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The gentle welcoming breeze of Mondstadt blew through the 4's hair, the light grass following below..It all felt so homey...Collei stood there with her mouth dropped open with pure excitement. Everything about Mondstadt always made her so happy. Amber ran up behind Collei, throwing her arms around her "Collei!"

"Amber!" Collei squealed, turning her body around to embrace Amber

"How have you been?" Amber smiled, taking a few steps back to break the hug "oh? Is this Cyno and Tighnari? It's nice to finally meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you to Amber" Tighnari gave a small wave while he looked around, enjoying the scenery

Cyno gave a slight head nod before holding his hand out "Thank you for making Collei happy"

"It's no big deal! Collei is amazing! I'm happy to see her whenever I can!" Amber shook Cyno's hand before turning her attention to Tighnari "Oh? Do you like the scenery? I can take you sightseeing later!"

Tighnari turned his head to Amber, quickly dismissing the offer "No it's quite alright! Collei's here for you so I want you guys to hang out"

"I see, and whose this? I don't think I've heard about you before" Amber looked at Alhaitham who stood there bored out of his mind

"That's Alhaitham, he's our friend. He wanted to tag along" Tighnari nudged Alhaitham with his elbow as he gave a smile

"You forced me to come-" Alhaitham placed his hand over Tighnari's face, pushing him away as if he was an annoying child

"So mean..Miss your afternoon nap or something?"

"...they're always like this." Collei leaned in, whispering to Amber

"I see.." Amber let out a fake laugh yet dismissed it "You guys are right on time for Mondstadts windblume festival! We're so happy to have you here!"

"Thank you for having us" Cyno mumbled, he really wasn't all that interested..unless it involved TCG.

"Oh cmon we just got here and you guys are already bored? Tighnari groaned

"Maybe later I can take you all to the sea!" Amber exclaimed

"...Say...You'll take us to 'sea' the sea?...heh..get it? Sea?" Cyno smiled seeming rather proud of his joke

"...Bye." Tighnari turned around, swiftly walking away "Cya later.'." he spoke with a dead-ish tone, he absolutely wasn't having it with Cyno's jokes anymore.

"Uh...Hey wait!" Cyno called out, running after Tighnari "cmon did you 'sea' what I did there!"

"GO AWAY!" Tighnari picked up his pace now running, he wanted that man FAR away

"Ok then." Alhaitham shrugged, he decided to stay there since he didn't know what else to do. Cyno and Tighnari finally came back although Cyno had a slap mark on his face... "what happened-"

"...He grabbed me. Tighnari growled, shooting a dirty look at Cyno

"So mean...I always grab you!"

"IT'S INSTINCT- if you're gonna run after me and grab me by my waist of course I'm gonna slap you! Especially since you threatened to tickle me so hell NO."

"Mk lovers, what are we doing?" Alhaitham leaned over the bridges watching the ducks swim around and the fish leap out the water.. The windmills slowly spinning atop the buildings, and the never ending grass fields..This place was so peaceful..It was almost an emptier version of Sumeru.

"Well, let's go have fun!" Amber and Collei took off and So Tighnari, Alhaitham, and Cyno went to all the vendors and fun activities there were for the festival. Tighnari watched as Cyno both lost and won at TCG, and Alhaitham who took pictures and notes about everything and everywhere. Tighnari was glad he liked it, for once Alhaitham could actually enjoy himself. Everything was great!

As it got later they decided to stop by a bar, like what they did back in Sumeru! The sky was black, beautiful stars spread across the sky with faint lights and fireflies everywhere, even a few fireworks were set off! They made there way into Dawn winery where a voice called out

"Welcome to Dawn Winery! Please take a seat and I'll be right with you!"

The winery was beautiful, it was busy, tons of chatter, happy customers, even a drunken bard who seemed to be fighting with a red haired man. Their eyes fell on a man who walked around carrying drinks to tables. He made conversations with the people around him and even walked around singing gently. As he dropped off drinks he'd turn around and dance with some of the people who stood up, he'd spin them around, dip them, then be off. The boy sang and danced flawlessly...his voice was perfect for the vibe of the place..

"Somebody must love his job" Tighnari joked

"Tell me about it" Cyno, Tighnari and Alhaitham all continued to watch.

The boys slowly made their way to a table "...Wannnaaaaa play a round of TCG?" Cyno pulled out his cards placing it on the table

"Seriously? Now?" Tighnari groaned


A loud bang caught their attention, they turned to see the man up on the table dancing with a blue-ish haired boy with a wine bottle in hand. They both sang and danced together, The blue haired boy playing a lyre while saying small poems...As for the red headed man who seemed to be the boss of the place watched the boys in front of him and sighed "Seriously."

"Oh cmon Diluc! Don't be such a downer!" The man who sung and danced with the people of the winery was a beautiful blonde..His hair half up in a ponytail, and half down. His hair was long and fluffy with flowers decorated into it. His outfit showed the outline of his body which made him rather an attractive man..His personality caught the attention of all those around him. He smiled at Diluc before grabbing his hand, pulling him atop the table

"Your not gonna die by having a little bit of fun Master Diluc" the bard said through a small laugh

"No no no." Diluc turned around, ready to get off the table until the blonde pulled him back, slowly spinning himself around the red haired man's body while singing a soft tune

Alhaitham hadn't said a word..His entire attention was fixated on the blonde boy..His hair was beautiful..his smile seen from across the room..quite an attraction..

Cyno and Tighnari smiled while watching the blonde "Mondstadt is so full of life" Tighnari's tail tapped against his chair, his attention turning back to Cyno "Anyway. Shall we start?"

For the past 30 minutes the 3 of them all played TCG until Alhaitham pushed his chair out "Excuse me, I have to use the restroom" he stood up and the moment he turned to walk towards the bathroom he was immediately put to a stop where he was now face to face with someone a little shorter than him..The boy in front was a beautiful blonde long haired boy who stared right back at Alhaitham..


Kaveh x Alhaitham|| Angst+Fluff ||The Blood Spilt FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now