Part 3

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Finally came morning..Kaveh woke up in his bed, taking a moment to adjust. He sat at the edge with his elbows on his thighs and his hands up to hold his head while he rested it. He remembered the night before and only shrugged about it. After his outburst Alhaitham went silent and only his footsteps were heard "At Least he left." he mumbled. Perhaps about an hour after Alhaitham walked away from the door Kaveh left the bathroom after cleaning up then returned to his own room. He got up and stretched his body out, not even taking the time to get dressed for the day. He decided to work from home that day. After all he could just say he was finishing a project. The odd thing was that..Kaveh didn't feel sick at all. Normally every morning he'd have that anxious feeling in his stomach and it only grew. Well, that depended actually.. But this morning he felt completely fine. He walked out of his room and into the kitchen to get some coffee. After making himself a cup he went to turn around but the moment he did he saw somebody leaning against the counter staring at him..It was Alhaitham.. He's supposed to be at work. He thought, Kaveh only stared back with a blank expression, he didn't care. Nor was he bothered. He raised his cup to take a sip without breaking eye contact. 

"Kaveh, about last night." he spoke with a hesitant tone, it was as if he knew what he wanted to talk about yet did not have the words for it.

 "Hm? What about it." he kept the cup pressed against his mouth, slightly raising an eyebrow.

 "What do you mean, what about it? I mean everything. Do you..want to talk about it? I really think we should. We always talk about our problems, you know this Kaveh. Come on now, take a seat. Please-" Alhaitham walked to the couch, taking a seat while waiting for Kaveh to join him.

 Kaveh moved his cup down, in front of his chest and spun the coffee inside around a bit while watching it, his head tilted down "I'm quite alright." 

Alhaitham's face went blank, normally Kaveh would want to talk about it, if anything he would be all over Alhaitham. But this morning Kaveh just stared at Alhaitham with no emotion, he had a sarcastic-ish calm voice, you could say it was one of those voices where you can't tell their real tone or feelings, Kaveh just didn't seem to care. What's up with him? "Mm..I see. Well I insist. I want to know Kaveh. What happened last night, what's wrong with you, why are you acting differently this morning,, please. Talk to me Kaveh. I swear I'm listening, I'll listen to all of it." He really wanted to get to the bottom of this. yet, was it that he truly cared? or was he just trying to feed his curiosity.

"If you were listening then you would have heard me say I didn't want to" he tilted his head up for a second then looked back at his coffee "Why do you care anyway? You never cared to listen, nor do you care at all. You're just curious. This is exactly what I mean Alhaitham. You're selfish. You don't care to listen or care to fix it! You just want to know what you want to know!" he sounded a bit offended and even showed it with his facial expression that he was bothered and slightly mad. "You don't get it."

 "What am I not getting Kaveh?! Tell me! Tell me so I can understand! I've tried being nice about this but if you're going to stay the same and be difficult, acting like a toddler then I'll just go for it! What the HELL happened last night, why can't I know, why did you shut me out, and WHAT did you mean in your outburst?! Do you really hate me? Or are you just saying that for dramatic effect? If you really feel that way then you can leave. The door is right there. And me? Selfish? You're such a child. I gave up my personal space FOR. YOU. You ungrateful little BRAT."

 "AND THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM! ALL YOU DO IS YELL AT ME! AND IF YOU CAN'T YOU FIND A REASON. EVERYTHING I DO IS A DISAPPOINTMENT TO YOU. WHY SHOULD I BREAK MYSELF JUST TO GET THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF APPROVAL, OF PRAISE FROM YOU. SO WHAT IF I'M CHILDISH?! OR THROW A FIT OVER NOTHING. I CAN'T HELP THAT! YOU ACT LIKE I CHOSE HOW I WANT TO BE. HOW I WANT TO ACT. ALL YOU KNOW HOW TO DO IS DEGRADE AND CRITICIZE ME. I'LL TALK ABOUT SOMETHING I'M PASSIONATE ABOUT AND YOU KNOW EXACTLY HOW TO PUT ME DOWN AND RUIN IT. ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS YOURSELF! ALL YOU CAN DO IS TALK ABOUT YOURSELF AND YOUR STILL DOING IT! IV HAD IT! YOU HATE ME SO ADMIT IT! SAY IT! I WANT TO HEAR YOU SAY IT!..You've never given a damn..SO STOP FUCKING WITH ME!" he slammed his cup onto the table then slammed his hands onto the surface. "Are my feelings really that unimportant to you where you always think i'm faking?..That I'm just doing it for attention? Because goddamnit im not. What's going on in my life is none of your concern. I shut you out because I'm so goddamn scared of you knowing. Simply JUST because I'm scared of YOU! EVERYDAY! EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. You scare the hell out of me! Cause I know anything I do you will find a way to make me hate myself. I don't even have to talk! I'll just be walking and you ALWAYS have something negative to say! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!" Kaveh's breath started to hesitate again, he tried to hold back crying since he didn't want to show any weakness. Not right now. Not in front of him.

Alhaitham immediately fell silent. He's seen Kaveh flip out yet this felt different. It felt if he was holding this in for a long time now..Yet there was that small feeling where he felt as if Kaveh was still holding back. He realized that Kaveh truly does go through a lot..He came to ME for help..and i broke him. Holy shit I killed him..! Alhaitham moved his hand up to his mouth "Kaveh..I–.." he stuttered. He had nothing to say. he had no arguement. All he felt was realization and guilt. His body began to tremble slightly. He slowly stood up, wanting to get closer to Kaveh. Holy hell how he wanted to apologize. He wanted to hug him, say sorry till he couldn't no more, touch him... He watched as Kaveh turned around to walk away and quickly ran forward, grabbing his arm and pulling him back and close to his chest with one hand holding his head and the other on his back "I'm sorry..Im sorry.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Shit im sorry..!" his voice started to break up, his grip tightening on Kaveh "Your right. God Kaveh your right. I have been selfish. I've never considered your feelings. I've always been so rough on you, you begged for the slightest bit of approval from me and all I did was hurt you, repeatedly. I hurt fucking. bad..I'm sorry I've done all that to you. Please, you may not believe me but if you give me one more chance I swear I'll be better. I want to be better. I want to give you the help you wanted in the beginning. Kaveh I'v been horrible to you..please..let me help you now.."

Kaveh x Alhaitham|| Angst+Fluff ||The Blood Spilt FlowerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora