Part 4

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Kaveh looked up at Alhaitham, only giving him a cold stare. He stood there even with Alhaitham holding him close. "Alhaitham." He wanted to hug him back. He wanted to forgive him. But he didn't want to fall for another empty promise... "I don't want to rely on you ever again." he lightly pushed Alhaitham back then took a few steps backwards "I'm going to start relying only on myself, i need to stop going to you since all i do is bother you then i give you all the more reason to hate me!" he gripped onto his shirt, his head looking off to the side while letting out a sigh "Look. Why don't we..Just be roommates..Nothing more. No talking, no eating together, no unnecessary interactions, nothing. Just pretend I'm not here and everything will be ok..right..?" he bit his lip then looked up so he wouldn't cry, upon looking back down he shook his head then ran his fingers through his hair "It would be like i don't exist. I'm sorry I've lived with you this long, but I'm trying my best. I know I don't say this often but I appreciate you Alhaitham. So freaking much. Everyday, all day that's all I think about. I look up to you so fucking much, you took me in when nobody else would, sure i'm a pain in the ass and I know that..and..i'm sorry. I appreciate everything you've done for me up until now with my whole life. I know we are not as close as we used to be, sure people can say it just happens but I partially blame myself that we were not as close. I mean, with the way you treat me it's pretty self explanatory don't you think? So. I don't exist to you anymore. I won't talk to you, and i know its a dream come true for you to avoid me. I'm sorry that I'll still be living here but I'll do everything for myself. I'll stay out as much as possible. But just know that I love you Alhaitham..Well.. loved you." he looked back and to his surprise Alhaitham's face and character completely broke..the only thing you could read off his facial expression was fear and sadness..maybe refusal? As if he didn't want to believe what was happening or what he was hearing.

"No." Alhaitham mumbled before grabbing Kaveh again, holding him tightly so he wouldn't try and back away again "Shut the fuck up! Don't you dare say that!" he yelled. He buried his face into Kaveh's shoulder, his body trembling "If you apologize again i'll beat the shit out of you I swear.." he spoke as his voice started to break, though of course he didnt actually mean what he said, he'd never do such a thing.. His hand began trailing up and down Kaveh's back "No, just no. I can't do that. I refuse to just simply ignore you. Kaveh. I need you. It's not a want. It's a need. I know I get annoyed by you, by everything you do. But whenever you act weird or different then usual or ever when you're gone! I can't stand it! I hate it with a passion! I find myself wanting you back the way you were and just you in person. Kaveh please don't do this alone. Don't put that burden on yourself. I know what you're like when you're stressed and I can't say it's very pretty.." He raised his hand up to hold Kaveh's cheek, slightly rubbing it with his thumb then tucked Kaveh's hair behind his ear "I really want to start over..I know we cant change at once so..Lets take our steps y'know?" His mind circled back to when Kaveh said he loved him, he looked a bit shocked especially when Kaveh said loved to correct himself after he said love. "Kaveh? What do you mean"

Kaveh made a hmpf! Like noise at the action of Alhaitham pulling him in again, both their bodies pressed tightly against each other. "No?" he tilted his head when Alhaitham bluntly said no. His eyes widened at Alhaitham's sudden yell, he heard the exact tone of how hurt Alhaitham sounded as he placed his face into Kaveh's neck. "I..Im sorry" he didn't know what else to do, what else to say. As Alhaitham's voice started to break, Kaveh wanted to grab his face and wipe away his tears if he was in fact crying, but he knew Alhaitham wouldn't want to be seen like that.. Kaveh was slightly comforted by Alhaitham rubbing his back, what a big pity party the two of them were least it was together. Alhaitham went on to say how he needed Kaveh, basically saying he craved Kaveh, his life unimaginable without him, and how he needed Kaveh to act how he normally does so he wouldn't have to worry about him. Yes it was true that it was easy to tell if something was wrong with Kaveh but Alhaitham never seemed to care, or so that's how he acted. Maybe he did..deep down.. But by this confession perhaps it is true he cares.. Kaveh felt a light blush spread across his face as Alhaitham gently held and rubbed his cheek then tucking away his hair. The more he thought about it and the more sweet talk Alhaitham gave he felt his face go redder and redder..and right as Alhaitham questioned Kaveh about when he said he 'loved him' his eyes widened as his body jolted up straight as a reddish liquid shot out from his mouth..and not far behind he gagged out a flower petal...And with was back.

Kaveh x Alhaitham|| Angst+Fluff ||The Blood Spilt FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now