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Sumeru was quiet...

"Whose Kaveh?"

"Oh that's a shame."

"That's so horrible what happened to that poor boy!"

"I wonder what happened..."


"Oh well."

"Kaveh? Our Kaveh? There's no way.."

"You're joking right?...tell me you're joking!"

Most people wondered who Kaveh was, others felt horrible about the accident, those who knew him needed a moment to collect themselves...

Once Cyno and Tighnari heard the news they came running to the scene.

"WHERE IS HE!" Tighnari yelled upon getting there. "This isn't funny! You're all lying!"

Cyno placed his hand on Tighnari's back "Hey hey..calm down.." he looked over and ripped off the caution tape while walking over to the paramedics...

Tighnari followed, once a few paramedics moved out of the way all that was seen was a burnt body and ripped/burned clothes..It was disgusting..a horrible sight...Tighnari's ears fell down.. His tail gone flat..He took a few steps back as he used both hands to cover his mouth "Kaveh..."

Cyno winced at the sight...What he didn't understand was that most of the damage was inflicted on him and the rest of the forest was fine..Only a small spot was burnt. Nothing spreaded..he looked at Tighnari to check on him..He knew this was horrible and tough on him so he covered his eyes "Don't look ok.." he turned his own head away from the body..Cyno never showed any signs of being upset before..But this made his whole body shake to the core. He could even feel Tighnari shake and his discomfort.

"This...This isn't—" Tighnari mumbled. He shook his head to uncover his eyes then ran forward to hug Kaveh's body "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" He cried out, holding Kaveh's body tightly..Despite the dangers of holding a dead body such as this he didn't care..It was Kaveh. Not some fucking disease...he was his friend..."Fuck you! Fuck you! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! GODDAMNIT BRING HIM BACK!" Tighnari screamed through cries. "This isn't fair! He didn't deserve this!"

Cyno broke at the sight of Tighnari crying. He didn't manage to cry but if you took a look at his face it was nothing other than sadness..guilt..regret..Nobody really knows what they have till it's gone. Cyno and Tighnari loved Kaveh and his company..only now did they want that more than ever..and now they could never have it back. Cyno swore he'd kill whoever did it..if somebody did it that is..The case was named unknown. "How's Alhaitham going to deal with this.."

Upon Cyno's words he remembered Alhaitham...They were dating..How was this going to settle with him?.. "Where even is he.." Tighnari wiped his face to try and stop crying..Not that he wanted to stop..It was ok to cry during times such as this. Tighnari pressed his face against the side of Kaveh's "I'm so sorry..,I'm so so sorry Kaveh..."


It's been a few weeks..Cyno and Tighnari had a get together with Alhaitham..They found out about the break up..Kaveh getting kicked out..The whole fight. Tighnari and Cyno still had trouble adjusting to Kaveh's death..Alhaitham hadn't been seen around Sumeru nor had he bothered to show up for work half the time. Nobody knew how he felt about the situation...Finally came the day of the funeral..Most of Sumeru came..The later it got, the more people that left. The ones who didn't leave were Cyno, Tighnari, Collei, Faruzan, and Alhaitham... The ones who stood by Kaveh's decorated grave, talking about all there memories together and there feelings..But how are they supposed to truly feel when the one who was supposed to be 6 feet under was actually behind them..against a tree..watching the entire funeral.

Kaveh x Alhaitham|| Angst+Fluff ||The Blood Spilt FlowerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum