Part 9

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"That's ok...Cause..I like you."

"What?" A shocked expression painted onto Kaveh's face. "Your messing with me right? There's no way. Real funny Alhaitham.."

"I'm serious."

"Look me dead in the face and say it!" Kaveh started to panic, he didn't know if he should cry or be calm about this situation. Please no please no please no!!!

He's lyinggg~..Why would somebody like you? What a joke. Remember what happened last time you opened up your heart to him. That's how this whole thing started! Alhaitham doesn't like you...he just wants to think he's the hero in this situation. Think about it. If none of this never happened..What would he be like? He most certainly would be the same wouldnt he? Heh. What a fool you are Kaveh, sweet little gullible Kaveh. Sumeru's belived architect whose used at any given himself to death just to be praised...when really..they don't care. They just want to use your hard work then fuck you over. Be logical Kaveh..Listen to me..Not your heart. Or you'll end up like your precious Father.

Alhaitham rubbed Kaveh's cheek, looking him straight in his eyes "I love you Kaveh..So much..I'm sorry I've been so neglectant..I really am" he looked a bit worried judging off the way Kaveh was acting "If you need time that's ok..!"

Kaveh pushed Alhaitham away, immediately sitting up "...It'll pass." He said shakily. "I can't...I CAN'T DO THIS!" He got off the bed, his hand gripped on the clothing over his chest

Alhaitham sat up, reaching his hand over to Kaveh "I love you Kaveh."

Kaveh grabbed hold of his hair, slightly pulling it out of stress "please don't..I can't I can't I can't I can't I CANT!"

Alhaitham moved over to Kaveh, pinning him against the wall, his arm going behind to make Kaveh's back arch in as he slammed there faces together. Kissing Kaveh softly, the more Kaveh struggled the more he kissed Kaveh harder. He pulled away while bringing his hand up to hold Kaveh's face "I love you Kaveh."

"Are you kidding me!? What is wrong with you!" He yelled backing away, his whole face covered in a deep blush

"I love you Kaveh."

"You don't!"

Alhaitham grabbed Kaveh by his shoulders, pulling him in to hold him once more, his hand holding the back of Kaveh's head to support it while pushing it down to rest on his shoulder "I love you Kaveh."

Kaveh stood there with his shaking body, allowing himself to cry

"..." Alhaitham held on tighter to the blonde, kissing his head "Kaveh..You need some help..A lot of help.. I want to be there for it all. Either you like it or not..I'm not leaving you. Not again." He placed his head into Kaveh's neck, his hand rubbing up and down the other's back. "Starting now I'm taking care of you since you clearly can't handle yourself..You've been alone far too long..please rely on me. You don't have to do this all at once, we'll work together on this. One step at a time. Alright..?" He lifted his head up, lightly cupping Kaveh's "Look at me" he waited patiently until Kaveh finally looked at him "You are enough..You are smart..You are beautiful..your not trash..You are enough. Say it.."

Kaveh wiped his face, slowly tilting his head up to look at Alhaitham, a light blush spreading across his pitiful face. "I..I don't.."

"It's ok..You can do it.."

Kaveh but his lip, taking small breaths to calm himself down before hesitantly speaking "I'm enough.."

"Good..Good boy.." he gave Kaveh a gentle smile, putting both their heads together "I'm so proud of you.."

Kaveh x Alhaitham|| Angst+Fluff ||The Blood Spilt FlowerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu