't talk with your mouth full" he pushed his finger up against Kaveh's chin to keep his mouth closed while he watched the blonde chew "Wasn't that bad hm?" He could tell by the boys facial expression that he loved it..Or maybe he liked being baby'd...Either way, he was adorable no matter what he did in Alhaitham's eyes

Once Kaveh swallowed he looked at Alhaitham then at the food a few times slowly until Alhaitham finally stabbed into the food again and held it out for Kaveh

"I didn't know you were into this.." Alhaitham mumbled, trying to put together quite a lot. This was his first time actually getting to know Kaveh as more than his argumentative roommate. By now he realized that Kaveh truly was a child..He was robbed of his childhood and Alhaitham had known all about it. He always thought he'd have to try hard for Kaveh when really it was simple, all he had to do was small simple things that even made children happy..All the blonde wanted was attention and love. The most important thing for a child. Of course he knew Kaveh wasn't a child. He was very much a man. That's another thing with children, it's ok for them to be childish, there simply being themselves. But what they don't want is to be treated like one, they need to be taken seriously. They are very aware of what they're capable of and can take, actions are different then feelings. They can act like a child all they want but don't want to be treated as one or treated differently than others. You treat them how you would treat any other person, but accept their personality and energy. He was willing to do anything for Kaveh...

Kaveh x Alhaitham|| Angst+Fluff ||The Blood Spilt FlowerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora